Oct. 29, 2015    




All Saints Day

Nov. 1

Blesseds Miguel L�ibarJoaqu�n Ochoa, Sabino Ayastuy, Florencio Arn�iz, Martyrs
Nov. 6


From Fr. Marty Solma

Dear Brothers,

Last week, we hosted a meeting of the Marianist Conference at the West Pine office. The members shared developments in each of the units. We also discussed planning for the bicentennial celebrations and the publication of the English edition of The History of the Society of Mary, Vol. 1, by Fr. Antonio Gasc�n. Next year, the meeting will be held in the Province of Meribah. As you can see, the pope graced our meeting and wished us well.

Fr. Marty, Fr. Garrett Long (assistant provincial, Meribah), Fr. G�rard Blais (regional superior, Canada), Bro. Joe,  Bro. Tom Cleary (provincial, Meribah)
The new Chaminade Center on the grounds of Mount St. John is set for completion on Dec. 10. This facility will house the North American Center for Marianist Studies (NACMS) and a spacious "Madeleine Room" for use by the Marianist Family. Thanks to Carol Ramey and her planning team and to Bro. Jack Somerville for his expert supervision.

Wishing you a blessed feast of All Saints.

From Bro. Joe Kamis
Dear Brothers:

Congratulations to Bros. Tom Wendorf and Jesse O'Neill, the top two vote getters in the election for the vacant seat on the Provincial Chapter.
Directors should have received materials for the run-off election between Tom and Jesse. Please send the ballots to me by Nov. 10, 2015, using the process explained in the recent email.



From Fr. Bill Meyer

My Dear Brothers:

I presided at the Mass of Christian Burial for Bro. Jim Wisecaver on Tuesday morning in Cupertino. Bro. Charlie Johnson represented the Provincial Council and Province. Most Rev. Patrick McGrath, bishop of the Diocese of San Jose and friend of the brothers, presided at the Rite of Commendation. Jim had a great love for our Marianist life and especially our vocation ministry. As we remember this good man, let us call on our fellow brother who most surely will be a great intercessor for us in our efforts in vocation ministry!

I also ask your prayers for our new Commission for Zeal & Mission, which began its first gathering last night at the Marycliff Community in Eureka, and will run through Saturday morning. This new commission, as the Scripture tells us, will work to "stir into flame the gift of God" which has been given to us in our Marianist vocation. More on this after our gathering.

With fraternal affection,

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers:

This is the seventh in a series designed to help Province members understand the Office of Sponsorship, its activities and the other Province entities with which it collaborates in our common mission. This week we focus on the Office of Formation for Mission, and its director, Bro. Bill Campbell. 

From Bro. Bill Campbell
"The Office for Formation in Mission helps develop and facilitate initial and ongoing formation programs in the Marianist and Catholic tradition to bring about healthy and mission-oriented governance boards in our high schools and retreat centers.
"The boards are the keepers of the mission of the schools and retreat centers. They are key collaborators with the vowed Marianists to be planners for the future. The work of the board needs to be in sync with that of the Marianist Province of the United States." Read more from Bro. Bill.

Sponsorship & Services Agreement

Central to the relationships in our sponsorship initiative is the "Sponsorship & Services Agreement," which summarizes the mutually agreed upon set of responsibilities and expectations between the Province and the sponsored school or retreat center. Read this document.   



From Bro. Ron Overman

Dear Brothers:

Several Province members have asked about insurance and rental cars. We have an agreement with our insurance company on rentals. The policy can be found on the PORTAL under "Documents" - then "Temporalities" - then "Rental Car Policy."
The Fleet Insurance coverage the Province has on its vehicles covers rental cars under the following conditions:
  1. You must be a Marianist religious, novice, aspirant or employee of the Marianists renting the car for Marianist purposes.
  2. The care must be rented to THE MARIANIST PROVINCE OF THE UNITED STATES -or- if the rental agency will not do that, then use: Your Name DBA ("doing business as") MARIANIST PROVINCE OF THE UNITED STATES.
  3. When renting a car, use Enterprise Rent-A-Car first. 
    Enterprise Commercial Fleet 1.877.233.5338
    Account Number 01A7067 - our company name - Marianists
Make a copy of the insurance card in the Marianist car you usually drive so you have our insurance information. Our insurance will not issue special cards for rentals.
  1. The maximum rental coverage is 30 days.
  2. Always pay with your credit card.



From the Office of JPIC

At the Directors Meeting several weeks ago, Brian Reavey gave updates on our JPIC office, MEEC, Marianists International NGO, and MSJC. A major portion of the presentation focused on the integrity of creation.

Read the survey responses from each community prior to the meeting that relate to the four priorities and your suggestions to promote the integrity of creation.
We're compiling more information regarding alternative energy possibilities for communities. For directors who asked for information about Arcadia Power and the ability to purchase wind power without changing your local utility service and/or provider, read more.  


From the Office of Communications

Dear Brothers:

You should have received your new 2015-2016 Personnel. If you didn't, or if you would like additional copies, email Ann Mueller, who does a terrific job every year of producing this valued resource. A copy of the Personnel also is on the home page of the Portal, and it's regularly updated by Ann.

One note: Please remember that we try to keep distribution of the Personnel limited for the privacy of the brothers. 


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