Feb. 25, 2016     



From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers:


Bro. DuWayne Brisendine (Woodlawn Marianist Community) and Bro. Norb Karpfinger (Maryland Avenue Marianist Community) are joining the Marianist Residence Community in San Antonio. DuWayne will be joining the community this week; Norb will be moving there in early March. We wish both brothers all the best in their new community.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

My Dear Brothers:
Reminder: The deadline for signing up for your annual retreat is March 18.  

If you have not already done so, please register now. 


If you plan to make a private retreat, please include that information at the end of the registration form at the link above.

Mark your calendar: Healthy Celibate Living workshops

Be sure to mark your calendar for upcoming workshops: "Healthy Celibate Living: Where Spirituality and Sexuality Meet."

There are two opportunities:  
Watch for registration details in the coming weeks. Note that these workshops are separate from the retreat program.

With fraternal affection,

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers:

Assessing Sponsorship

In the General Administration report following the visit to the Province in 2014, GA members raised questions about our Sponsorship initiative and called for an evaluation of the model after two years of implementation.

Here is what the General Administration report requested:

"We ask that as part of the evaluation of the current Sponsorship model due to take place during 2015, the Provincial Chapter address these questions as it reviews the current model and makes any necessary adjustments."

The evaluation was done and the results sent to the Province membership and to the Chapter in my Chapter report. (This will be discussed at the Chapter.)  I also sent the full results of the evaluation to the General Administration.

After reviewing the results, the General Administration sent us this letter. As part of our ongoing conversation, I thought it important to share the letter with Province membership.

As you may see in my Chapter report, the results of the assessment are abundantly positive. For this I thank my predecessor, Bro. Ed Brink, along with Dan Donnelly, Larry Keller, George Lisjak and Pat Wheadon in the Office of Sponsorship, ably assisted by Donna Tucker and Deanna Snyder.  

I also thank you, brothers, for your continuing support of this vital dimension of our mission.


From Bro. Ron Overman

Dear Brothers: 

Office of JPIC

With majority support from Province members last year, we
endorsed the Conference of Major Superiors of Men's Resolution, "Cherish All of Creation."

A segment of the resolution reads:

"We resolve significantly to change our lifestyle, including our consumption habits, from ways that perpetuate climate change and towards the sound virtues of an ecological citizenship for a significantly lighter footprint. Recommended examples include community gardens, eating less or no meat, more videoconferencing meetings, etc."

Read the full resolution.

While meeting several weeks ago, our Province JPIC Advisory Committee discussed possible ways to live out the resolution more intentionally. Two ideas that fellow brothers suggested for communities were to:
  • Stop buying bottled water.
  • Eat less meat.
The Committee also is finalizing an "Integrity of Creation Resource Guide," which we'll send to communities in coming weeks.

Linking the lectionary to justice and peace

See these helpful Sunday homily resources from members of the CMSM community:

Feb. 28: (Scrutiny) by Prof. Dianne Bergant, CSA
Mar. 6: (Scrutiny) by Bro. Steve Herro, O.Praem.
Mar. 13: (Scrutiny) by Fr. Joe Serano, O.Praem.

From the Office of Development

Dear Brothers:
I want to thank everyone who helped with parish preaching this past summer.
Fr. Ted Cassidy
Fr. Robert Hughes
Fr. Tim Kenney
Bro. Peter Kiama
Fr. Al McMenamy
Bro. Don Neff 
Fr. Kip Stander
Fr. Ken Templin
Fr. Pat Tonry
Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Rudy Vela
Fr. Chris Wittmann

These preachers went to a record 27 parishes raising $81,410 and more than doubling the prior year's results.

Special thanks to Fr. Rudy Vela, who raised $15,700 from one parish alone! Parish preaching is a fantastic opportunity to raise funds for our Partnering with the Poor program, which supports our schools in Eastern Africa and India. We are truly grateful for everyone's time and dedication to the mission.

With gratitude,

Allison Hewitt,
Executive Director of Development 
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Marianist Province of US | 4425 West Pine Boulevard | St. Louis | MO | 63108