Jan. 7, 2016     



Jan. 10

Baptism of the Lord

Death of Venerable
Ad�le de Batz de Trenquell�on

Jan. 14 - 16

Provincial Council Meetings

From Fr. Marty Solma

Dear Brothers:

I am writing this from Ranchi, India, where we celebrated today the perpetual profession of three Indian Marianists: Bros. Julius Tete, Pratap Guria and Santosh Savarimuthu. The celebration on this Feast of the Epiphany was spirit-filled, colorful and well prepared by the Marianist novices, both SM and FMI. There were about 400 present, including many brothers from the District of India. A vote of thanks to the Indian leadership and to Fr. Chinnaiah, novice director, and the novitiate community for a wonderful celebration of these commitments. 

India's newly professed (Julius, Pratap, Santosh) with Bro. Dennis Schmitz and me, members of the District Council, and Fr. Chinnaiah (front, in white)

On Monday and Tuesday, Bro. Dennis Schmitz and I met with the District Council. The days here have been pleasant, but the nights have been quite cold. I am back in St. Louis tomorrow (Friday) evening. Dennis will remain in the District until the ordination of Deacon Josephraj Rymond on Feb. 3.


This celebration followed the profession of 10 African Marianists  (photo above) on Dec. 30 in Abidjan. Like the profession in Ranchi, this one lasted three hours . . . and both were followed by great parties. By the end of the Mass in Abidjan, the entire congregation was dancing in the aisles. This concluded the Charism V program for temporary professed from Africa, India, Korea and the United States. Thanks to Bros. Brandon Paluch, Norman Capinpin and Jos� Juli�n Matos for their wonderful engagement and contributions. It was a great experience of the youth and vibrancy of the younger units of the Society of Mary.

Chapter convocation - March 2016

I am happy to announce the convocation of the twenty-fifth session of the Provincial Chapter of the Province of the United States. This session of the Chapter will be held March 3 - 7, 2016, at the Marianist Retreat and Conference Center in Eureka, Missouri. 
Propositions for the twenty-fifth session of the Provincial Chapter are due to the Office of the Assistant Provincial by February 10, 2016. Read how to submit a proposition and more.

I pray for all Province members, and ask that Christ continues to be the light of our lives as Marianists.


From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers:

The results of the recent Chapter Election are as follows:
Representing the Area of Texas for a two-year term:
Fr. Tim Eden - 121 votes
Bro. Tim Pieprzyca - 104 votes
Blank ballots - 19
Representing the 50 and Under Cohort for a two-year term:

Fr. Bob Jones - 138 votes
Bro. Brandon Alana-Maugaotega - 83 votes
Blank ballots - 23
Congratulations to Tim Eden and Bob Jones for the confidence the Province has in them to serve on the Chapter and thanks to Tim Pieprzyca and Brandon Alana-Maugaotega for their willingness to have their names placed in nomination. The composition of the 25th Provincial Chapter is now complete. The Preparatory Commission will begin meeting soon to plan the draft agenda and schedule.   



From Fr. Bill Meyer

My Dear Brothers:

Ordination in Rome

This Saturday, Jan. 9, Bros. Sean Downing, Mariandu Belevendiran and Bernard Ombima will be ordained to the Order of Deacon in the chapel of the General Administration in Rome, Italy. Please remember these brothers in your prayers as they respond to this call of service for our Society, the Marianist Family and the Church.

Bros. Mariandu Belevendiran, Sean Downing, and Bernard Ombima 

Resources for healthy life & ministry

You or your community would enjoy watching any of the new webinars or "watch on demand presentations" from St. Luke's Institute. Great for personal use or a community meeting. Special $15 coupon!  

New topics include: 
*Successful Transitions to Retirement (Jan. 21)
*Rediscovering the Face of Mercy (Feb. 18)
*Learning to Forgive (March 17)
*Flipping the Script: Overcoming Negative Self Perception (April 21)

With fraternal affection,

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers:

Understanding Sponsorship: 
Our Catholic Context

Abundant blessings for the New Year. I look forward to 2016 as another graced moment in our mission together to do what the Marianists were founded for: formation in faith.

I write this introduction on Jan. 4, the feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, who founded the first free Catholic school in the United States. So it is fitting that in our continuing conversation on sponsorship, I offer a brief article on "Characteristics of Catholic Education" by Fr. Jim Heft. "The Catholic tradition is deeper and wider and more comprehensive than the Marianist tradition," says Fr. Jim. "There would be no Marianist tradition if Catholicism did not exist."   

Fr. Chaminade was clear that we are part of the Church and have a vital role to "promote the growth of the Church" as we say in our Act of Dedication. Through our educational, parish and retreat ministries we are also forming parents in their fundamental role as Catholic educators of their children.

Along with this article by Jim, you might also want to check out his book: "Catholic High Schools: Facing the New Realities" (Oxford University Press, 2011) and the recent biography, "American Saint: The Life of Elizabeth Seton" by Joan Barthel (St. Martin's Press, 2014).



From Bro. Ron Overman

Dear Brothers:

From the Office of JPIC 

We are excited to introduce Katie Brossart, our new intern for Marianists International NGO at the United Nations. She's studying Human Rights and Women & Gender Studies at UD. Katie will serve our NGO from our 
campus in Dayton by helping with research, creating NGO resources and related projects. "I have loved being involved with the Marianists, at UD and the Marianist Family Vacation Retreats at Governor's Island. I am excited to work with them in a new capacity and to continue to learn about their work in social justice." 

Fr. Marshall Memorial Prayer Project. With the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative, we've launched a "Fr. Paul Marshall Racial Justice Prayer & Reflection" campaign. We invite the Marianist Family to read a special prayer on a weekly, monthly, or daily basis - perhaps as a companion prayer with the Marianist Three O'Clock Prayer. 

We invite everyone to share a reflection (words, sentiments, memories, etc.) to honor Fr. Paul by Jan. 10 via Google Form that will be shared during a special video-recorded prayer service on racial justice during our MSJC Steering Committee meeting in Baltimore the weekend of Jan. 15. We'd like the Marianist Family to be in communion with us to honor Fr. Paul and pray for racial justice, harmony and healing. 


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