March 24, 2016      



From Fr. Marty Solma

Dear Brothers:

This week, Bro. Joe Kamis and I participated in two conference calls, one with the Marianist Family Council of North America (MFCNA) and another with the Marianist Conference.

The MFCNA, chaired by Sr. Laura Leming, includes the leadership of the SM, FMI and Marianist Lay Network of North America (MLNNA). In addition to sharing current happenings in our respective branches, we discussed two important initiatives: the Changemakers conferences in San Antonio and Dayton, and the MLNNA Continental Assembly planned for 2017.

We also talked about the upcoming bicentennial celebrations and approved the budget and the 2016-17 goals for the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative (MSJC).

The Marianist Conference brings together the leadership of the three SM units in North America: our Province, the Province of Meribah and the Region of Canada. We discussed the bicentennial celebrations and heard a report from the recent Extended General Council in Rome. Presently, I am serving as president of this zonal conference.

These two groups of leaders strengthen our mutual support and encouragement for mission.  

20,000 and calling

As part of our
Join Her Mission endowment campaign, several of our brothers have been engaged in the "Ministry of Gratitude," which involves writing or calling donors to thank them for their generosity.

Bro. Joe
This week, Bro. Joe Barrett will mark his 20,000th phone call as part of this program. This has become a wonderful ministry for Joe and a great way to engage our donors and supporters. Bro. Joe's only complaint is that his button-pushing finger is getting tired! 

Thanks to Joe and other members of the Province who are supporting our campaign in this way.

Spring is a time for green (cards)

In recent months, four of our Province members have received their permanent residency in the United States (green cards). Congratulations to Bros. Michael Chiuri, Jean Dossous and

Peter Kiama, and Fr. Neville O'Donohue.


Fr. D'Cruz Nicholas, who has been on exclaustration for the last year, has petitioned to become incardinated in the Diocese of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. We wish Nicky well as he makes this decision and thank him for our years of shared fraternity.  

Fr. Ignatius Arulappen, from the District of India, is in the midst of applications for the doctoral program in Marian Studies at IMRI. If all goes well, Iggie will join the Stonemill-Kiefaber Community in August.

Finally, the Region of Korea has requested our acceptance of Kim Sung Yong Joseph for our novitiate program. Formal approvals and immigration issues are pending.

Let him Easter in us

"Let him Easter in us, be a dayspring to the dimness of us, be a crimson-cresseted east."  (Gerard Manley Hopkins)

On behalf of the Provincial Council, I pray that this Holy Week and Easter bring abundant grace to you, to your community and to our Province. May it confirm us in our baptismal Christ-life and religious vocation.

Let us continue to pray for one another during this joy-filled season.


From Fr. Bill Meyer


My Dear Brothers:

Two will profess perpetual vows

It is with great joy that we announce that Bros. Michael Chiuri and Brandon Paluch have been approved for profession of perpetual vows in the Society of Mary.  

After considering the Province-wide consultation, the Provincial Council accepted their requests, which were then ratified by Superior General Fr. Manual Corts and his council.

Bro. Michael 
Bro. Brandon

Both brothers have been affirmed for a clerical orientation. The date and place of the profession ceremony are to be determined; we'll announce these details in the near future.

With fraternal affection,

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers:

Understanding MUSP

Last week, I met with the directors of the Marianist Urban Students Program: Hannah Knox of Purcell Marian High School, Tim Neary of Villa Angela-St. Joseph, and Bro. Rich Thompson of Central Catholic High School.

We discussed best practices from each of their programs, such as how they tackle communication with school administration and parents. We also did some planning for the future and spent time sharing what it means to be a missionary educator in a modern school. Their commitment and enthusiasm was evident and contagious.

Attending the MUSP meeting at Bergamo Center in Dayton were Bro. Rich Thompson, Tim Neary, Hannah Knox and Bro. Tom Giardino.

MUSP is one of our clear Province mission responses to educating "the young and the poor."

We have a total of 55 students in MUSP: 16 at Purcell Marian, 24 at VASJ and 15 at Central Catholic. These are at-risk students in urban environments; they need financial, academic and social support to succeed.

We launched MUSP at Purcell Marian in 1992 and extended it to VASJ in 1999 and Central Catholic in 2007. We are exploring adding a fourth school if we can obtain donor funding.

Learn more about MUSP.



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Marianist Province of US | 4425 West Pine Boulevard | St. Louis | MO | 63108