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Happy 29th Anniversary Overcomers Outreach!
Overcomers Outreach started in 1977, in the founders' living room, and was incorporated as a ministry on May 9th, 1985. Over the years since, many groups have grown and prospered, while others have faltered or closed altogether. Now, many new groups have started, and are growing, all over the world. It is by the Grace of God that His family continues to meet to help and support so many, and that we are there to help others. May we continue to be blessed with the honor of serving and sharing with others - others just like us - once lost, but now found. Indeed we have found the Truth. Jesus is Lord! Thank you Jesus!
I stand in awe and wonder before the Providence of God, and I pray you join me as we rejoice in our Savior, our Lord, and the new life we have in Him, now and forever. 
In love and service,

Jeff MacLeod
Executive Director
Overcomers Outreach