Nov. 12, 2015    




Provincial Council Meeting
Nov. 15 - 17

From Fr. Marty Solma

Dear Brothers:  
The Provincial Council will meet in Dayton from Sunday through next Tuesday. Because some of the Council members will be in Dayton for the formation weekend and the dedication of the novitiate, we decided to hold the meeting after these events. The formal dedication and blessing of the novitiate will take place Friday evening. As always, your prayers are appreciated.

We will review the fine Retreat Assembly report prepared by Fr. Oscar and Bro. Jesse. We also will review the recent work of the Sponsorship Commission, which met last week in St. Louis.

The recent UD-sponsored conference on Divestment/Investment was well attended and well organized. Along with other engaging panelists and presenters, student leaders from Boston College, Notre Dame and Fordham spoke about efforts on their campuses to support the movement for sustainability. The Holy Father's recent encyclical, Laudato Si, was referenced throughout the conference.

During this month of November, let's remember our deceased brothers, especially those who have died during the past year. Let's also remember our brothers who are sick.   

Development team in St. Louis  
The Office of Development: back, Mike O'Leary, Allison Hewitt,
executive director, Jenee Gonzalez; front, Kathy Cooper, Kevin Manley

The Development Team met in St. Louis this week to coordinate activities in the "Join Her Mission" campaign and to plan for the future. They will meet again in St. Louis in December. Please pray for the success of our endowment campaign, supporting healthcare, the Office of Sponsorship, and our developing units.
Veterans - November 11
Thank to all brothers who are veterans. We are grateful for your generosity in serving our country.
From Bro. Joe Kamis
Dear Brothers:
Chapter results
Congratulations to Bro. Jesse O'Neill, who was elected to serve the unfinished term of Bro. Dennis Bautista on the Provincial Chapter. Thanks to Bro. Tom Wendorf for his willingness to have his name placed in nomination for election. Both men received healthy support. The final tally is as follows:
Bro. Jesse O'Neill                  
123 Votes

Bro. Thomas Wendorf         
109 Votes

Blank ballots                                     
Total ballots
With the core elected for the Provincial Chapter, we need to complete the required membership as stated in the Manual of Procedures. We need another representative for the "50 and under" age group and another representative for Texas. 

Texas delegate
In the nomination process for another Texas delegate, those members of the Society of Mary who reside in Texas and are perpetually professed or professed for four years in temporary profession will nominate two members of the Society of Mary who live in Texas (brothers or priests). The two who receive the most votes and are willing to serve a two-year term on the Chapter will be in a runoff election. Perpetually professed or those professed for four years in temporary profession in the Marianist Province of the United States will be the electors for the second representative from Texas.

50 and under delegate
In the nomination process for another delegate in the 50 and under age group, members of the Society of Mary who are perpetually professed or who have had temporary vows for four year or more will nominate two members of their cohort (brothers or priests) who are 50 and under. The two who receive the most votes will be in a runoff election. All perpetually professed or those professed for four years in temporary profession in the Marianist Province of the United States will be the electors for the second representative of the 50 and under age group.
The nomination process for these two positions will begin immediately. Eligible brothers who reside in Texas and eligible brothers 50 and under will soon receive information from me regarding the nomination process. Results are due to me by Friday, Dec. 4, 2015.
Thanks to all who participated in this past election.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

My Dear Brothers:
WEBINAR on retirement
as transformation
I call to your attention to an upcoming webinar, "Retirement: An Invitation to Transition," presented by the Religious Formation Conference and NRRO on Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2015, 3 p.m. EST

For members of religious communities, retirement is often seen as a signal to be "recycled." How do we respond to the frequent question, "What do you do?" when 'doing' no longer fills our days? What is the invitation embedded in this life event we call retirement? The webinar will consider attitudes that affect our response, the ordinary phases that are to be expected, some suggestions on how to move through them and the potential of new life that lies beyond.
Presenter: Sr. Paula Cooney, IHM (Monroe, Michigan). Using her background in gerontology, spiritual direction and leadership in her congregation, she has developed programs and retreats for seniors on a variety of topics that affect the journey of aging.
The webinar is free to us as members. More information. Call 202.827.4562 with questions. 
Formation weekend
Please keep in your prayers this weekend the newest members of our Province and the Province of Meribah who will gather at Bergamo for the annual Formation Weekend. Our featured speakers are Fr. Steve Tutas, Fr. Quentin Hakenewerth and Sr. Estella Ibarra on "How Will We Keep Our Jars Filled?"

With fraternal affection,

From Bro. Tom Giardino
Dear Brothers:

Understanding Sponsorship

Continuing our conversation on learning more about our Sponsorship initiative, this report is about the Sponsorship Commission, which met at the Province office Nov. 4-6. The Commission is another dimension toward ensuring that the charism of Fr. Chaminade and the Province mission are well served and advanced authentically in the sponsored ministries of the Province.

This group -- which meets twice a year, once with the Provincial Council -- oversees the functioning of the Office of Sponsorship and advises the Provincial Council on policies and future planning. It also approves the allocation of available funds to sponsored ministries according to established guidelines.

As assistant for education, I am chair of the commission; as director of the Office of Sponsorship, Dan Donnelly is ex officio and a non-voting member. There are four at-large members: Bro. Ed Brink, Marge Cavanaugh, Tim Fallon, and Steve Neiheisel. 

Sponsorship Commission: Tim Fallon, Steve Neiheisel, Marge Cavanaugh,
Bro. Tom Giardino, Bro. Ed Brink, Dan Donnelly

The Commission reviewed all the high school ministries; the orientation programs planned for new faculty and staff; and proposals for deepening and expanding formation opportunities for faculty, staff, administrators and governing boards. The group also had a "strategic themes" conversation about the future in collaborating with NACMS, the Office of Formation for Mission and the Association of Marianist Universities, along with resource constraints and discernment about growing the Sponsorship network.

This was my first meeting with the Commission and I was deeply moved by the intelligence, insight, practical wisdom and commitment to the charism that the members brought to our conversations. My confidence in our Province direction is strengthened that Sponsorship is in continuity with the reason for the foundation of the SM and the personal "yes" of our vow of stability.

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