Aug. 6, 2015  





Aug. 8

Blessed Jakob Gapp, priest & martyr

Aug. 13

From Fr. Marty Solma


Dear Brothers:


Join Her Mission


Our "Join Her Mission" endowment campaign, directed by Allison Hewitt, is progressing well. We have raised slightly over $1M since January and have another $6.5M in requests that are being developed.

I want to thank Bro. Bill Campbell, who was instrumental in securing a gift of $100,000 toward sponsorship from Reuben and Veronica Escobedo of San Antonio, Texas. The Escobedo family has been long involved at St. Mary's University and have been faithful and generous supporters of the Society of Mary. A big thank you to Reuben and Veronica and to Bro. Bill.





Bro. Bernie Hartman is now settled in the facility where he will reside for the next two years. If anyone in the Province would like to write to Bernie, send or email the letter to Pat Stephens at the Provincial Office and she will forward the mail. I neglected to mention last week that Bro. John Campbell also has been very helpful during the last 20 months, spending extended time with Bernie on two occasions when Bro. Dave Quigley had to leave the country because of visa renewal. Thanks, John, for the fraternal care and support.


Chapel renovation 


architectural rendering 

The newly renovated Immaculate Conception Chapel at the University of Dayton will be formally reconsecrated on Sunday, Aug. 16. This year-long renovation is the result of many years of planning under the guidance of Fr. Jim Fitz and Fr. Chris Wittmann. The result is stunning.  



Thanks to Jim and Chris for their perseverance and dedication to this project. It is a wonderful new addition and focal point for the UD campus.




Bro. Joe Kamis and I are attending the meeting of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM) in Charlotte from Aug. 5-8. Joe continues on the national board as chair of Region 5.


Let us pray for brothers who will begin new ministries or return to current ministries, especially those involved in education. Let us continue to pray for our brothers in the healthcare communities.  





From Bro. Ron Overman

Dear Brothers, 

The brothers in Ireland have completed the sale of St. Columba's and are moving to their new community house:

Marianist Community

13 Coundon Court

Killney, Co. Dublin



The Provincial Council thanks members of the community for their good stewardship in completing the sale of St. Columba's and the purchase of the new community house.




New - Marianist PULSE! 


The Marianist PULSE (Partners in Urban Leadership, Service and Education) office opened last month in Alumni Hall, Room 226, at the University of Dayton. PULSE is a Province postgraduate servant leadership program which provides opportunities for voluntary service in the Dayton urban area, intentional community living, and intensive formation in the Catholic and Marianist tradition of lay leadership.

PULSE will be a fertile training ground for Marianist leaders who will animate the Marianist Family in the future. Ideal participants will be graduates of Marianist institutions and ministries who seek to grow in the charism. More information concerning the program and resources to aid in recruiting full-time volunteers will be announced in the coming months.

Program Coordinator Maureen O'Rourke, in dialogue with Brian Reavey in the JPIC Office, Bro. Ron Overman, and the PULSE Advisory Board, is developing the pilot program that begins July 2016.  


"I'm excited to lay a solid foundation for Marianist PULSE in collaboration with the SM Province and Marianist Family," said Maureen. "This unique servant-leadership formation program will invite young adults to advance social justice through the lens of our Marianist charism, impacting both society and the Church." 



CMSM immersion trip to Appalachia 


The Conference of Major Superiors of Men invites all brothers to experience its immersion trip to Appalachia Oct. 25-29, 2015, which will focus on poverty and the integrity of creation. The registration deadline is Sept. 1. It's a unique opportunity to experience God on the margins in one of our country's poorest regions. More information. 



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