We want to give a shout out to Dibros Design and Construction for doing a very special project for a local resident. Luis Diaz of Dibros Design and Construction, has been instrumental in helping a family in need get a much needed renovation.
Please take the time to read about this family's need and contribute in any way that you can. Also please take the time to give Dibros Corp a shout out on their facebook wall :)

The Story
Aaliyah Westbrook is a 17 year old girl with cerebral palsy. She lives in Gainesville, FL. with her mother, grandmother and mom's new husband in a small home with the only full bathroom and all bedrooms being upstairs. Aaliyah uses a wheelchair and has to be carried up the stairs for bathing and to go to her bedroom. This is quite taxing on the family. They are in desperate need of a bedroom and wheelchair accessible bathroom downstairs.
Aaliyah's mother, Terri Cook Bailey, gave birth to Aaliyah prematurely on October 23rd, 1997. As soon as Aaliyah was born, she took one breath, lost consciousness and proceeded to have a grand mal seizure. Terri was told that Aaliyah probably wouldn't make it through her first night. Aaliyah was fighting for her life. She got stronger everyday and was able to come home 9 days later. But what Terri didn't know, is that Aaliyah would be affected by cerebral palsy for the rest of her life. As Aaliyah has gotten older and grown, it has been increasingly difficult for her family to take care of her needs, due to their home not being appropriately accessible. They need help. This family has inspired others daily, by their grace, patience and love. Terri is tirelessly involved in her community and has volunteered for many community organizations. Now it is time for Gainesville to give back to this wonderful family.
Dibros Design and Construction of Gainesville and Builder's Association of North Central Florida are coming together with teams of volunteers that are going to provide raw material and their personal time to help with this project. The half bath downstairs is going to be expanded and a roll-in shower added. A wall will be taken out and a bedroom will be added. The original estimate for this project was $40,000. With the help of these wonderful people, that cost has come down significantly, but we still need funds for permits and other raw materials. We would also like to provide Aaliyah with a medical bed that can be raised and lowered.
Whether you live in Gainesville or not, your help is needed! PLEASE share this with those that would contribute to help improve Aaliyah's quality of life! This project brings the community at large together by helping a family in need. You can make a huge difference in another person's life by simply giving a donation of whatever you can afford. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
*Donations can also be made at Paypal. Send a donation through your Paypal account to: clementinedesigns@yahoo.com.
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Clean out your closets and give or sell
used items to someone who needs them.
WHY? Saves resources that made those items, re-uses or recycles them into further use, reduces the cost to buy "new," and saves landfill space. This is an especially good time of year to donate to those less fortunate.
HOW? If you have large or small quantities of used or surplus building materials or large household items, post them on craiglist.com. Give clothing, toys or sporting goods to local charities.
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