Aug. 27, 2015  




Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Apostles

Sept. 5

The Nativity
 of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Sept. 8

From Fr. Marty Solma
Dear Brothers:
Province planning   
The Provincial Council met for its annual planning days from Aug. 20 -22. Within the context of Vision 2020 and the recently concluded Province Retreat Assembly, we tried to identify areas of particular concern and areas of energy for the Province. 

Over the next few weeks, I will share our thinking, asking for your ideas and recommendations, and identifying concrete goals for the next three years and beyond. More will be communicated to the Province by Sept. 1.

Annual visitation 
In our annual visitation of the communities, we will focus on our planning discussions and hopes for the future. See below for a list of communities and the member of the Provincial Council who will serve as the official visitor for this year (indicated by initials). In cases where there is more than one visitor, the first listed is the official liaison with the Provincial Council.

Any community concerns can be channeled through this visitor. Community minutes should be sent to the visitor, as well as to
Bro. Joe Kamis. The visitors will be in touch with communities to arrange visitation dates.

From the Office of Development

The 2015-2016 calendars are being sent to communities this week featuring the work of Bros. John Lemker and Bob Resing. For additional copies, email Rosie at the Mission or call 937.222.4641.

Assembly remembrances

In the next week, your community should receive a jar from the Retreat Assembly. May this jar be a remembrance for your community of our time together in St. Louis. Contact Pat Stephens if you have questions. 
Congratulations and best wishes to many brothers who are celebrating important anniversaries on Marian feasts at this time of year. Let's continue to pray for one another.

From Fr. Bill Meyer
My Dear Brothers:
Bro. Bob Jones
With gratitude to God, the Marianists of the Province of the United States announce the celebration of the priestly ordination of our brother, Robert Craig Jones. He will be ordained Saturday, Oct. 3, 2015, at Queen of Apostles Chapel, Mount Saint John, through the imposition of hands and the invocation of the Holy Spirit by the Most Reverend Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R., Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis.
Invitations have been sent to the communities. If you plan to attend, please make sure you have responded for the reception. Note that you are responsible for your own travel and lodging (Bergamo will not be available due to the Directors Meeting). 
Let us keep our brother Bob in prayer as he prepares for ordination.
Marianist Missal and Lectionary
We are evaluating and incorporating the changes recommended at the recent Retreat Assembly for the Marianist Missal and Lectionary. Thank you for your contributions. We also are awaiting artwork from Bro. Martin Erspamer, OSB. 
Once this is complete, we will go to press. Until then, a draft of the Missal and Lectionary, as displayed at the Retreat Assembly, can be accessed through the Marianist PORTAL:

Religious Resources



(If you have a problem accessing the Portal, contact Sandy Barnett.
With fraternal affection,


From Bro. Ron Overman

Dear Brothers, 

Updating forms

This reminder is for members of the Province who have moved to a different state. Each state has a specific form for Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, so it is important to keep the forms current in the state of your residence.

There may be other changes, for instance, the attorney has moved to a different location, or s/he may no longer be available. It is prudent to have someone locally act for you if the occasion arises.

Please review your current documents and revise the document if necessary.
All the forms for individual states are listed on the Province PORTAL under "Legal Forms" in the document section.
Some members may want to review their Last Will and Testament or the Cession form, especially if their patrimony has changed recently. These forms also can be found in the legal forms section.

Each brother should keep a copy of the legal forms and give a copy of the Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care to his director. He also should give a copy of the Durable Power of Attorney to his doctor and to the person designated to act on his behalf.
The Province office should receive a copy of all the legal documents.


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