Oct. 1, 2015    




Directors Meeting
Oct. 1 - 4

Ordination of Bob Jones
 Oct. 3

World Day of Marianist Prayer
Oct. 11

From Fr. Marty Solma

Dear Brothers,

The Province community directors will meet this weekend at Bergamo. There will be presentations from the Three Offices, along with discussion of the four Province goals the communities recently addressed. Thanks for your robust response to the questions the Provincial Council posed to the communities.

We will celebrate Bob Jones' ordination on Saturday, and Bob will preside at the final Eucharist for the directors on Sunday. We appreciate your prayers for these important events.

As we bid farewell this week to Bro. Chas Lohrenz, let's continue to remember all of our brothers in the healthcare centers. Let's remember, too, the Synod on the Family, which begins this Sunday in Rome.


From Bro. Joe Kamis
Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers:

A current list of members of Province committees, boards, councils and so on has been added to the "About Us" section of the Marianist Portal.

This list will be updated every two months or so.


From Fr. Bill Meyer

My Dear Brothers,

Love is our Mission!

What a wonderful, grace-filled week! I think Pope Francis' visit will bear great fruit in our American Church and in the United States in general. 

From his sincere embrace of the least among us, especially of those who are "caught in the system," to his address to Congress calling for a new "right of the environment," abolition of the death penalty, an end to the arms trade, and the welcoming the immigrants and refugees. We have much to think, pray and discuss how we will respond and join this "Mission of Love."

There have been a number of inquiries regarding texts of the Holy Father's addresses and homilies. You may download them for free from the USCCB's website. A nice addition for your community library might be "Love is our Mission: Pope Francis in America," which will be released at the end of this month. Preorder it here.

With fraternal affection,


From Bro. Tom Giardino


Dear Brothers,

This is the fourth in my series about the Office of Sponsorship.

What is Our Role in Sponsorship?
What is the role of vowed religious in sponsorship? How do we continue to serve and influence faith formation at our sponsored ministries?

These are some of the roles in which we now serve: 
  • Direct service in teaching, campus ministry, staff and administration; youth and family ministry at retreat houses.
  • Board members who guide, evaluate and influence policies, including hiring the chief administrator. 
  • Formation of lay partners through the Office of Formation for Mission, NACMS, the AMU, and programs for the Office of Sponsorship.  
  • Facilitating sponsorship relationships as Provincial Council or Provincial Chapter members.
  • Formators in initial formation ministry, helping new members understand Marianist education and serving with lay collaborators.
  • We also have sacramental ministers, volunteer tutors and spiritual directors for faculty, staff, students and parents, as well as those who serve as a Marianist companion or Marianist elder. (Speaking to young people, Pope Francis said: "Walk with someone who loves you." We do that!) 
  • Brothers who focus on prayer for the mission.
Do we wish there were more of "all of the above"? Of course. All of us are called to embody the charism daily through Chaminade's call to be a "spectacle of saints."

Have a look at this chart showing Marianists in sponsorship-related roles.



From Bro. Ron Overman

Dear Brothers:

Our Marianist NGO representative,
Brian Reavey, had the good fortune to be selected to attend Pope Francis' address at the United Nations last Friday.

Read Brian's commentary on this extraordinary opportunity.



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