Oct. 15, 2015    




Provincial Council Meeting

Oct. 16 - 18


From Fr. Marty Solma

Dear Brothers,

The Marianist Conference will meet in St. Louis on Friday, Oct. 23, bringing together the leadership of our units in North America. Bro. Joe Kamis and I will join Fr. Grard Blais, regional superior of Canada, and Bro. Tom Cleary and Fr. Garry Long from the Province of Meribah. Our zonal conference meets annually to discuss common concerns and possible joint projects. Among other topics, we will discuss the upcoming bicentennial celebration.

International travel 
From Dec. 22-30, Fr. John Thompson and I will attend a segment of the Charism V program in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. This periodic program for temporary professed from Africa and Asia helps prepare brothers as they move toward perpetual profession. Other presenters include Fr. David Fleming and Bro. Jack Ventura. This year, the organizers have invited participants from our Province.
On Dec. 30, we will celebrate the perpetual profession of 10 African Marianists from Togo, Ivory Coast, Congo and Eastern Africa. John and I will then go to Ranchi, India, to celebrate the perpetual profession of three Indian brothers. Bro. Dennis Schmitz will spend a month visiting Indian communities in the south and will culminate his visit with the priestly ordination of Deacon Josephraj Rymond on Feb. 3 in Bangalore.
Let's remember two UN remembrance days this week: World Food Day (Oct. 16) and International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (Oct. 17).


From Bro. Joe Kamis
Bro. Joe Kamis
Dear Brothers:
A reminder to brothers who supervise employees: Never quote a policy in the Employee Handbook without checking the handbook or contacting Mary Ellen Garcia at the West Pine office. Thanks for cooperating as we strive to protect you, our employees and the Province.


From Fr. Bill Meyer

My Dear Brothers:

New affiliates at Cupertino Marianist Community
Congratulations to Tess Johnson, Elisa Montepio, Nancy R. and Grace Pancipanci who became Affiliates of the Society of Mary during a celebration of Evening Prayer on the feast of Our Lady of the Pillar. Bro. Tom Redmond, director of the Cupertino Community, presided at the rite.

Bros. Tom Redmond and David Betz with new affiliates in Cupertino 
Temporary professed to attend Charism V
At the invitation of the organizers of the Charism program, a representation of our brothers in temporary profession - Bros. Norman Capinpin, Jos� Juli�n Matos-Auffant and Brandon Paluch - will travel to Abidjan, Ivory Coast, to participate in Charism V, a program which prepares young Marianists for perpetual profession. The program runs from Dec. 13-30, 2015.
Read the latest issue of the InFormation Newsletter from the International Center for Marianist Formation, directed by Bro. Jack Ventura. 
With fraternal affection,

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers:

Understanding sponsorship 

This is the fifth in a series designed to help Province members understand the mission of the Office of Sponsorship, including the roles of its lay staff. This week we focus on Pat Wheadon, assistant to the Office of Sponsorship and the Office of Religious Life.   

From Pat Wheadon

In 2001, I made a commitment to Catholic education. I met the Marianists at St. John Vianney High School (where I taught) and grew in an appreciation of the charism and a deeper understanding of the personal and spiritual commitment of the brothers and my lay colleagues. I came to see the value of collaboration, community, family spirit and ongoing faith formation from another perspective. 
Read more from Pat

Q & A

Want to learn more about sponsorship? Read these frequently asked questions. You also may want to revisit the first article in this series.

Marianist school enrollment

We've put together a chart showing student enrollment at Marianist-sponsored schools at the beginning of this school year compared to previous years. View the chart.



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