Dec. 30, 2015    



Mary, Holy Mother of God

Jan. 1

Happy New Year!

From Fr. Marty Solma

Dear Brothers:

I am writing from Village Chaminade in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. The Charism V program will conclude with a retreat led by Fr. Dave Fleming. The spirit and enthusiasm among the 30 temporary professed has been strong and vibrant. Despite the high temperatures and high humidity, this has been a fine experience for all involved. 

The other evening, one of the Ivorian brothers said, "I wish that we could stay together like this forever." Not possible ... but a good indication of the spirit and rapport among these young men from Ivory Coast, Congo, Togo, India, Kenya, Malawi, Zambia, Korea and the United States. Please remember the 10 African brothers who will profess their perpetual vows today (Dec. 30) and the three Indian brothers who will do the same in Ranchi, India, on Jan. 3.

At the Charism V program, Bro. Norman Capinpin, Fr. John Thompson, Bro. Emmanuel Kolani (Togo), who handled computer issues for the participants, Fr. Marty Solma, and Bros. Jos� Juli�n Matos-Auffant and Brandon Paluch

Fr. Jack McGrath, Fr. Joseph Mary Marshall

This week, the Province lost two very fine Marianists. Fr. Jack McGrath loved the Society of Mary and gave himself generously over many years. Our loss is heaven's gain. May Jack intercede for us and for the District of India, which he loved.

Fr. Joseph Mary Marshall battled a terrible disease for the last four years with faith and courage. He was a spirit-filled priest who loved our Blessed Mother very deeply. May he know the Lord's mercy and Mary's embrace.


From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers:


Fr. Ted Cassidy, who has finished his ministry as chaplain of the Manziana Program in Italy, will return to the United States and move from the Alumni Hall Marianist Community to the Stonemill/Kiefaber Marianist Community in mid-January. Fr. Ted will be involved in ministry at the University of Dayton. We wish Ted all the best in his new community and ministry.

Bro. Larry Scrivani (Cupertino) has been assigned to the Marianist Residence in San Antonio and will assist with archival projects. Our prayers and best wishes to Larry in his new assignment.



From Fr. Bill Meyer

My Dear Brothers:

After thoughtful and prayerful discernment with the Novitiate Community, Trinidad Agosto has decided to leave the Novitiate to discern other directions in his life. 

We thank Trini for his many contributions to Marianist life during his time at Casa Maria and at the Novitiate over the past year and a half. We wish him the best in the future, with our promise of prayers. Please pray for Trinidad during this important time of transition. 

With fraternal affection,

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers:

J. Marshall Hyzdu, a 1996 graduate of Archbishop Moeller High School, has been appointed the school's new president, effective Jan. 4, 2016.
Hyzdu brings significant leadership, management and marketing experience to Moeller. His professional background includes more than 12 years of brand management experience where he established a track record of success.
Hyzdu comes to Moeller from Bridgestone, where he served as vice president of commercial marketing. Prior to that, he served as global marketing director at Valvoline and senior brand manager at Kraft Foods.

We promise Marshall our prayers for his new position at Moeller.



From Bro. Ron Overman

Dear Brothers:

Investments and finances

The Office of Temporalities participated in two meetings with lay people and Marianist brothers who are advisors for Province finances and investments. 

On Dec. 7, the Investment Committee met to review the performance of the portfolio and to review asset allocations for the near term. On Dec. 22, the Finance Advisory Committee met to review the Province audit report, the work of the Investment Committee, the Province budget and November report, and the TRENDS report for future health care needs. The TRENDS report tracks demographics, future revenue and expense and future need for skilled and assisted living care. The report was developed by the Resource Center for Religious Institutes. 

After tweaking, the final report will be presented to the Chapter at the March 2016 session. 

From the Office of JPIC 

Fr. Paul Marshall Memorial Prayer Project. With the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative, we've launched a "Fr. Paul Marshall Racial Justice Prayer & Reflection" campaign. We invite the Marianist Family to read a special prayer on a weekly, monthly, or daily basis - perhaps as a companion prayer with the Marianist Three O'Clock Prayer. 

We invite everyone to share a reflection (words, sentiments, memories, etc.) to honor Fr. Paul by Jan. 10 via Google Form that will be shared during a special video-recorded prayer service on racial justice during our MSJC Steering Committee meeting in Baltimore the weekend of Jan. 15. We'd like the Marianist Family to be in communion with us to honor Fr. Paul and pray for racial justice, harmony and healing. 

Sustainable Development GoalsRead a reflection written by
Brian Reavey about the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations. 
COP 21 Updates & Resources. During the 21st Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change last month in Paris, world leaders hammered out an agreement to stabilize the climate and avoid the worst impacts of climate change. We had colleagues from various NGOs and the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) sharing information live from COP21. Read an update of the meetings and agreement, compliments of ICCR.  
View resources available to you and your communities:



From the Office of Communications

PORTAL - new & improved!

As we reported recently, the update of the PORTAL is complete.

1. You can find a photo and full information for every brother in the Province - all contact information, date of birth, and vow and ordination information. The latest Personnel book is there, too, and is updated regularly.  

2. Also available: information on 2016 jubilees and retreats, the new ordo, lectionary and missal, the updated Child Protection Policy, 2015 Chapter documents, and "quick links" to our publications, calendar, Facebook page, obituaries, etc. 

  • If you've forgotten your PORTAL password, contact Ann Mueller.
  • Please check your contact information under "Find a Brother" and let Ann know of any errors.

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