Spot Light
SPOTLIGHT: Featured Photographer of the Month
No. 129, August 2014 
Featured work submitted to SDN in July 2014

Dear SDN Readers:

This past month, it seemed like the sky was falling-- starting with the Malaysian Airline Flight 17 being shot down over Ukraine and then the the war in Gaza between Israel and Hamas. Each of these situations is contentious politically but SDN as an organization, and I personally, are outraged and saddened by the complete disregard and loss of civilian life in both cases. As a documentary organization, our commitment is to give voice and recognition to the ordinary and dis-empowered in this world. Both the downing of a civilian airliner and the war in Gaza are an affront to both. 


Only one of the exhibits this month directly addresses either of these themes. Roger Pimenta documents a demonstration in Vancouver against the siege of Gaza. But what struck me about the exhibits submitted this month are the common themes. In addition to Pimenta's exhibit, there are two other demonstration exhibits. One is by B. D. Colen on anti-abortion demonstrators at a Planned Parenthood Clinic in Boston. Colen's exhibit was inspired by the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling that overturned a protection zone around abortion clinic entrances. The other demonstration exhibit is by Christos Tolis on demonstrations that broke out in Athens, Greece following an austerity vote by Parliament.


There are two exhibits from Nicaragua. One by Ed Kashi on Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown origin among sugarcane workers, and the other by Timothy Bouldry, this month's featured photographer, on the people who earn their living by picking garbage in Central America's largest garbage dump in Managua, Nicaragua.


There are three exhibits on how people are effected by environmental and weather extremes. One by Daniel Roca on the scarcity of water in Myanmar, another by Brian Driscoll on the exclusion zone around Fukushima, Japan; and the last by Fredrik Gille on the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.


I am very thrilled to present the Featured Photographer of the Month Award this month to Timothy Bouldry for not only his exhibit, but for his personal dedication to the problems of and solutions to garbage dumps throughout the world. We have seen many exhibits submitted to SDN on  dumps, particularly the Stung Meanchey in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. But nobody has gone out of their way as much as Timothy to directly work to improve the lives of those who live and work on these dumps. Timothy's work and story is a bright spot amidst so many stories of desperation of adults and children who earn their living on other people's garbage. Congratulations Timothy!


Glenn Ruga

SDN Founder & Director


PS. We are entering our last week for our Kickstarter Campaign to fund the redesign of the SDN website. Click here to learn more. Your support is important.


August 2014 Featured Photographer of the Month

Timothy Bouldry

A Changing Chureca,
Managua, Nicaragua

Timothy Bouldry
Photo: Timothy Bouldry. A woman trying to read an ID she found in the trash using the last light of sundown lowering behind the landfill's horizon line. Managua, Nicaragua, 2012.

La Chureca, a landfill in Nicaragua, has been home to 1,800 people since they were displaced suddenly due to a devastating earthquake in 1972. Timothy Bouldry's photographs in this series -- taken over the course of more than five years -- document the continuing struggle, but also the progress in this community. In 2007, the Spanish government provided a grant to create a methane gas-into-energy project, providing employment through a recycling factory and an upgrade from plastic huts laying alongside this 4.5 square mile landfill into concrete homes for the residents now living in a newly built community.

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Timothy Bouldry Timothy Bouldry
Timothy Bouldry photographs and educates people about landfill activity and the people who live from them. His published photographs were used by activists to present to the House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate, and the Organization of American States. He was interviewed on shows in Mexico and Nicaragua. The U.S. EPA showcased his photographs and videos at the Vancouver Convention Center during the Methane Expo. Bouldry created an Executive Management Team under the non-profit Right Path Projects and working with an organization called em[POWER] Energy Group, raised money for landfill dependent communities on a global level. His work will expand into the Middle East, Asia, and beyond.

One week left to Support SDN's Kickstarter Campaign


SDN Kickstarter
Time is running out! We need your support today.  View this video to hear Ed Kashi, Reza, Lori Grinker, Kristen Bernard, and Glenn Ruga talk about this important Kickstarter campaign to fund the redesign of the SDN website.

7 days left and $9,000 to go! Spread the word!
Learn more >>  

This Month's Featured Content 
Special newsletters produced this month by SDN.

Ed Kashi
 Interview with Ed Kashi
His recent work in Nicaragua, crowd-funding & new directions in photojournalism

Joanna Lipper
Focus on Water
Too much, too little, often polluted, sometimes sacred.

Goran Popovic
Focus on Mining
14 SDN exhibits explore mining and the toll it takes on miners and their communities

Join the SDN community!  
Upload your documentary exhibits and let thousands of photographers, editors, curators, gallerists, students, and the general public learn about you and your projects.

Featured Photographer of the Month Award 
Click here for more information on submitting your work. 

Advisory Committee
Kristen Bernard 
Lori Grinker 
Steve Horn 
Ed Kashi 
John Sevigny 
Jeffrey D. Smith 
Stephen Walker 
Frank Ward 
Jamie Wellford

Volunteer Staff 
Glenn Ruga 
Founder & Director

Barbara Ayotte 
Communications Director

Caterina Clerici 
Special Issue Editor  

August 2014 Featured Exhibits 


Water Supply>>
by Daniel Roca/Myanmar

Almost 2.6 billion people in the world haven't got access to basic water sanitation and water supply infrastructure. This means 40% of the world's population, according to the UN. Lack of these basic resources is related to the transmission of diseases such as cholera, dysentery, hepatitus...

An Uneasy Peace>>
by Mariusz Smiejek/United Kingdom

This year is the 16th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland, the document which attempted at normalizing lives of two antagonistic communities, Protestants and Catholics, Loyalists/Republicans. It is fascinating to watch how it works and how it does not at certain points. Some people work very hard...

Island of Widows>>
by Ed Kashi/Nicaragua

In Nicaragua, the average life span of men who harvest sugarcane is 49 years. At the root of these early deaths is an epidemic known as Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown origin (CKDu). In the town of Chichigalpa, often called the "Island of Widows," 1 in 3 men, mostly cane workers, are ...

Lignite Mine Kolubara, Land of Shadows>>
by Goran Popović/Serbia

Pictures of land in lignite mine Kolubara, Serbia.

Blackfeet Indian Country, Browning, Montana>>
by Cindy Murray/United States

While serving as a Volunteer Team Leader with Global Volunteers I have had the opportunity to work alongside the local people of Browning, Montana. The Blackfeet Indians struggle with high unemployment while existing between rich traditions and contemporary society. Every...

Life Within 90 km>>
by Brian Driscoll/Japan

Nearly three years after 3/11/11 -- the great Tohoku earthquake that struck the northeastern coast of Fukushima, Japan -- thousands of families, children, farmers, business owners, teachers and students across all of Fukushima have been feeling the impact. It has caused a catastrophic disaster and ...

After Typhoon Haiyan>>
by Fredrik Gille/Philippines

Hitting Philippines on November 8, 2013, Haiyan devastated big parts of the country, particularly in the Visayas where millions of people where affected and many left homeless.

The White Building>>
by J�r�mie Lusseau/Cambodia

The White Building is one of Phnom Penh's (Cambodia's capital) iconic buildings. Built in the 1960s, this 350m long concrete block located close to the city center, was designed by Khmer architect Vann Molyvann. It was part of a urban renovation project and proposed a low-cost housing...

Living in the Streets of Cebu City>>
by Fredrik Gille/Philippines

Philippines has a significant number of people living in the streets, many of them are children. In Cebu City alone, there are more than 5,000 children living in the streets.

The Say After>>
by Christos Tolis/Greece

In the first years after the economic depression began to really set in, Athens was violently shaken by massive demonstrations. Street riots in busy downtown areas were a usual affair and the police were often resorting to brute force and extensive teargas use to suppress the crowds. On the 12th of ...

'Changing Children's Lives' in Mbale, Uganda>>
by Nancy A. Scherl/Uganda

"Changing Children's Lives" in Mbale, Uganda in May 2014, served a duel purpose -- cleft lip and palate surgeries were performed on young babies, children and several adults and an information exchange amongst healthcare professionals, students and patients occurred...

Portraits of HOPE>>
by Art Zaratsyan/Ethiopia

"Portraits of HOPE" explores the people behind the economic development effort in Ethiopia by HOPE International Development Agency: their staff and the members of the communities they support.  HOPE International Development Agency is an international not-for-profit organization ...

Countries foreign policies are out of touch with their own people's wants>>
by Roger Pimenta/Canada

What happens when a global political agenda doesn't coincide with the public's views, wishes or opinions? Why do governments like Canada, Unites States, United Kingdom, and so many others choose to put their own agendas ahead of those of their people's wants and wishes? Why do so...

Saturdays at Planned Parenthood - Expressing "Free Speech">>
by B. D. Colen/United States

For more than a decade, anti-choice demonstrators, the vast majority of them Roman Catholics, have massed at the Boston Planned Parenthood clinic on Commonwealth Avenue to pray and express their opposition to abortion. On July 1, the Supreme Court of the United States, which has a 250-foot protection...

Barrios Potosinos - Neigborhoods of San Luis Potosi>>
by Jean-F�lix FAYOLLE/Mexico

"Barrios Potosinos" is a series of photographs shot in San Luis Potosi, a city of one million inhabitants 500 km north of Mexico City. These pictures were taken in different deprived areas of the city between 2007 and 2013. This city is on the road to the north of the country, which is ...

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About is a website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary exhibits investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored oil workers in the Niger River Delta, male sex workers in India, Central American immigrant women during their journey north, and Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Greece.Click here to view all of the exhibits.