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We are lucky enough to have worked with the Florida School of Traditional Midwifery in the past, and now we get to do it again! They have grown so much over the last years that they needed to add more classrooms and guess who gets to put in awesome Shaw carpet tiles? That's right, INDIGOGreen is supplying these beautiful versatile carpet tiles for their next big project. 


The mission of the Florida School of Traditional Midwifery is to offer the finest in direct-entry midwifery education in an environment that encourages students to reach their full potential.  We believe that it is our responsibility to promote awareness of and access to midwifery services.  Our graduates are community builders who use midwifery as their tool.

  • FSTM is committed to providing quality educational programs for those who share our desire to provide the best care for childbearing women and their families. Graduates of our midwifery program are eligible to become Florida Licensed Midwives (LM) and Certified Professional Midwives (CPM).
  • FSTM is a Not-for-Profit 501(c)3 corporation organized under Florida law and licensed by The Florida Commission for Independent Education. We offer direct-entry midwifery educational programs which are based on combining the art of traditional midwifery with today's knowledge of medical science.
  • FSTM's students' clinical experiences take place in a variety of home birth practices, community-based birth centers, clinics and hospitals located throughout Florida. Our goal at FSTM is to educate and prepare students to become skilled, caring midwives who will be available to serve women and families in their communities.
  • Upon graduation, midwifery students will receive a Diploma from FSTM and are eligible to sit for the state licensed midwifery examination. The State of Florida utilizes the North American Registry of Midwives (NARM) national examination for this purpose. Upon passing this exam, graduates are eligible to practice as Licensed Midwives (LM) in Florida. They are also eligible to become nationally certified through NARM as Certified Professional Midwives (CPM).
Check them out here!



Richlite Company, a manufacturer of paper-based countertops, offers a collection of warm and natural-feeling surface materials that breathe new life into the kitchen, bath and office. Richlite's� unique paper surfaces bring a soft and comfortable ambience to a room that's rarely achieved through cold, hard stone and plastic solid surfaces. It's made from environmentally sustainable resources and is an attractive, durable, long-lasting material that complements a variety of design tastes.

Richlite� is made primarily of paper purchased from FSC-Certified sources and/or recycled paper. The paper is treated with resin then pressed and baked to create solid sheets.

Richlite� is different in a natural and better kind of way. The same material has been used for decades by the aerospace industry for tooling, the marine industry for fiberglass reinforcement and the action sports industry for outdoor skate ramp surfaces. It's beautiful, unquestionably durable and will last for years.

Please call INDIGOGreen for pricing.


Keeping Cool...and Green

While good ol' ventilation is still the most environmentally-friendly and cost effective way to cool your home, not everyone is lucky enough to have lots of windows placed strategically to catch the least bit of cross breeze.

Air conditioning accounts for 14 percent of America's home electricity use, and most of that electricity comes from coal. So when the weather warms up we should do everything we can to conserve energy as we keep cool. That means treating our air conditioners the same way we treat other energy-demanding appliances: by using them wisely and keeping them running efficiently. 

Here are some tips to help:
  • Invest in an energy-efficient air conditioner. If you're buying a new air conditioner, choose one for maximum energy efficiency. New air conditioners come labeled with an Energy Efficiency Rating (EER), a standard that lets you calculate how much electricity the air conditioner will consume. The higher the EER, the less it will cost you to operate the appliance to achieve the same level of cooling.
  • Avoid overcooling. Don't use or buy more cooling equipment capacity than you actually need. If you decide on central air conditioning, select the most energy-efficient unit that will cool the size space you have. Bigger is not better. A larger unit than you need will cost more to run and may not remove enough humidity from the air, the feature that some consumers like most about air conditioners.
  • Keep your cooling system well tuned. Have it professionally maintained, and ask how the energy efficiency of the system may be increased. Remember to replace the air filter regularly.
  • Install a whole-house ventilating fan. This can be put in your attic or in an upstairs window to cool the house, even if you have central air conditioning. According to Consumer Reports, a big fan working under the right conditions can cool and ventilate an entire house for about the energy cost of running an air conditioner in one room.
  • Set your thermostat as high as possible. 78 degrees Farenheit is often recommended as a reasonably comfortable and energy-efficient indoor temperature.
  • Draw the blinds. Reduce the need for the A/C by keeping shades drawn, especially on south-facing windows.
  • Program the thermostat. Set the thermostat higher during the day when no one is in your house or apartment.
Check out the full article here. 
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