Nov. 25, 2015    




Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
Nov. 26


From Fr. Marty Solma

Dear Brothers:  
The cover story of the December issue of National Geographic is "Mary: the Most Powerful Woman in the World." Fr. Bert Buby and Fr. Johann Roten of the International Marian Research Institute are quoted in the article. Thanks to Bert and Johann. Read the article.
In early December, Bro. Tom Giardino and I will visit the community in Dublin, as well as St. Laurence College. Your prayers for our visit are appreciated.
Please remember three Indian brothers who are attending the Spirit of Saragossa retreat in preparation for their perpetual vows. Bros. Pratap Guria, Santosh Savarimuthu and Julius Tete will profess their vows at the Nirmal Deep novitiate on Jan. 3, 2016. Bro. Dennis Schmitz, Province liaison with the District of India, Fr. John Thompson and I will be present for the celebration.
On behalf of the Province Council, I wish you and all Province communities a blessed and happy Thanksgiving. Grateful for the Lord's goodness to our Province, let's pray for each other -- that we may be faithful to our vocation, faithful to each other, and faithful to the mission that we have been given. My prayers for all Province members this Thanksgiving Day.   

From Bro. Joe Kamis
Dear Brothers:

Revising the Province Directory

The Province Directory Revision Committee had its first meeting on Nov. 12, 2015. The committee affirmed the timeline that the Provincial Council reviewed and asserted the importance of involving the Province membership.

How to suggest revisions to the directory

The committee invites each Province member to review the current directory (just the directory, not the appendix). Read the directory here or view it on the Marianist PORTAL.
There is a form available to make recommendations for revising the directory. Read the form here.
I ask that directors make available a copy of the directory as well as the form/s for suggestions for those who do not use computers.
Use a separate form for each revision/deletion/addition. Please submit all revisions to Joe Kamis, SM, preferably by e-mail, or by snail mail to 4425 West Pine Blvd., St. Louis MO 63108, no later than Jan. 8, 2016.


Bro. David Quigley is now a member of the Maui Marianist Community after completing a sabbatical and moving from the Woodlawn Community in San Antonio. Bro. Dave will serve the ministries of the parish and school in Maui. The Province again thanks Dave for his dedicated service to Bro. Bernie Hartman over the past year and wishes him well in his new ministry and community.
Bro. Ed Longbottom has taken up residence in his new community at the Marianist Residence in San Antonio. The Province thanks Ed for his years of service to the Mexican Region and Sector and wish him well in his new community and ministry.



From Bro. Tom Giardino
Dear Brothers:

Understanding Sponsorship

The Office of Formation for Mission is vital for the ministry of Sponsorship. In this series we have heard from its director, Bro. Bill Campbell, who is based in St. Louis. Working from the Marianist Center in Philadelphia are Bro. Jack Ventura, associate director of the Office of Formation for Mission, and Bro. Stephen Glodek. In this edition we hear from Bro. Jack.

From Bro. Jack Ventura

"The Office of Formation for Mission was started in 2011 with two areas of focus. The first was to aid in the formation of boards of trustees for our sponsored Marianist apostolic ministries. The second was to be of assistance in the initial and ongoing formation of lay persons who are attracted to our Marianist way of life. In many ways, I find these two areas of focus to be complementary.

"Formation is the process of socialization into the tradition of the Catholic Church and a community in mission. The Marianist Family utilizes a particular practice (or method) of formation for the purpose of "being gathered and sent." The Office of Formation for Mission, in collaboration with other Province offices and with other branches of the Marianist Family, attempts to create, develop and conduct experiences where participants recognize their importance as members of a community in mission." Read more from Bro. Jack.



From Bro. Ron Overman
Dear Brothers:

From the Office of JPIC

Marianist PULSE (Partners in Urban Leadership, Service and Education) continues to gain momentum during its foundational year. The program application has been requested by 21 young adults from across the country. Applications and reference forms are due Jan. 15, 2016. 

The first volunteer community will begin in late July 2016. We are grateful for your support and prayers for the young adults who are discerning this exciting opportunity to grow in the charism. Read more about the program.

From the National Religious Retirement Office

from the National Religious Retirement Office.

Note the lead story that features Bro. Steve Glodek's new workshop designed to "disseminate education and programming to promote effective property planning among religious institutes." The workshops will be held in 2016.

From the Office of Communications

Read the Fall/Winter 2015 issue of ALIVE magazine!

You will soon receive your copy. If you'd like additional copies, or would like to add a friend or family member to the ALIVE subscription list, please contact Ann Mueller. Congratulations to editor Jan Dixon.


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