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For Immediate Release                                                                                        Contact:
Dwight Farmer
Executive Director
Tel: (757) 420-8300
Fax: (757) 523-4881
TTY (757) 390-2578

Special Report No. 22

2014 Economic Forecast 


Each January, the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission Economists release a regional economic forecast for the year ahead. The primary purpose of the forecast is to evaluate the region's current economic condition and provide an assessment of how we expect the region's economy to fare in the coming year.


To read more, click the link below:

SR22_2014_Forecast.pdf (PDF)




About The HRPDC: The Hampton Roads Planning District Commission, one of 21 Planning District Commissions in the Commonwealth of Virginia, is a regional organization representing Southeastern Virginia's sixteen local governments. The HRPDC serves as a resource of technical expertise to its member local governments and provides assistance on local and regional issues pertaining to Planning, Water Resources, Communications, Economics & Housing, and Emergency Management.

The HRPDC will strive to provide reasonable accommodations and services for persons who require special assistance to participate public involvement opportunities. Contact the Communications Manager at (757) 420-8300 for more information. Para información en español, llame al (757) 420-8300.