News for members of the Society of Mary, Province of the United States
June 9, 2016
From Fr. Marty Solma

Dear Brothers:

International departures and arrivals

Bro. Godfrey Ssenyomo from the Region of Eastern Africa has completed the Ministry to Ministers sabbatical program in San Antonio and will be returning to Kenya today. Godfrey works at IMANI, a women's development project in the Eastleigh section of Nairobi. Godfrey celebrated his 25th jubilee as a Marianist last August.

Fr. Iggie
Fr. Ignatius Arulappen has submitted his application to pursue doctoral studies at the International Marian Research Institute (IMRI) at the University of Dayton.

Iggie is working on securing his student visa and hopes to arrive in Dayton during the first week of August. He will join the Stonemill-Kiefaber Community.

Fr. Sylverius Kerketta is in the process of applying for a religious worker visa to assist at St. Anthony's parish on Maui for the coming year. Fr. Syl is one of the oldest professed Indian Marianists. He will travel to Maui as soon as his work permit is approved and will assist Fr. Roland Bunda and the other brothers with ministry at the parish.

We offer fraternal best wishes to all of these brothers.

Ahead: Mexico

I am on my way to Quer�taro, Mexico, to meet with a group of Mexican Marianists. There are plans in place to develop an educational ministry in Quer�taro, and the brothers currently are pursuing a course in pedagogy and educational leadership. Thanks to Fr. John Thompson for his good leadership in this regard.

Juan de la Cruz Peres has begun his prenovitiate program at the Puebla Community under the direction of Bro. Jos� Jes�s Ruiz Santill�n.

Please continue to pray for the Marianists in the Sector of Mexico.

From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers:

Director appointment

At our last meeting, the Provincial Council appointed Bro. Victor Forlani as director of the Alumni Hall Marianist Community for a first term of three years.

We appreciate Victor's openness to accept this position of servant leadership, and we thank Fr. Joseph Kozar for his six years of service as this community's director.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

My Dear Brothers:

Spirit of Saragossa Retreat

Please remember in your prayers Bros. Michael Chiuri and Brandon Paluch, who will soon begin their Spirit of Saragossa Retreat in preparation for profession of perpetual vows.

Please also remember Bro. Tom Redmond who will direct Mike and Brandon through the retreat, which runs June 12 - July 12 in Cupertino.

The retreat centers around four scriptural themes: Mary at the Annunciation; Mary at the Foot of the Cross; Together with Mary and the Apostles in the Cenacle; and Together with Mary and the Apostles as a Servant at the Wedding Feast. The retreat is set in the context of private prayer, faith sharing and the daily rhythm of Marianist community life.
Congratulations, Fr. Gene!

Archbishop Dennis Schnurr has reappointed Fr. Gene Contadino to another six-year term as pastor of St. Francis de Sales Parish in Cincinnati. Congratulations Gene, and thank you for your fine work at this historic parish.

Cupertino jubilee

Last Saturday, more than 60 Marianists, affiliates, family and friends gathered in the Chapel of the Marianist Martyrs at the Cupertino Community for the jubilees of three Marianists. I presided at the Mass and preached the homily.

At the Cupertino jubilee, with Fr. Ted Ley, Fr. Bill Meyer, jubilarian Fr. Chris Conlon and Fr. Bob Hughes.

And finally ...

On the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart (June 3), Pope Francis preached a beautiful homily at the Eucharist held in St. Peter's Square. While it was for a "priests' celebration" of the Jubilee Year it is applicable to all.

In it the pope states:  "... the Sacred Heart of Jesus invites us all to turn to the heart, the deepest root and foundation of every person, the focus of our affective life and, in a word, his or her very core ... Contemplating that heart, I renew my first love: the memory of that time when the Lord touched my soul and called me to follow him, the memory of the joy of having cast the nets of our life upon the sea of his word." (cf LK 5:5).

Read the homily.

From Bro. Ron Overman

Dear Brothers:

Helping brothers stay healthy

Our health insurance provider, the Religious Medical Trust, has contracted with an organization called Health As We Age, Inc. (HAWA) for its "Live Well to Serve Well," a wellness program for religious age 64 and younger.
The program is geared toward helping participants live a more healthful lifestyle. Participation is free for all members in the trust, and we're told that participants have found the program helpful and easy to use.

If you're in the 64 and younger group, we encourage you to check it out.

Learn more here.

Please contact Sr. Mary Beth Hefti if you have questions.

On the calendar

June 10 Birth of Venerable Ad�le in 1789
June 19 - 25 Province retreat at Bergamo
June 23 - 25 Provincial Council meeting

This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.

Marianist Province of US | 4425 West Pine Boulevard | St. Louis | MO | 63108