SDN Spotlight

SPOTLIGHT/Number 128, October 2013
Featuring exhibits submitted to SDN in September 2013

Dear SDN Readers: 


September has been a tremendously active month for SDN while we were receiving submissions to the Call for Entries on Promoting Global Awareness. The quality and diversity of work has been extraordinary from former, current, and new SDN photographers. The jurors are reviewing the entries now and we will be announcing the final decision by mid-November.


While many of the exhibits submitted to the Call for Entries addressed issues of healthcare in developing countries, the work submitted by October's Featured Photographer of the Month explores a very different theme--love and devotion between an elderly couple. The award this month goes to Fausto Podavini for his essay Mirella about a 71-year-old Italian woman who is sharing the final months with her life-long companion and husband who is suffering from Alzheimer's and eventually passes away in the house where they spent their lives together. The photographs are each powerful graphic and human statements on a life of caring and devotion spent together. Congratulations Fausto for this marvelous body of work!


This month we are introducing a new format for the SDN Spotlight. As you will see below, we are only showcasing one exhibit directly in this email. Clicking on the link below will take you to a page on the SDN website showing the other photographers we are featuring this month. While we understand that this is an extra click for you, it allows us to directly access the content on the SDN website without having to entirely recreate this material in our email software. We hope this new format works for you as well as it works for us at SDN.


We are very excited this month to be celebrating our 5th anniversary with free exhibits for one week--October 23-30. All exhibit submitted and approved during this week will be live for one year at no cost. Visit the SDN website for more information.


Lastly, I hope you will join us at the PhotoPlus Expo in New York on Friday, October 25 for a panel discussion on "Photography and the Struggle for a Better World" with Ed Kashi and Ron Haviv from VII, Amy Yenkin from Open Society Foundations, and author, professor, lawyer, and photographer Michelle Bogre. 


Glenn Ruga
Founder and Director 

P.S. Following last month's Spotlight I received two emails from readers who were critical of a comment I made that put direct responsibility on the Syrian government for the chemical attack in Ghouta, Syria that killed 1,400 people, without allowing for any possibility that the opposition could have been responsible. The recent UN report on the attack clearly held the Syrian government responsible for this specific attack (See Sept. 16 NY Times blog commenting on Human Rights Watch analysis of report) although Russia continues to challenge the findings. 

October 2013 Featured Photographer of the Month      

Fausto Podavini

Photograph by Fausto Podavini. Cure and devotion. Mirella knows that everyday, these will be her two main objectives to go on.



Photographs by Fausto Podavini      

Mirella is the story of a woman, a mother, a wife, a grandmother. Mirella is 71 years old. She spent 43 years of her life with the only person she loved. Forty three years of sharing, difficulties, laughs and beautiful moments: a family, a house, values handed down. In the last six years something changed, Mirella had to fight against her husband's illness, Alzheimer's.

View the exhibit.


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SDN offers $200 each month to the photographer who wins the Featured Photographer of the Month award.
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Photography and the Struggle for a Better World 
Featuring Michelle Bogre, Ron Haviv,
Ed Kashi, Glenn Ruga, & Amy Yenkin
Sponsored by SDN 

Friday, October 25, 1:30 pm 
PDN PhotoPlus Expo, Jacob Javits Center, NY

Ron Haviv
Ron Haviv/VII 
Some photographers go out into the world to record in and others set out to change it. Since the founding of photography in 1839, there has been a rich tradition of talented photographers with a burning desire to do both. Matthew Brady, Roger Fenton, Robert Capa, W. Eugene Smith and more recently Jonathan Togorvnik, Sebastiao Salgado, Donna Ferrato and Lynsey Addario are just some of the luminaries of photojournalism and documentary photography who have changed our perception of the world, and therefore the world itself.  

The presenters on this panel discussion will each talk about how socially conscious photographers are embracing the challenges of new technologies and a new economy to continue to inform the public about injustice and, in many cases, using this awareness to change the world.

Benefit for the Rockaway Shore Soup Project 
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

7:00 pm, The Bowery Hotel, 335 Broadway, NY
Pay as you can, $85 minimum donation in advance. 

Shore Soup SDN is proud to be a Media Sponsor of the Rockaway Rescue Alliance's Shore Soup Project, a community-based not for profit organization that formed in response to Hurricane Sandy. The Shore Soup Project served more than 50,000 free meals to homebound, displaced, and financially struggling residents of the Rockaway peninsula following the devastating superstorm. This past summer, the Project rolled out an innovative pay-as-you-can, relief food truck. Now, Shore Soup Project is organizing a benefit coinciding with the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy, to raise funds to build a permanent brick-and-mortar relief restaurant, SHORE. The restaurant will serve as an anchor for the Rockaway community as it continues to recover and will provide the residents access to healthy food, as well as nutrition workshops, a community garden, and mentorship and employment opportunities. 


2013 FotoEvidence Book Award Exhibit and Book Launch
Opening reception: October 17, 2013, 5:30-8 p.m. VII Photo Gallery, 28 Jay Street, Dumbo-Brooklyn

Robin Hammond Photograph by Robin Hammond.
Severely mentally disabled men and women are shackled and locked away in Juba Central Prison for years on end. The new nation of South Sudan faces a tremendous challenge to build a modern country capable of caring for all of its citizens. Juba, Sudan
Robin Hammond, winner of the 2013 FotoEvidence Book Award, will be signing his book Condemned.

The 2013 FotoEvidence Book Award show includes the work of the winner Robin Hammond and finalists Andrea Reese- Urban Cave; Fabio Bucciarelli- Battle to Death; Jon Lowenstein- Shadow Lives USA and Massimo Berruti- The Dusty Path.

More information >> 

Call for Entries:
Aperture Portfolio Prize 2014
The 2014 Aperture Portfolio Prize is now open for submissions! The prize aims to identify trends in contemporary photography and highlight artists whose work deserves greater recognition. The first-prize winner of this international photography competition receives a cash prize and an exhibition at Aperture Gallery. Entries will be accepted through Wednesday, November 27, 2013
More information >>

Leica Gallery Warsaw Reopens with an Exhibition by Jacob Aue Sobol    

Leica Gallery Warsaw, MYSIA 3, II and III floor

Mysia 3 street, Warsaw

Opening Reception: October 25, 2013, 8 p.m.

Exhibition: Through November 11, 2013, Free admission


Jacob Aue Sobol In the Leica Gallery Warsaw's new interiors Jacob Aue Sobol will present his latest project, a photographic chronicle of his journey by the Trans Siberian Railroad: "I've never been here before -- Russia, Mongolia, China- - everything is terra incognita. I wonder if the connection between people and places will feel different considering the fact that I will pass every tree, every house and every village on my way to Beijing? I want to meet people, to connect with the cities, to make the places mine, even if it's just for a short while".


The opening of the exhibition will be crowned by the inauguration of the new gallery. Leica Gallery Warsaw, after almost four years of artistic activity in Blue City Center, opens its new exhibition venue consisting of over 300 square meters of exhibition space, Leica Store and library devoted to photo-publishing.  


More information >>



About is a website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary exhibits investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored oil workers in the Niger River Delta, male sex workers in India, Central American immigrant women during their journey north, and Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Greece.Click here to view all of the exhibits.