



Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Dec. 8

From Fr. Marty Solma

Dear Brothers:  
Two important events this week: the beginning of the Climate Summit in Paris and Pope Francis' return from an historic visit to Africa, especially the Central African Republic. The pope has called everyone to account for the future of the planet; he has called everyone in war-torn central Africa to peace, reconciliation, forgiveness and religious tolerance. This gives us much to think about and pray for during these first days of Advent.
Bro. Bernie Ploeger arrived in Nairobi on Nov. 29 to moderate the Regional Chapter for Eastern Africa and to help the Marianists there to develop a good strategic plan. Thanks to Bernie for his willingness to provide this service amidst his many other responsibilities. Let's pray for our brothers in Eastern Africa during this important time.
Bro. Gobi Torres Nazar�o has sought and accepted dispensation from his perpetual vows. We thank Gobi for his years of sharing life with us and promise him our prayers for his future.
May this Advent season be one of vigilance and expectant hope for all of us.

From Bro. Joe Kamis
Dear Brothers:


Bro. Will Halloway, who is completing a sabbatical program at Ministry to Ministers in San Antonio, will move to his new community and ministry in early January. Will has been assigned to the DeSales Crossings Marianist Community in Cincinnati and will work with Bro. Giancarlo Bonutti at Mary Magdalene House (see article about this ministry in the current issue of ALIVE - link below). He also will look for other opportunities to minister in the area. The Province wishes him well in his new community and ministry.



From Fr. Bill Meyer

My Dear Brothers:

Read the latest newsletter from the International Center for Marianist Formation.

Open Wide the Doors of Mercy!
Pope Francis has called the entire Church to participate in the extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, which begins Dec. 8, 2015, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, and concludes Nov. 20, 2016, the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.  

In his Bull of Indiction, "Misericordiae Vultus," Pope Francis states: "We want to live this Jubilee Year in light of the Lord's words 'merciful like the Father.'" He continued, "I present, therefore, this extraordinary Jubilee Year dedicated to living out in our daily lives the mercy which the Father constantly extends to all of us."

Read my full letter regarding our Province participation in the Jubilee Year of Mercy.

With fraternal affection, 

From Bro. Tom Giardino
Dear Brothers:

Sharing mission

Over the past several years, the Sponsorship Commission, the Office of Sponsorship and the Provincial Council have been pondering the possibility of expanding our network of sponsored educational institutions. The stimulus has come from at least two sources: our belief that the Marianist charism in its educational expression is a relevant gift for the present world, and we have received requests from several high schools that would like to be affiliated with the Marianists.

At the recent Sponsorship Commission meeting, a proposition was made to the Provincial Council that Phase One of the Discernment Process for Marianist Sponsorship begin with St. Vincent-St. Mary High School in Akron, Ohio (STVM). At its November meeting, the Provincial Council accepted this proposal. The Office of Sponsorship will begin the initial steps of the discernment process regarding the appropriateness of STVM becoming a Marianist-sponsored institution.

This decision is not precipitous. Dan Donnelly, director of the Office of Sponsorship, has twice visited STVM; in early November, Fr. Marty and I also visited. We believe STVM is a good fit because of stable enrollment and financials, the strong desire of the board and administration for this relationship, and because, in our judgement, the "spirit" of the school is quite congenial to that of other Marianist-sponsored schools. 

The full discernment process has three phases and should take two-three years to complete. We ask your prayerful support for this pilot exploration in search of what Fr. Chaminade called the "designs of Providence."

View STVM's website. For more information about the process used when considering a ministry for sponsorship, read "Exploration and Discernment Process, Sponsorship of Secondary Schools."



From Bro. Ron Overman
Dear Brothers:

From the Office of JPIC

Now that we've entered the holy season of Advent, we invite you to sign up for the Advent daily reflection series offered by "Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good.

As an aid to individual spiritual preparation for Christmas, this Advent series presents brief reflections and prayers written by members of the Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good community. Each morning, an email is sent to subscribers containing the day's reflection and prayer, and links to daily Scripture readings.

Please note: You might automatically be linked to a donation site once you sign up and submit your information. However, there is no cost or donation required to sign up for the Advent reflections.  


From the Office of Communications

Read the Fall/Winter 2015 issue of ALIVE magazine!

You will soon receive your copy. If you'd like additional copies, or would like to add a friend or family member to the ALIVE subscription list, please contact Ann Mueller.


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