Worship Services
7:30am  Holy Eucharist Rite I
8:30am Santa Eucaristia Rito II
10:45am Holy Eucharist Rite II
Church of the Advent


104 W. Elizabeth St.

Brownsville, TX  78520


Fax:  (956)542-0756 

Email:  admin@adventbrownsville.org
Web Page:


Table of Contents
Madre's Message
Newsletter Item
Newsletter Item
Fr. Reese & Mary
Cromack Library

 Contact us by email


The Rev. Laurie McKim
    Assistant Rector      
Music Director

Quick Links

 Episcopal Day School




Sunday Servers

August 3

Altar Guild

7:30  Marilyn White

8:30  Romy Cespedes

10:45  Ginger Pawkett, Laurie


Lay Eucharistic Ministers

7:30  Marilyn White

8:30  Javier Guzman

10:45  Teresa Ochoa, Greg Vail,

     Vicki Bunderson 

Greeters - 

7:30  Gale Armstrong

10:45  Renee Lockett

Ushers - Ron Morgan, Greg Vail

Acolytes -

8:30 - Marcos San Miguel,

     Veronica Jaime, Diana Flores

10:45 - Garret & Jenna Wild,

     Carolyn Martinez, Michelle


Eucharistic Visitor - Teresa


Advent E-vents Next Week


Sunday, August 3

Rector's Discretionary Fund


15 min. Acolyte Meeting after each worship service


Wednesday, August 6

12pm Ushers Meeting at Lola's


Thursday, August 7

10am-2pm  Food Ministry open
12pm  Men's Study
5pm  Parent Night at EDS

Friday, August 8
12pm-3:30pm  Safeguarding
     God's Children

Saturday, August 9
8:30am  Parish continental breakfast followed by
9-11am  Parish Profile Meeting
     All invited!!!
August Highlight


Saturday, August 9

8:30-11am Parish Profile Breakfast & Meeting - All invited!!


Friday-Saturday, August 22-23

Acolyte Training Retreat 


for the week of August 3-9


August 3 - Garret Wild

August 4 - Travis Jones

August 7 - Bess Pitt


(Birthdays & anniversaries for the rest of the month will be listed in weekly E-vents)


Jim Roberts

Senior Warden



David Merrill

Junior Warden


Geralyn Kirkpatrick



Edith Anderson

Clerk / Secretary


Marilyn White

Olga Zamora Solano

Nick Mitchell-Bennett

Kathy Morrow

Eugene Brashear

Javier A. Nunez

Peter Garza-Zavaleta  

Church of the Advent, Episcopal
Advent E-pistle
Church of the Advent's Monthly Newsletter
August 2014

As Christians, we are called to live in the already and not yet. We anticipate the coming of the Kingdom of God, the return of Christ, and yet, we also have a responsibility to be fully present in the moment. We're not living abundant lives, and growing into the persons God calls each of us to be, if we live only in the hope of the future.

I'm reminded of a song that was popular when I was young - Carly Simon wrote and sang a song entitled, "Anticipation," which talked about the struggle between living in the reality of the here and now versus a more idyllic future. The lyrics, in part, are, "We can never know about the days to come, but we think about them anyway. And I wonder if I'm really with you now or just chasing after some finer day. Anticipation, anticipation, is making me late, is keeping me waiting."


We, at the Church of the Advent, are living in a time of transition, which can be unsettling. The predominant questions and comments I hear are either about the hope-for Interim Rector or the search for a new, permanent Rector. The desire to have someone in place is natural, and a valid concern. Processes and procedures are in place. In terms of an Interim, our Senior Warden, Jim Roberts, is on top of the situation and in regular contact with the Diocesan office. JoAnn Saylors, Diocesan Canon for Deployment and Congregational Development, will lead a very important meeting on Saturday, August 9th, at which time all members present will have the opportunity to voice their opinions about the ideal qualities that the new Rector should possess. A search committee, led by Nick Mitchell-Bennett, is  formed and will be ready to begin the search process as soon as the Parish Profile is developed. These people all have a strong sense of commitment, and care very much about Advent; they are doing everything in their power to fulfill their responsibilities.


The rest of us have responsibilities as well. We are living in an exciting time, and we have the privilege and responsibility to be fully engaged in the present. We are not desperate people, waiting for a Savior to come and give us a hand up! We are a vibrant community, with good things happening continually; Father Reese left us in good shape, and we owe it to him and to ourselves to make sure that forward momentum continues.


Opportunities abound! We just completed a Youth Mission Trip to Costa Rica, which may have been a first for this historic church. Better yet, the youth participants were from both the Spanish and English-language congregations! There was so much support from the Advent community that we were all humbled by the response. Breakfast tacos were served as a fund-raiser but the silver lining was the camaraderie that was enjoyed by all. Our Youth Group, led by Kevin Armstrong, and Christian Education program, directed by Teresa Hoskins, are top-notch and growing. Plans are in place to give the youth and children more opportunities to participate in the life of the Church. Our liturgy, worship, and music are good. Training continues as more people seek to actively participate in worship. We have several other strong ministries that occur within the church, such as a vibrant Daughters of the King group, a great corps of Acolytes, a Eucharistic Visitor program, and a monthly Food Bank. We will be implementing a new, lay, pastoral care program in January as part of the Community of Hope International, which will benefit our hospitalized and home-bound, but will also deepen the spirituality of the participants and be a positive point for a new Rector to already have in place. We have a lot of opportunities for ministry and more on the horizon.


While we are excited about the prospect of a new Rector, and/or an Interim, let us not lose sight of the fact that we are fine and growing with the wonderful leaders we have in place, just as we are.

As the song "Anticipation," concludes, "And stay right here, 'cause these ARE the good ol' days."



Mother Laurie+

Bell Tower The search for an interim continues.  The recent potential candidate was unable to commit even though he and his wife were looking forward to joining us.  I continue to be in touch with The Rev. Joann Saylors at the bishop's office and she assures us that they are continuing their efforts to find an interim for us.  Of course I will keep you informed a I receive information from Joann.  Please let any vestry member or me know if you have any questions.


The search committee has been selected and approved by the vestry.  Thank you, Nick Mitchell-Bennett for your efforts.  And thanks for all who volunteered to be a part of this very important undertaking.  The committee will be commissioned at the 10:45 service on August 10th.


Our parish profile is scheduled for August 9th.  A continental breakfast will be served at 8:30am in the Parish Hall with the meeting to begin at 9:00am.  Joann believes that we should be done by 11:00.  Please make every effort to be there.  This is an opportunity to "have a voice" and communicate directly with the bishop's office.  (By the way, there will be no point in complaining about the senior or junior warden.  You're stuck with us for awhile.)


My thanks to David Merrill, Parish Secretary Vicky Conner, Betty Swantner and our amazing staff for keeping Advent on an even keel while Alicia and I were in Washington DC.  It is good to be "home" with our church family.  (Barack and Michelle said to say "hi".)


Jim Roberts


The summer is coming to an end, and the new school year is fast approaching, which means its time for our youth group to reconvene.  I am looking forward to our new year together.  My hope is that this year will be a year of spiritual growth and renewal for us all.   ACOLYTES ...ATTENTION!! ATTENTION!!  If you are an Acolyte or would like to become an Acolyte, your presence is REQUIRED on Friday, August 22nd for an training and an overnight retreat.   You read correctly,  R E Q U I R E D.  I will be calling all of our youth's families during the following weeks to see who would like to participate in this very important ministry.  Please stay tuned.  



computer-mouse-abstract.jpgBrowse Advent's new website for everything you need to know and want to see!  Thanks to Fr. Reese and Eric Fischer (Buddy's son), this website is most attractive, more user-friendly, and will be easier to keep up to date.  So be inspired and explore!  Don't wait til Sunday to see what's going on. Although the website is now active, we are still in the process of posting information and pictures, so browse often, as we hope to share more photos and news with you shortly!

Mary and I are very grateful for our time with you over the past almost five years.  God has blessed all of us as we have worked hard to hear his call and follow where he has led us.


We thank you for your many cards and gifts over the past month.  For those gifts we have received individually, we will be sending out our thank you notes when we return from seeing our family in a few weeks.  But we particularly thank you for the luncheon, our Southwest Gift Card and our picture.  They are all very much appreciated.


We appreciate, also, the generous offers of prayer as we begin the process of my healing and recovery.  Please be assured of our prayers for you as you enter into the search process.  Blessings on all of you as this year unfolds and may our Lord open doors for all of us,


Much love,

Reese and Mary

old-book-spines.jpg Christian Century, the biweekly journal to which Cromack library has a current subscription, has in its July 9 issue a series of brief essays on risk-taking.  Look for the journal on the magazine cart in the Guild Room.  In the same issue is an editorial on the topic of sacrifice, written in relation to the Iraq War and the 4500 U.S. service members who were killed there.


The entire journal is also available to Advent parishioners for on-line reading.  Ask Edie Anderson for the current password.

Advent's Prayer List

Copies of the prayer list are in the Narthex.  Please call the Church Office at 542-4123 each month to ask that prayers be continued or to celebrate that prayers are no longer necessary. 

Your prayers are asked for the following:

Parishioners:  Blanca Brashear, Duane Payne, Jim Lunn, Chula Griffin, Marty Heaner, Bill & Katherine Reed, Sandy Johnson, Robert Buchanan, Bob & Dee Robey, Ana Maria Castellanos, Donnie Mejia, Beverly Rappe, Diane Dillard, Jack Yonge, Jaime & Cruz Mata, Estella Perez, Silvia Emerson

Family Members:  Earl Bussert, Margarita Romero, Sue Fischer, Dorothy Harris, Serena Ramsey, Curtis John Hammonds, David & Adelina Ochoa, Gina & Emily Garcia, Huberta Boyd,  Evan Rath Henstenburg, Eliza Schaffer, Brad Buchanan, Alice, Bill & Connie Davidson, Ilsa Lee, Jane Slade, Silvia Mejia, Monica Ramos, Manuel Cabrera, Austin Tice, Eloise Wilson, Mark Montgomery, Martin Valdez,

Friends: Ninfa Middleton, Sarita Walker, Lourdes Cortinas, Edith Huth, Ruth Ann Ross, Dory Messenger, Charlotte Logan, Beth Colley, Doug King, Elliott & Max Richardson, Sam Barnard, Sheldon Patton, Betty Levin, TJ Martinez, Edward Campos, Calvin Brown, Darryl Acher, Henry Bieber, Dan Holiday, Jody Zuniga

Thank you for taking the time to read the Advent E-pistle.  If you have any comments or suggestions or would like to submit an article, please contact the church office at 542-4123 or secretary@adventbrownsville.org