Sept. 24, 2015    




Provincial Council Mtg.

Sept. 24 - 26

Directors Meeting

Oct. 1 - 4

Ordination of Bob Jones
Oct. 3

From Fr. Marty Solma

Dear Brothers,

Bro. Brandon Alana

The Saturday evening celebration of Bro. Brandon Alana's perpetual vows last weekend at the Mystical Rose Oratory in Honolulu was a wonderful event. Brandon's entire family was able to be present, along with about 150 guests. The liturgy was graced with several beautiful dances and wonderful music. Thanks to Fr. George Cerniglia, Bro. Allen Pacquing and Anthony Selvanathan for the excellent preparations.
At Brandon's vow ceremony: Frs. Jack McGrath, Paul Fitzpatrick,
George Cerniglia, Pat McDaid and Marty Solma

The ceremony was followed by a banquet in the courtyard of Henry Hall at Chaminade University. Brandon asked that I extend his personal gratitude to all members of the Province, especially those involved in his formation. Read Brandon's remarks. 


East St. Louis

On the same day, Bro. John Laudenbach and Bro. Norb Karpfinger were honored for their years of service to the Catholic Daycare Center in East St. Louis, Illinois. The entire Council of the Cordi-Marian Sisters was present to thank our brothers for their many years of service to the young and needy.   
Bro. John (standing); Sr. Gema with Bro. Norb 
Sr. Gema Juarez, who served as principal for 42 years, and collaborated with our brothers for the last 25, has stepped down as head of school, succeeded by Sr. Ophilia. The many laudatory remarks pay tribute to the service that Bro. John and Bro. Norb have given. John will now join the support community at Siena Woods in Dayton. Bro. Norb will continue writing development letters, thanking our many generous donors.  

A bit more

The Provincial Council will meet this week in St. Louis. If community directors have not done so already, please forward to Bro. Joe Kamis the reflections from the community discussion on Province goals.

The General Administration arrived in Bangalore, India, last Sunday and will visit the District of India until Oct. 15. Please keep this important intention in your community prayer.
Let's continue to pray for Bro. Bob Jones as he prepares for priestly ordination on Oct. 3, and for all brothers in the healthcare communities.


From Bro. Joe Kamis
Bro. Joe Kamis
Dear Brothers:

Bro. Paul Bredestege, who is assisting at the Province office while Bro. Bob Resing is away, has been assigned to the Marianist Community in Hollywood, Florida. Bro. Paul will reside at the Lincoln Street house and will do volunteer ministry at Chaminade-Madonna College Preparatory. He will move in early to mid-October.
Bro. John Laudenbach, who has been residing at the Maryland Avenue Community, has been assigned to the Siena Woods Support Community to assist Bro. Bob Wiethorn. He will move in early October.
Fr. Joe Tedesco also has been assigned to the Siena Woods Support Community with part-time ministry at the University of Dayton, assisting in the support ministry at Siena Woods and continuing to deal with health issues.
The Provincial Council wishes these brothers the best in this transition and promises them its prayers.


From Fr. Bill Meyer

My Dear Brothers:

Welcome, Pope Francis!
During these next few days amid the excitement of welcoming the Holy Father to this country, we have a wonderful opportunity to strengthen our vocation as Marianists as we listen to this fellow religious reflect on the Gospel and respond to the needs of our brothers and sisters. Let us pray for Francis and for ourselves that we may be open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit during our prayer these days.

Just in!

We just found out that Brian Reavey, our Marianists International NGO main representative, received official security clearance and a single ticket to attend the papal address to the General Assembly of the United Nations tomorrow morning in New York. With a last-minute random lottery for 35 reserved non-governmental organization tickets (with over 1,300 NGOs eligible), he was picked to attend the pope's address. Best to you, Brian! We'll await your observations. 

A reminder . . . 

Marianist World Day of Prayer is Oct. 11, 2015.
It is not too late to plan a simple and meaningful gathering of groups associated with your community. An invitation to community prayer or Eucharist is a most appropriate thing to do.
And finally . . .  
Bros. Michael Chiuri and Mark Motz have returned from the "World Meeting for Consecrated Men and Women" in Rome. Read their wonderful reflections.    
Left: Bros. Mark Motz, Dan Griffith (Meribah) and
Mike Chiuri with Cardinal Jo�o Braz de Aviz of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.

With fraternal affection,

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers:

Understanding sponsorship

This is the third in my series designed to help Province members understand the mission of the Office of Sponsorship, including the roles of its lay staff.

From George Lisjak
"I am in my 11th year as director of Marianist Educational Studies and Partnerships, originally part of the Office of Education, now part of the Office of Sponsorship. I served for 27 years at North Catholic High School in Pittsburgh, seven of those as principal. I have been a Lay Marianist for more than 47 years."  
Q & A

Want to learn more about sponsorship? Read these frequently asked questions. You also may want to revisit the first article in this series.

The Marianist tradition of "adaptation"
For more on the "why" of sponsorship from the perspective of "adaptation and change," read a brief article entitled: "Our Tradition is Adaptation."



From Bro. Ron Overman

Dear Brothers:

From the Office of JPIC

Prayers and action for papal visit
Let us keep Pope Francis, our church, and the world in prayer as he visits the United States this week. Brian Reavey will pay special attention to the pope's message of justice, peace, and the integrity of creation to Congress, the United Nations, and all of us. Please consider this Advocacy Sign-On Opportunity from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. They're asking us to urge Congress to protect poverty programs and the most vulnerable they serve. Pope Francis said: "The need to resolve the structural causes of poverty cannot be delayed, not only for the pragmatic reason of its urgency for the good order of society, but because society needs to be cured of a sickness which is weakening and frustrating it, and which can only lead to new crises."

March for Life
Brian Reavey would like to connect with any Marianist schools, sponsored ministries, and/or brothers planning to attend the March for Life in Washington, D.C., in January. The Province JPIC Committee is considering a Marianist gathering during the experience. Please contact him if you or your institution plans to send a group, and we'll share information as details develop.
Join a prayer chain for environmental justice
The Global Catholic Climate Movement is sponsoring a Prayer Chain for an ambitious climate treaty to be adopted at the "21st Conference of Parties" in Paris this December. This conference is the last opportunity to create a legally binding agreement on climate change that can slow down the rampant effects of climate disruption and re-route us on a sustainable path. Our leaders need prayers right now for moral courage to take bold steps on climate justice.

After last year's climate summit in Peru, Pope Francis said, "I was disappointed by the lack of courage. Let's hope that in Paris the delegates will be more courageous and will move forward with climate action." Let's pray for our leaders to have courage and put into practice the Pope's Laudato Si' message. Sign up to pray the rosary, attend Eucharistic adoration, celebrate a special Mass or host a prayer vigil. Get involved.



From the General Administration

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