March 17, 2016      



From Fr. Marty Solma

Dear Brothers:

I'm writing this from Rome, where I'm attending a meeting of the Extended General Council.

The five zonal presidents each gave reports, and we have reviewed the report on the Marianist International Seminary. Other topics on our agenda include the bicentennial celebration, vocations, the Marianist Solidarity Fund and several symposia on Marianist life and Marianist education that will take place during the bicentennial period.

Bro. Ron Overman arrives today for a meeting of the Temporalities Committee of the General Administration. 

Assembly 2018

You have received a survey about the dates for the 2018 Assembly. Because the original dates precede the General Chapter, it's not possible for us to have a formal installation of new leadership. Some have asked for a survey to determine if Province members prefer a change of date.

If you've not yet completed the survey, please do so before Monday, March 21.

Bro. Steve Grazulis

Bro. Steve Grazulis will be in the United States from mid-May to mid-June to visit his father. He has just obtained his visitor visa for India and will spend six weeks at the novitiate in Ranchi, teaching a course and assisting with formation concerns. Thanks to Steve for his willingness to serve in this way, and to the Region of Eastern Africa for supporting his service in India.


You will receive communications from the bicentennial committee soon. The committee is developing plans and resources that will be posted to the portal. Committee members will meet in person at the novitiate April 22-24. For more resources, you may want to visit the General Administration website's bicentennial page.

If you have recommendations for the committee, please send them to Bro. Charlie Johnson or Bro. John Habjan.

Holy Week is a special time of grace. May its odd joys and certain hope bring us all to a deeper encounter with the Risen Lord.


From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers: 

With renovations of Alumni Hall in Dayton starting soon, the community is no longer able to house visitors.     

Community members will be living at Marianist Hall on UD's campus this summer. Unfortunately, there are no guest rooms available at that complex.     

The Alumni Hall Community, after they get settled back in this fall, will once again demonstrate their fine hospitality. We'll make an announcement here in Notes when rooms are available again.



From Fr. Bill Meyer

My Dear Brothers:

Renewal of Temporary Vows

The Provincial Council recently approved requests for renewal of temporary vows for Bros. Sylvester Burkemper, Jean Dossous, Jos� Juli�n Matos-Auffant, Mark Motz and Allen Pacquing. We congratulate these fellow brothers and assure them of our ongoing support and prayers.

Norman Capinpin has decided not to renew his temporary vows. We are grateful and thank God for Norm's presence among us these past years. We promise him our prayers as he transitions to a new chapter in his life.

With fraternal affection,

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers:

VASJ president named

The Diocese of Cleveland has named Bill Cervenik as president of Villa Angela-St. Joseph High School to succeed Richard Osborne, who is retiring June 30 after five years of service.

Bill Cervenik
Bill, 61, is a 1972 graduate of St. Joseph High School and formerly was mayor of Euclid, Ohio. He credits his careers in politics and accounting directly to his experience at St. Joseph. You can read more about him here. We welcome Bill.

The Province is deeply grateful to Richard for his fine service at VASJ, which helped to revive the school's enrollment and reputation. Thanks also to Fr. Ted Cassidy who served on the search committee for the new president.

Fr. Tim Kenney named to NCEA post

Fr. Tim Kenney, chaplain at St. John Vianney High School, has been appointed to one of the National Catholic Education Association's Lead. Learn. Proclaim. Advisory Councils.

Tim will serve as a "from-the-field consultant, collaborator and advisor" to the NCEA Leadership Development Team. Members of the advisory councils serve as representative voices of NCEA members to guide the association in its programs and services.

Congratulations and thanks for your service, Tim.



From Bro. Ron Overman

Dear Brothers:

From the Office of JPIC

The Conference of Major Superiors of Men has been working with a coalition of Catholic advocacy organizations to develop a voting guide focused on issues involving justice, peace and the integrity of creation.

The guide is meant as a spiritual reflection and incorporates important elements of Pope Francis' message of mercy.

Read the guide: A Revolution of Tenderness: A 2016 Election Pope Francis Voter Guide

Justice and peace resources for Lent

Sunday homily resources:
  • March 20: by Dawn M. Nothwehr, OSF, Ph.D., professor at Catholic Theological Union
  • March 27: by Marie Dennis, co-president of Pax Christi International
There's still time to begin receiving daily reflections from the Ignatian Solidarity Network: Racial Justice Reflections for Lent.


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Marianist Province of US | 4425 West Pine Boulevard | St. Louis | MO | 63108