Dec. 17, 2015    




Provincial Office Closed

Dec. 24
Dec. 25
Dec. 31

From Fr. Marty Solma

Dear Brothers:  

Fr. John Thompson and I will leave for Abidjan, Ivory Coast, on Tuesday and participate in the Charism V program that began on Dec. 13 and will conclude on Dec. 31. This is a program for temporary professed from Africa, India and Korea. For the first time, three representatives from our Province are participating: Bro. Jos� Juli�n Matos-AuffantBro. Brandon Paluch and Bro. Norman Capinpin. On Dec. 30, 10 African Marianists from the various units will profess their perpetual vows. Please keep this important gathering of young religious in your prayers.

Bros. Pratap Guria, Santosh Savarimuthu and Julius Tete will profess their perpetual vows at the Marianist Novitiate in Ranchi, India, on Jan. 3. Bro. Dennis Schmitz and I will be present for that celebration. Dennis and I also will meet with the District Council and Formation Team as they finalize their formation plan and documentation. While I am out of the country, Bro. Joe Kamis will be the contact for Provincial business.

Deacon Joseph Raj Rymond has been approved for ordination as a priest on Feb. 3 in Bangalore, India. Bro. Dennis Schmitz will be present to represent the Province. Congratulations and best wishes to Joseph.


Bro. Saju Chittadiyil of the District of India will soon graduate from the University of Dayton with an MBA and a master's degree in educational leadership. Saju will return to the District of India in early January.

Read Bro. Saju's letter of appreciation to the Marianists who helped make his education possible.

Chaminade Center

The new Chaminade Center, which will house both NACMS and the Madeleine Room for the Marianist Family, was completed on time on Dec. 11. Over the coming weeks, Carol Ramey and the NACMS staff will move their materials, library and stock from temporary housing at the University of Dayton. Congratulations to Carol and the planning team and to Bro. Jack Somerville for the completion of this project. Below is a look at the front and back of the center.


PORTAL - new & improved!
After many months of work by West Pine employees Ann Mueller, Sandy Barnett and Carol Dexter, the PORTAL is fully updated and reorganized. 

With the new photos taken at the Retreat Assembly (as well as those from the three healthcare centers), you can find a photo and full information for every brother in the Province - all contact information, date of birth, and vow and ordination information. The latest Personnel book is there, too, and is updated regularly. 

Also available: information on 2016 jubilees and retreats, the new ordo, lectionary and missal, the updated Child Protection Policy, 2015 Chapter documents, and "quick links" to our publications, calendar, Facebook page, obituaries, etc. A few things:
  • If you've forgotten your PORTAL password, contact Ann Mueller. 
  • Please check your contact information under "Find a Brother" and let Ann know of any errors.
  • Please let us know if you'd like us to add any documents, or if any documents need to be updated or deleted.

On behalf of the Provincial Council, I wish all Province members a blessed and grace-filled Christmas. May the Lord bless our Province with peace and joy this Christmas and a deeper sense of His Mercy.


From Fr. Bill Meyer

My Dear Brothers:

New document on the religious brother
On Dec. 14, the Vatican announced the long-awaited document on the religious brother: "Identity and Mission of the Religious Brother in the Church." 
Cardinal Jo�o Braz de Aviz, 
prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and the Societies of Apostolic Life, explained that the religious brother is an image of the person of Christ underlining a life of fraternity. "The religious brother reflects the face of Christ the brother: simple, good, near to the people, welcoming, generous and serving . . . offering to the world a gift of fraternity which is transformed into mission."
We'll share the document when it is available.

Marianist Ordo

Read the 2016 Marianist Ordo, identifying the feasts and liturgical celebrations for 2016. The Ordo also can be found on the PORTAL under "Religious Resources." Thank you for your continued attention to the spiritual and liturgical needs of our communities.

With fraternal affection, 

From Bro. Ron Overman

Dear Brothers:

Clean energy program

The communities of the Central West End of St. Louis (Maryland Ave. and Salve House) and the Province Office have contracted with the Arcadia Power Company for its clean energy program, thus reducing our carbon footprint.

Brian Reavey introduced the program to the Marianists at the directors meeting in October. The Sawmill Community in Dayton has been a member of the clean energy program for more than a year.
Here's how it works (information provided by Arcadia Power):

"Once power reaches the grid, the electrons that make up the electricity your house uses are indistinguishable from one another.
What matters is where those electrons are produced. This is where your business can make a difference to choose clean, renewable sources instead of polluting fossil fuels.

"Each month, Arcadia Power monitors your usage with your current utility or supplier, and sources an equal amount of kilowatt-hours (kWhs) of clean energy from our partner wind farms. This process is made possible by Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) traded on a national energy market to track and claim renewable energy production."



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