Jan. 28, 2016     



Feb. 2

Presentation of the Lord

From Fr. Marty Solma

Dear Brothers:   

Please remember Bro. Juan Manuel Azamar from the Sector of Mexico. He will profess perpetual vows on Saturday, Jan. 30, in Quertaro. Remember, as well, Deacon Josephraj Rymond, who will be ordained a priest on Feb. 3 at Holy Infant Church in Bangalore, India, by Archbishop Bernard Moras. Our prayers and best wishes to these young Marianists.

2018 Assembly

Thanks to Fr. Tim Kenney and Bro. Jack Ventura,who have agreed to serve as co-chairs for the 2018 Province Assembly. During the coming weeks, the rest of the planning committee will be identified. The assembly will take place in St. Louis from June 28 to July 1, 2018.

On Feb. 2, we will conclude the Year of Consecrated Life. Let's mark this in a special way and ask the Lord that the fruits of this year be evident in the way we live our Marianist life.


From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers:

After consultations with the communities involved, the Provincial Council has made two personnel assignments for the coming year. Bro. Ed Brink has been assigned to the Hale Malia Community in Honolulu with ministry at Chaminade University. Fr. Bob Jones has been assigned to the Chambers Street Marianist Community in Dayton with ministry at Chaminade Julienne Catholic High School.
Provincial Chapter
Next week, Provincial Chapter documents will be placed on the Marianist PORTAL. Reports from the Provincial Council will be posted first, followed by other documents, including propositions. 

The Chapter Preparatory Commission encourages Province members to read and reflect on the reports and participate in the area gatherings planned by their area coordinator.


From Fr. Bill Meyer

My Dear Brothers:

Closing of the Year 
of Consecrated Life

Fr. Dave McGuigan and Bro. Alex Tuss will journey to the Eternal City this week, joining a delegation of Marianists from around the globe to take part in prayer gatherings, talks and discussions at the Vatican marking the close of the Year of Consecrated Life.  

The days also will include an audience with Pope Francis and a Solemn Eucharist to be celebrated on Feb. 2, the feast of the Presentation of the Lord  -  the day we celebrate the gift of consecrated life. We thank Dave and Alex for representing our Province at this historic event, and promise our prayers for a safe and grace-filled journey!

With fraternal affection,

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers:

Understanding Sponsorship 

I appreciate the response many of you sent regarding the sponsorship video. I hope it can be viewed individually and as a community. Many brothers said they would welcome a script or text so they could study it and use it for community or other discussions.

Below is a link to a circular entitled "Sponsorship and Stability: Our Story" that was the foundation for the video script. It gives a broader and deeper treatment of the video's main themes.

If you have comments or questions, please send them to me. Thank you for your support. 



From Bro. Ron Overman

Dear Brothers:

Office of JPIC 

Marianist PULSE applicants

With great excitement we announce that we have 15 applicants for the inaugural program year of Marianist PULSE. The majority are graduates or will soon graduate from Marianist universities - two from Chaminade University, three from St. Mary's University, and eight from the University of Dayton. 

A national committee of vowed and Lay Marianists will review application materials and interview selected applicants to form the first community of 4-6 volunteers. The prayers of the Society of Mary during this time of discernment, assessment, and selection would be appreciated. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Human trafficking
January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. There is still time to advocate for the estimated 20.9 million people globally who are affected by human trafficking. Join the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility's latest initiative to push for comprehensive legislation that protects the dignity of every human person, especially those entrapped in labor and/or sex trafficking.  


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