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News from the Toxics Use Reduction Institute
at the University of Massachusetts Lowell 
January 2015 

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TURA Program 

        25th Anniversary Leader Awards


In recognition of environmental and business leadership, the Toxics Use Reduction Act (TURA) program named nine companies and two small business groups as TURA 25th Anniversary Leaders. The award recognizes companies and organizations that have reduced toxic chemical use, created healthier work environments and communities, and saved money.


A recognition ceremony and site tour at facilities during March and April will showcase areas of accomplishment, including switching to safer materials and conserving energy while saving money.  


TURA 25th Anniversary Leaders

  • Allston Collision, Allston
  • Analog Devices, Wilmington
  • ChemGenes Corporation, Wilmington
  • Columbia Manufacturing Inc., Westfield
  • Franklin Paint Company, Franklin
  • Independent Plating, Worcester
  • Ophir Optronics, North Andover
  • Shawmut Corp., West Bridgewater
  • Stainless Steel Coatings Inc., Lancaster
  • Vida Verde Women's Cooperative, Brighton
  • Wet Cleaning Workgroup (9 dry cleaners)

Four New Chemicals Designated as Higher Hazard Substances under TURA


The list of reportable substances 301 CMR 41.00 was amended to classify three chemicals and one chemical category as Higher Hazard Substances (HHS). The newly classified HHSs are Cyanide Compounds (TURA #1016), n-Propyl Bromide (CAS 106-94-5), Dimethylformamide (CAS 68-12-2), and Hydrogen Fluoride (CAS 7664-39-3).  The change will go into effect for chemical use in calendar year 2016. For more information on the designations, contact OTA's Rich Bizzozero at (617) 626-1080.


Due to the extensive comments submitted regarding the fifth chemical proposed as a HHS, toluene diisocyanate (TDI), the program has allowed an additional 60 day public comment period (ending Feb. 23, 2015) including a public hearing on Feb 3. Note that all oral and written comments regarding TDI submitted in the previous public comment period will be automatically included, so there is no need to resubmit comments. 

New Resource for Artists


See TURI's new subject guide on health and safety considerations in the arts. Read EHS information on paints, fixatives, solvents, and adhesives in various media, including dry drawing, printmaking, photography, ceramics, metal, glass, and sculpture. 


Greener Studio Challenge


Can artists achieve excellence using safer and healthier materials and practices? Can safer and less toxic materials and supplies be developed for use by artists?


Open to students attending colleges, universities and art schools in New England, the Greener Studio Challenge is a competition and exhibit featuring the creation of works of art using more sustainable materials and/or practices, as well as safer and less hazardous art materials, media and supplies.


Submitted works will be displayed in Lowell, MA beginning April 9, 2015. Awards will be given.


For more information, email Greener_Studio_Challenge@uml.edu.


The Challenge is partially supported by a "greening the visual arts" pollution prevention grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to the Lowell Center for Sustainable Production at UMass Lowell.

TURI in the News - TURI Grantee Showcased

On September 11, J&P Cleaners (a TURI grantee) opened its new Jamaica Plain location, which uses a wet cleaning process. JPNET (also a TURI grantee) has worked with J&P Cleaners to reach out to local hospitals, hotels, nursing homes, and other businesses to educate them on the effectiveness and availability of safer wet cleaning.


Along with eight other professional wet cleaners in Massachusetts, J&P is demonstrating that shifting away from reliance on hazardous chemicals is good for customers, workers, and neighbors-and good for business too.


Read more in this article from Yes! Magazine.