
Green New Years Resolutions that are actually attainable!
The best resolutions are challenging but attainable- and set with a steadfast commitment to success.
For those of us striving for a greener lifestyle, the Huffington Post has offered up some great eco-friendly goals:
Buy less bottled water: Invest in a BPA-free, reusable hard bottle and drink from the tap. If you're weary about water from the faucet, buy a tap-filter or pitcher-filter for home and a filtered water bottle for the road.
Stick with reusable shopping bags: While plastic bags can be recycled in theory, only 1% actually are in the U.S. Store reusable bags in your car so you're less likely to forget them on your next trip to the store.
Eat less meat: From the farm to the table, meat has a heavy impact on the environment. About 634 gallons of water are used to produce just one hamburger and if each American cut meat and cheese from their diet for just one day a week, it would be equivalent to taking 7.6 million cars off the road.
Reduce Paper Waste: At this point, we know the importance of recycling paper products but we should also be proactive in reducing our demand. By opting out of paper bills and subscribing to digital magazines and newspapers instead of paper ones, we can cut down on our individual paper waste.
Drink from a reusable mug: American office workers use about 500 disposable cups per person very year. The simple act of keeping a mug at the office can reduce this number significantly.
See more at: http://codegreen.harrahsblogs.com/make-a-green-new-years-resolution/#sthash.tOAeaF2j.dpuf
Kail Partners is owned by Design Team Daniel and Ludivine Kail. Daniel is a graduate of Columbia University and Georgia Institute of Technology and Ludivine graduated from Georgia State University.Kail Partners is owned by Design Team Daniel and Ludivine Kail. Daniel is a graduate of Columbia University and Georgia Institute of Technology and Ludivine graduated from Georgia State University.
The Architectural Services provided are from schematic design through construction administration and warranty periods. We provide Architectural and Interiors Services from schematic design through construction administration and warranty periods.
Design work is completed as a team of You, Ludivine and Danny. We are real listeners and seek your input constantly throughout each phase of a project.
We also understand the construction process and have many years of experience helping Clients and Contractors achieve the goals of the project in a fair and highly cooperative manner.
Kail Partners LLC
Daniel Kail
Ludivine Kail
Ludivine has been INDIGOGreen's Interior Designer for 4 years and has been able to incorporate incredible style with all the green features.
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 Top Green New Year's Eve Party Tips
- Beat the crowds
There's a certain excitement to being out in a group on New Year's Eve, but if you stay home and host your own ring-in-the-new shindig, you'll save transportation emissions--and, of course, money. You'll also be able to better control the environmental impact of your night, from sending out email invitations to preventing the food and paper waste that comes from bars and restaurants. (Oh, and you can let your friends crash so no one has to drive.) Even the Times Square ball is a little greener since switching to LED bulbs in 2006--isn't it time you were, too?
- Choose glass over paper
Once you've decided to have everyone over for the big event, you'll have to find a way keep them all fed and hydrated--without ending up with a pile of wasted plastic cups. Look for brands made from recycled paper--like those fromTreecycle who makes biodegradable dishes and cups from sugarcane fiber--and make sure you compost those after the party. Even better, if you don't own enough china and glassware for all your friends, rent some: they look nicer, they're reusable, and you still won't wake up to a sink full of dishes. Check Rental HG to find a rental location in your area.
- Satisfy the appetites
Your guests will need some food to counteract the effects of all those drinks. Keep it simple with a spread of easy appetizers, homemade salsa or hummus, and fresh fruit and vegetable trays-with organic ingredients grown as close to you as possible (preferably from within 100 miles can help you track down a farmers market or community supported agriculture program in your hometown or, if you live in parts of the world where markets close for the winter, you can order online from Local Harvest's vendors--you can buy some carbon offsets to balance out the shipping expenditure. And you don't have to spend your entire year-end bonus, either--your party can be festive and fun without breaking the bank.
- Pour some green drinks
Get your guests in the party spirit with a bar well-stocked with eco-friendlycocktails--whether it's organic vodka mixed with juice from your local orchard; beer from the brewery one town over; or biodynamic wine. Or make your own: Our How to Go Green: Cocktails guide offers recipes for easy DIY gin and ginger ale, plus specialty drinks like a Lemon Drop or a Rusty Nail, which tastes way better than it sounds, we promise.
- Decorate responsibly
This is the year you can finally forego those plastic 2009 glasses, the cheesy top hats, the disposable noisemakers, the paper streamers. Try making your owndecorations out of recyclable materials, from soda can lanterns to plastic bottle snowflakes; for a more elegant look, put together centerpieces and place settings that are stylish and eco-friendly. Skip the throw-away noisemakers and replace them with nutshells in a can or cardboard tube, or with dried beans rattling around inside two stapled-together paper plates.
- Toast with organic bubbly
Champagne has long been the drink of special occasions, whether anniversaries, wedding receptions, or job promotions. Raise your glass to '08 with champagneand sparkling wine made from organic grapes and without synthetic additions-then make sure to recycle (or reuse!) your bottles and send your corks off for reuse in Design Within Reach's chair design contest or for recycling throughKorks 4 Kids.
- Pucker up
What's New Year's Eve without someone to kiss at midnight? Keep your lips soft with all-natural lip balm, like those from Revolution Organics or J.R. Watkins, and banish bad breath with organic breath mints from St. Claire's. Still single? No problem. Dating sites like Green Passions, Green Romance, and Planet Earth Singles will have you watching the ball drop with a fellow treehugger in no time.
- Cure the hangover
No matter how much fun you had the night before, spending all of January 1 feeling like death on toast is no way to start the new year. Start the detox with a blend of organic herbs and seasonings, like those in Lotus Root Cooler or Ginseng Licorice Tea. Drink plenty of water--but not from disposable bottles--and fight headaches with thyme or peppermint tea. Tea alone won't help your body recover from last night; fill up on organic, free-range eggs, too, since they contain plenty of cysteine, which breaks down toxins in the liver. Other hangover helpers include bananas (for their potassium) and fruit juices (for their energy-boosting natural sugars and vitamins). Don't depend on coffee, burnt toast, or more alcohol--none of these will help your body replenish its stores. Fried food, while delicious, is better as a hangover preventative--it slows down the rate of alcohol absorption.
- Help keep food tradition alive (with a green twist)
Different cultures and regions each have their own version of a lucky New Year's Day meal--black-eyed peas in the South, pork and sauerkraut for the Pennsylvania Dutch, 12 grapes eaten at the stroke of midnight in Spain. Other favorable foods include cooked greens, legumes, fish, and pastries or cakes. No matter which meal you choose, support local farmers and markets when you shop for ingredients, and choose free-range meat, organic fruit, and other natural supplies whenever you can.
- Make some resolutions
Many of the same resolutions we make year after year--lose weight, eat healthy, stop smoking, get organized--aren't just good for you: they're also good for the environment. Read on for foolproof ways to do the Earth some good while (finally) sticking to your new plans. |
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