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Dear Friend of Pets Unlimited,

At Pets Unlimited, our cats and dogs can stay as long as it takes for them to find their forever homes.  Some of our shelter animals find their special someone in a matter of days and others have waited - ever so patiently - for more than a year. 

Today, we're asking for your help.  Romo, Princeton, Sandoval and Taylor are all looking for their new families and we don't want them to wait a second longer.  Please share these darlings with your friends, families, coworkers and neighbors... if Cupid works a little magic, they might even find their perfect match by Valentine's Day!
I've been waiting for 3 months.
Favorite Sport: Baseball
Dream Job: MVP of your Heart

I've been waiting for 4 months.
Alter Ego: The Panda 
Favorite Activity: Snuggling

I've been waiting for 7 months.
Alma Mater: Need you even ask?
Doppelganger: Clint Eastwood
I've been waiting for 6 months.
Lautner or Swift: Lautner!
Secret Talent: Aerial Acrobatics

Happy Valentine's Day,

Your Friends at Pets Unlimited 

Upcoming Event  


Join us for a special Pets Unlimited outing to see Kurt Bodden - a long-term volunteer in our Adoption Center - in his hilarious solo show, STEVE SEABROOK: BETTER THAN YOU on Saturday, February 23.  


In this satire, Kurt assumes the role of master motivational speaker Steve Seabrook, who takes the audience to a safe, nurturing place of empowerment where they can examine why they're vaguely disappointing.  As Steve says, "I don't want to change you. I want to allow you ... to blossom into a "you" ... that's Better Than You."  Think of it as three days of self-help in just over an hour!


For additional details, please visit our Events Calendar.  All proceeds will benefit the Pets Unlimited Shelter and Adoption Center.
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