Spot Light
Featured Photographer of the Month
Khaled Hasan
No. 141, October 2014 
Featured work submitted to SDN in September 2014

Dear Spotlight Readers:


I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to our Campaign to Redesign the SDN Website. With the support of the SDN community, we have raised $10,700 which will enable us to complete the design and programming work. Our goal now is to finish the redesign by the end of October and launch the new site on October 30 at the PDN PhotoPlus Expo at the Javits Convention Center in New York (pending any major delays). If you are in New York during this time, I hope you can visit us in booth #173 (shared with Digital Silver Imaging). We will also be changing our name in November to the Social Documentary Network--a slight change from our current name, If you miss us at PDN, keep your eyes on the SDN website and eNewsletters in November for updates.
Daniel Berehulak
Photo by Daniel Berehulak


Every month as we prepare Spotlight, there is a new major international issue focusing our attention. Last month it was ISIS and its threat to journalists. ISIS has not gone away and has only become more of a threat to civilians, particularly those who are not from the Sunni tradition. But what has blossomed into a major international crisis is the Ebola epidemic ravaging parts of West Africa and has become the greatest public health threat since HIV/AIDS. While the numbers are still relatively low, the exponential growth of the virus can mean millions being affected if there is not an immediate and effective response from the international community. The three countries most affected (Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea), are countries least prepared and they need the immediate and undivided support of the US, EU, UN and other nations and multilateral institutions with expertise in dealing with infectious diseases. The photography community has certainly risen to the challenge by doing some outstanding and courageous work in Africa, including John Moore from Getty, and Daniel Berehulak from the New York Times.

This month, we are please to award the Featured Photographer of the Month to Khaled Hasan for his exhibit on Ashar Chor, a vanishing island in Bangladesh, only three feet above sea level and victim to rising sea level, storms, and other natural disasters. Khaled was a winner of SDN's first call for entries in 2009 on the global recession for his exhibit Living Stone about a community of stone crushers in Bangladesh losing their livelihood.

Glenn Ruga

SDN Founder & Director


Visit SDN at PDN PhotoPlus Expo, October 30-November 1
PDN PhotoPlus Expo
SDN will be presenting our newly redesigned website at PDN PhotoPlus Expo, October 30 - November 1 at the Javits Convention Center, New York City. Visit us at booth #173 (shared with Digital Silver Imaging). SDN Founder Glenn Ruga will also be a reviewer in the Official Portfolio Review Program.   

Mary F. Calvert Awarded Alexia Foundation's Women's Initiative Grant
Mary F. Calvert  
The Alexia Foundation announced that the recipient of the 2014 Women's Initiative Grant is Mary F. Calvert, an independent photojournalist based in the United States. Calvert will utilize the $25,000 grant for her project " Missing in Action: Homeless Female Veterans." Read more. 

Save the Children International Photography Commission
Save the Children is offering one emerging photographer the opportunity to undertake a paid photography commission in Central America under the mentorship of Magnum photographer Alex Webb. Apply online by 24 October. 

Open Society Documentary Photography Project Accepting Submissions for Moving Walls 2015 
Deadline for entries November 18, 2014.
More information.

SDN Featured Photographer of the Month Award
Click here for more information on submitting your work. 

SDN Annual Available Free to Industry Professionals  
If you are a photo editor, curator, or gallery and want to receive a free copy of the premier issue of the SDN annual, ZEKE, to be published in 2015, click here.

SDN Seeks Intern(s)   
SDN is looking motivated and capable students (or recent graduates) to help with core SDN projects. email for information.  

October 2014 Featured Photographer of the Month

Khaled Hasan
Ashar Chor: A Vanishing Island

Khaled Hasan
Photo by Khaled Hasan. 16 years old, Karim helping his father to prepare his fish catching boat.

Ashar Chor is a split of land marooned in the Bay of Bengal in Bangladesh, a country only one meter above sea level. With no prior protection from natural disaster nor early disaster warning system and indisputable climatic instability, Ashar Chor is one of the most dangerous and climatically unpredictable places to live and work.

View Exhibit >>

Khaled Hassan Khaled Hasan is a documentary photographer and filmmaker born in Dhaka in 1981. He believes in immersion photography, and spends months listening, observing and talking with his subjects over the course of a project. Photography has become part of his identity--a force that makes him think, feel and understand human beings and the human condition.

His works have been published in major international magazines and newspapers including the New York Times, Sunday Times Magazine, American Photo, National Geographic Society, Saudi Aramco World Magazine, the Guardian, the Telegraph, the Independent and The New Internationalist. Hasan's documentary project 'Living Stone' has won numerous international awards including the 2008 All Roads Photography Contest of National Geographic Society; the 2009 Grand Prix "Europe and Asia - Dialogue of Cultures" International Photography Contest organized by Museum of Photography, Russia; 2009 Mark Grosset Documentary Prize, France; and UNESCO's Humanity Photo Documentary Award, China. 


As an indigenous photographer, he tells narratives of the land that shaped him. Documenting stories about its people and their interaction with nature, healing and surviving from times of distress, fighting for rights, toiling for food, standing against injustice are the primary issues he features in his works. For Khaled, being a photojournalist is not only being a very good photographer but also a socially responsible person.

October 2014 featured exhibits

Cesar Suarez
The Orthodox Faith>>
by cesar suarez/Ethiopia

Commons scene in Lalibela, a small town in northern Ethiopia that's home to 11 spectacular churches carved both inside and out from a single rock some 900 years ago. Religious ritual is central to the life of the town, with regular processions, extensive fasts, crowds of singing and dancing ...

Home Away from Home: Little Palestine by the Bay>>
by Najib Joe Hakim/United States

The second largest community of Palestinians in the United States calls the San Francisco Bay Area home. But what does it mean to be a Palestinian in America? How do Palestinian Americans maintain their ties to a seemingly unreachable homeland while grappling with life in a country whose political ...

L'Artibonite - Poverty in Paradise>>
by B. D. Colen/Haiti

About a four-hour drive from the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince, the Artibonite region, with its rice paddies and background of mountains, resembles the landscape of Vietnam. But barely beneath the surface of the natural beauty lies the hard core poverty so much a part of Haiti. ...

A Death in Haiti>>
by B. D. Colen/Haiti

The woman arrived unconscious and without a pulse in the Emergency Room of the Hospital Bernard Mevs, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The physicians and other volunteers from Miami-based Project Medishare immediately began working to save the woman's life.

Waiting Room: Kay>>
by Ellen Jacob/United States

Waiting Room: Kay. The fragility of human connections, the certainty of the end. We know death is waiting; yet we persist. This work explores the waiting, the persistence and the places, largely separated from life, where we live while dying. Waiting Room is a photographic installation about Kay, ...

The children at Kanti Hospital>>
by Abril Barruecos/Nepal

This photo project was made in Kathmandu, Nepal, from February to May, 2013. It shows the faces of fire burn victims and family members.      

If You Lived Here, You'd Be Home By Now>>
by B. D. Colen/Haiti

"If you lived here, you'd be home by now." Those of us who live in the U.S. have probably all at some point seen that message on an apartment complex, a housing development, a luxury community. The message being, 'this is where you want to live.' Well, try for a moment to ...

Havana from yesterday ... today>>
by Jose Stelluti/Cuba

Havana, capital city of the controversial island called Cuba. A country with political history, where the incidence of it has conditioned the status quo, and quality of life of its citizens. Cuban interests are different from those golden dreams of many world citizens. Save a car from 1943 in...

La Cienega Manabao fighting against exclusion>>
by Hamlet Otanez/Dominican Republic

Modernization involves the gradual replacement of traditional productive structures in society. On one hand, the process of modernization incorporates individuals and groups that triumph and prevail and are necessary for this type of rationality; moreover...

Advisory Committee
Kristen Bernard
Lori Grinker
Steve Horn
Ed Kashi
John Sevigny
Jeffrey D. Smith
Stephen Walker
Frank Ward
Jamie Wellford

Volunteer Staff
Glenn Ruga
Founder & Director

Barbara Ayotte
Communications Director

Caterina Clerici
Special Issue Editor  

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About is a website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary exhibits investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored oil workers in the Niger River Delta, male sex workers in India, Central American immigrant women during their journey north, and Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Greece.Click here to view all of the exhibits.