Sept. 17, 2015    




Blesseds Carlos Era�a, Fidel Fuidio and Jes�s Hita, Martyrs

Sept. 18

Profession of perpetual vows by Brandon Alana-Maugaotega

Sept. 19

Directors Meetings

Oct. 1 - 4

Ordination of Bob Jones

Oct. 3

From Fr. Marty Solma

Dear Brothers,

Cleveland Celebration

On Sunday afternoon, more than 300 guests joined some 35 Province members and Bishop Richard Lennon to mark 159 years of service to the Diocese of Cleveland by the Society of Mary. In his homily, the bishop emphasized the importance of the consecrated life, a theme I also touched upon in my remarks at the reception that followed. The Province gave a framed picture of the Mother and Child to the bishop and the diocese.

The reception was at One Cleveland Place, two blocks from the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist. Bro. Mike O'Grady was emcee for the short program, which included remarks by me, Bro. Tom Giardino, assistant for education; Richard Osborne, president of VASJ; Terry Roncagli, president of the Cathedral Latin Alumni Association; and Gregory Clifford, chair of the St. Aloysius Parish Council.

Mass at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist on Sunday

The Society of Mary has made a deep and lasting impact on the lives of many people in the diocese during our 159 years of service. Included in the program was the screening of a new, short video on our "Join Her Mission" campaign.

Many thanks to Allison Hewitt, Deanna Snyder, Kathy Cooper and Kevin Manley for the flawless preparations and excellent celebration. At the end of the afternoon, each person received a small version of the picture we gave the bishop as a memento of the day. More photos will be available with the Oct. 9 issue of FamilyOnline.

University of Dayton President

Dr. Eric Spina
On Tuesday morning, I joined Steve Cobb, chair of the UD Board of Trustees, and David Yeager, chair of the search committee, to announce Dr. Eric Spina (pronounced SPEE-nah) as the new president of the University of Dayton. Eric has served in many roles during his 27-year tenure at Syracuse University, including provost and vice chancellor.

Read the announcement to the UD community on this appointment, or watch a brief video introducing him. Eric will begin his service to the university on July 1, 2016. We welcome him and pledge our support as he assumes this important role in the mission of the University of Dayton.


Fr. Bill Meyer presided at the funeral of Bro. Charles Cummiskey Wednesday evening; I will be in Honolulu for Bro. Brandon Alana's perpetual vows on Saturday. We mourn the loss of a giant in our educational mission and rejoice with Brandon as he pledges his life in poverty, chastity and obedience.

Marianists In Action

I encourage you to join with our collaborators in the Marianist Lay Network of North America in the #MarianistsInAction event next month. Please read about this event and plan to take part.

The event culminates with the World Day of Marianist Prayer on Oct. 11.



From Fr. Bill Meyer

My Dear Brothers:

I call to your attention and prayer two exciting events in which our young brothers and novices are participating.

World Meeting for Young
Consecrated Men and Women

Bros. Michael Chiuri and Mark Motz are in Rome with other young Marianists from around the world to take part in "Wake up the World: Gospel, Prophecy, Hope," a meeting for young consecrated men and women. The meeting is taking place at venues around the Eternal City and concludes Saturday.  

While in Rome, Mike and Mark are staying at Via Latina 22 with other young men from units across the Society.

Members of the Society of Mary attending the World Meeting in Rome include Bro. Mark Motz (front row, second from left) and Bro. Mike Chiuri (front row, fourth from right). Other U.S. Province members include Indian Bros. Suman Dundung (front row, fourth from left) and Raj Mohan, Sudhir Kumar Soreng and Mariandu Belevendiran (top row from left).

Meeting Pope Francis in Song and Person

Bro. Howard Hughes
Bro. Howard Hughes found out today that his composition of Eucharistic Acclamations from the Mass of the Divine Word will be sung at the papal Mass in Washington, D.C., next week. Congratulations to Howard on this huge honor!
Novices Trinidad Agosto, Joo Choi, Marco Choi and Justin Quiroz, along with Novice Director Fr. Chris Wittmann, will travel to Washington, D.C., for a historic meeting with Pope Francis. The event takes place before the canonization Mass of Junipero Serra on Sept. 23 at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception.

Let us keep in prayer the novices, along with Mike, Mark and all young religious throughout the world, as they celebrate consecrated life. Let us also remember Bro. Brandon Alana who will profess perpetual vows on Saturday.

With fraternal affection,

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers:

Understanding sponsorship

This is the second in my series designed to help Province members understand the mission of the Office of Sponsorship, including the roles of its lay staff.

From Larry Keller
Larry Keller 
"I have been an assistant of the Office of Sponsorship since its formation two years ago. I began a part-time position four years ago as an assistant in the Office of Education following my retirement as principal of St. John Vianney High School.    

At that time, I had been principal at four Catholic high schools for a total of 28 years. I also have served as an assistant principal and teacher for a total of 45 years in Catholic secondary education. I was Vianney's principal for 16 years; the brothers there formed me in the Marianist charism.

In the Office of Sponsorship, I help guide our schools in the four-year mission integration cycle. Recently, I have been organizing the teams that will visit schools as they conclude their fourth year in the cycle. I work with the chairpersons of the visits and guide them through the process of conducting the visitation.   
This summer I have been mentoring two of our new administrators. I have guided the planning for the Marianist Administrators Conference next month in St. Louis. I was involved in planning the Marianist Summer Mission Integration Workshop at the University of Dayton in July. I am a member of the board of the Marianist Retreat and Conference Center.

I am honored to be a member of the Office of Sponsorship and to help grow the Marianist charism at our schools and retreat centers."

Want to learn more? Read these frequently asked questions about sponsorship. You may also revisit the first article in this series by scrolling down to my section in last week's Notes.



From Bro. Ron Overman

Dear Brothers:

Here's timely information from Brian Reavey in the Office of Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation.

International Day of Peace

The International Day of Peace: Partnerships for Peace, Dignity for All on Sept. 21 highlights the importance of working together to strive for peace.

The work of the United Nations "would not be possible without the initial partnerships that were active in its creation and the thousands of partnerships each year between governments, civil society, the private sector, faith-based groups and other non-governmental organizations that are needed to support the Organization in achieving its future goals." Learn more here and please continue to pray for world peace.

Feast of St. Francis

The Feast of St. Francis on Oct. 4 honors the patron saint of those who promote ecology -- including Pope Francis -- and is a great opportunity to reflect on our role in creation and encourage our neighbors to be better stewards. Catholic Climate Covenant offers excellent resources. Learn more!



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