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Calibamboo is on our site! Check them out here :) 


Allison Ables is the fastest growing provider of real estate services in Gainesville, Florida and Alachua County.

They are an energetic group of entrepreneurs and real estate fanatics. Their formula is simple - top-notch customer service, advanced technology, and passionate people.

Allison Ables works very differently than our competitors. At Allison Ables their employees and sales agents work together as a team to provide the fastest response times and best customer service possible. They are here from 9am to 6pm, seven days a week, to answer your e-mail, take your call and even chat online.


Every day they use their market knowledge, insight, and resources to help customers make informed real estate decisions. Their agents have years of experience in the neighborhoods they serve and are active members of the localstate, and  national Realtor� associations.


Whats more? INDIGOGreen's very own Liberty Phoenix Lord is an agent with Allison Ables! Contact her by clicking here  if you want a local professional to help in your real estate transactions. 


Samples are in! Schedule a time to come by and check out these incredible floors! Price range is great and installation types are a plenty. And....wait for it....Freight IS INCLUDED! (to a commercial site). Check it out here. 



We know this is a little early, but it's never to early to prepare for allergy season in Gainesville! 


Our number one suggestion is to purchase non-toxic products for your homes. Any products ranging from cleaning products, bedding, furniture, flooring, paints, adhesives, clothing, you name it! If you purchase products that are not non-toxic your immune system has to battle those products instead of staying strong to fight allergy season (and a million other reasons, but we are trying to stay on topic :). Buy used furniture when possible.


Kick Seasonal Allergies Naturally


Spring's here, the trees and flowers are bursting into bloom, and you're spending more time outside enjoying the sun. But hours later you start to sneeze and cough, your eyes water, and soon you have other cold-like symptoms. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA), you�€™re one of nearly 40 million Americans who have indoor/outdoor allergies that show up as the seasons change. 

The not-so-great news for allergy sufferers: trees and grasses - the biggest culprits of seasonal allergies - are blossoming earlier and sticking around longer because of climate change. This means allergy season is getting longer, too! 

If you're a seasonal sufferer who's looking for ways to treat allergies other than medication, here are some tips for natural relief: 

  • First, get tested for regional allergies. The seasonal allergies you have depend upon  where you live and what kind of allergens are in the air. If you live in an area with high humidity, your allergic reaction will likely be stronger as pollen thrives in these areas. Getting tested for allergies can help you determine what's causing your symptoms and how best to treat them.
  • Some allergy specialists suggest that your diet plays a role in controlling symptoms. If you suffer from weed pollen allergies, what you don't eat can make a difference.  New York University allergist Dr. Clifford Bassett recommends avoiding melon, banana, cucumber, sunflower seeds, chamomile, and any herbal supplements containing Echinacea, as these can make symptoms much worse. Click here to check out more tips about foods and herbs like garlic and 'butterbur' that may help relieve or ward off symptoms.
  • Some experts swear by nasal rinses to wash out the allergens that get in your nose. Irrigation with neti pots, hydrating irrigating units, and squeeze bottles are becoming more mainstream - some experts think the treatment is even more effective than medication! Nasal irrigation - rinsing the nose and nasal passages, typically with a
    salt water solution - is a cheap and easy way to alleviate allergy symptoms. You can even do
    the rinse yourself at home. Check out this how-to video from the University of Michigan Health System.
  • Clean your home regularly to reduce indoor allergies. Twenty percent of Americans have not just one, but two kinds of allergies, so staying indoors isn't always the best option when you're trying to escape those irritants. Check out our green tips for cleaning your home in an eco-friendly way and make sure to get rid of all of those dust mites that make you sneeze.


Sadly, all the tissues you do end up using during allergy season can't be recycled - used tissues just aren't recyclable, despite being paper product. So consider buying tissues and toilet paper made from recycled paper or use a cloth handkerchief. 

What are the Top Green Stories? Click here to find out!  

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