Aug. 20, 2015  




Provincial Council Meeting

Aug. 20 - 23

Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Aug. 22

From Fr. Marty Solma
Dear Brothers:
Chapel of the Immaculate Conception 
Congratulations to Fr. Jim Fitz and all those involved in the renovation of the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception on the campus of the University of Dayton. The rededication ceremony last Sunday was done with reverence and class. As with the chapels on the campuses of St. Mary's University and Chaminade University, this beautiful and stunning place of prayer is at the heart of the university and a testament to our mission there. Thanks to Jim, Bro. Tom Pieper and Fr. Chris Wittmann, and to Bro. Gary Marcinowski, whose wonderful artistry is evident in the altar, ambo, chair and tabernacle. Watch a TV news story on the reopening.

From the Office of Development

The Marianist Mission now has Mass cards among its Spanish-language options! To order go to the Mission web page and click on "Sympathy Expressions." 

Bro. Richard 
We commend Bro. Richard Middleton to the Lord's care and mercy. As we celebrate his life this weekend in San Antonio, may his example of simple fidelity bolster our own religious commitment and love for Our Blessed Mother.

From Fr. Bill Meyer
My Dear Brothers:
World Day of Prayer 

The 31st World Day of Marianist Prayer is scheduled for Oct. 11, 2015, in Switzerland, the first Marianist mission outside France.

It is not too early for communities, directors and area coordinators to begin planning for this unique annual Marianist event, which is sponsored by the World Council of the Marianist Family. The day celebrates the common mission in the Church of the four branches of the Marianist Family: the Society of Mary, the Daughters of Mary Immaculate, Marianist Lay Communities and the Alliance Mariale.

Read more from the World Council of the Marianist Family. 
With fraternal affection,


From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers,  

Archbishop Moeller High School in Cincinnati is seeking a president.

If you know of anyone who would be a good candidate, please direct them to for a full job description.



From Bro. Ron Overman

Dear Brothers, 


Good news from Sr. Leanne Jablonski, director of the Marianist Environmental Education Center in Dayton.

The Greater Dayton Conservation Fund of The Dayton Foundation has awarded MEEC a $5,000 grant for the "Conservation Education Partnerships for Urban Habitat Restoration Project." 

The grant will promote native habitat conservation in the urban Dayton neighborhood of Twin Towers and to visitors to the Mount Saint John property in Beavercreek, Ohio. At least 50 youth from East End Community Services' Miracle Makers and Youth Center programs and the Queen of Apostles program will participate in a one-year educational experience about native habitats and sustainable agriculture. They also will install a pocket prairie designed to attract birds, butterflies and bees.

From the Office of JPIC

Pope Francis recently established the "World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation" to be celebrated every year on Sept. 1. According to the pope, this day of prayer ". . . will offer individual believers and communities a fitting opportunity to reaffirm their personal vocation to be stewards of creation." Read the official letter.

View resources, prayers and recommended intercessions from the Catholic Climate Covenant
and the Global Catholic Climate Covenant

We invite brothers, communities and our sponsored institutions and ministries to celebrate this important event.


From the Office of Communications
Dear Brothers,  

The new issue of ALIVE magazine is out! Read all the interesting Marianist stories in our award-winning magazine. Be sure to read the 2014 Annual Report, which is at the back of the issue.

Contact Ann Mueller for additional copies.


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