News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States

June 23, 2016

From Fr. Marty Solma

Dear Brothers:

In the name of mercy

During the last 10 days, we've been confronted with three events that touch on important human and Marianist values and that challenge us deeply.

The first is the mass shooting in Orlando that killed 49 people and left many others wounded and bereaved. Regardless of the complex motivations involved, it was the LGBT community that was specifically targeted. Sadly, some of the political response has been to blame Muslims and refugees. The shooter was an American citizen and was born such. Yet two communities are vilified.

This past week, we marked one year since the deadly shooting at Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston. Nine African-American Christians were killed during a prayer service. They were specifically targeted by a man motivated by racial hatred. Another community continues to be vilified.

And, on June 20, we observed "World Refugee Day."  The United Nations issued a report that day, indicating that the world now has the largest number of refugees in human history because of poverty, war and persecution. Some 65.3 million people are displaced, either internally or outside of their home countries. That is one out of every 113 human beings on the earth. So many people left rootless.

Do our Catholic faith and our religious witness help us understand and respond to these things?

Pope Francis has called us to live a Year of Mercy; his recent book is titled "God's Name is Mercy."  Respect, welcome and inclusivity are in our Marianist DNA. Jesus told us last week in the liturgy that "if you only love those who love you, there is nothing special in that." We must "love the enemy and do good." And we must be as "perfect as our Heavenly Father who lets his rain fall on everyone."

Let us pray for the victims of the Orlando attack, for the members of the LGBT community and our own gay brothers, for followers of Islam, for refugees and migrants, and for racial inclusivity that will enrich us and our country.

May we be merciful as our Father is merciful.

From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers:

Personnel move

Fr. John Manahan, formerly of the Woodlawn Community in San Antonio, has been recovering from health issues at the Marianist Residence.

Fr. John has now been assigned to the Residence as his permanent community.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

My Dear Brothers:

Vocation Office moves to Dayton

Over the summer, Bro. Tom Wendorf will be moving the National Vocation Office to Dayton. Tom will join the Novitiate Community.

Welcome home, Armando!

Bro. Armando A�eses has returned from the seminary in Rome and will be engaged in a pastoral-clinical experience at Mercy Hospital in St. Louis this summer. While here, Armando will join the Chaminade Community.

Latest SLIconnect webinar: "Overcoming Apathy"

Fr. Ronald Knott, D.Min, explores how to combat apathy in ministry and renew a commitment to excellence. This and other 60-minute SLI webinars are available on demand; you may view at your convenience. Learn more.

Prayers, please

Let us continue to remember in our prayers Bros. Mike Chiuri and Brandon Paluch who are on retreat in preparation for their profession of perpetual vows.

From Bro. Ron Overman

Dear Brothers:

End of fiscal year reminders

We thank the members of the Province who help manage finances. Your service is valuable and important.

Here are key upcoming dates for community directors and business managers:

By June 30

Send in final Province support.

By July 20

Send in the final community report with the bank statement for June 30.

Send in Province calculator and first draft of 2016-17 community budget.

Thanks again for your service. Please contact me with any questions.

From the Office of JPIC

MCRI update

For the past year, Bro. Jim Maus has served as Province representative for the Midwest Coalition for Responsible Investment (MCRI).

This group addresses issues of corporate social responsibility by working for justice, peace and the integrity of creation in economic systems and corporate engagement. Jim provides us with a brief report, which includes a recent  engagement with Monsanto executives. Read Bro. Jim's report.

Laudato Si' anniversary

In honor of the one-year anniversary of Laudato Si', the Global Catholic Climate Covenant hosted an online conference during which prominent leaders discussed Laudato Si'. Vatican officials, climate experts, faith leaders and theologians spoke passionately about the encyclical and what it means to them, to us and the entire world.

Watch the conference webinars.

On the calendar

June 23 - 25 Provincial Council meeting

This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.

Marianist Province of US | 4425 West Pine Boulevard | St. Louis | MO | 63108