July 30, 2015  




New York

Aug. 1


Aug. 8

From Fr. Marty Solma



Dear Brothers:


On July 24, Bro. Bernard Hartman was sentenced to three years in prison with one year of suspension because of the time he's awaited trial. He is in an assessment facility while a final placement is determined. Bro. David Quigley has returned to the United States but will travel to Australia at the end of September to visit Bernie. Dave has done a tremendous and fraternal service for Bernie and for the Province, as has Bro. Dennis Schmitz. Let's continue to pray for Bernie during the months ahead.


Provincial Council


We held the first meeting of the new Provincial Council July 23-25 in St. Louis. In August, the Council will have a planning meeting in Eureka, where we will set goals and directions for the next three years. We will share these with Province members. Many thanks for your prayerful support.


University of Dayton


Fr. Jim Fitz and I have been involved in the presidential search for the University of Dayton since March. Earlier this week, we spent several days with prospective candidates. Your prayers for this important process are appreciated.


As many Province members prepare for the beginning of a new academic year, let's be grateful for our time together in St. Louis and pray that we might live out our Marianist vocation with zeal and a sense of mission.





From Bro. Ron Overman

Dear Brothers,

From the Office of JPIC

CMSM Resolution Survey Results


The Provincial Council has voted to accept the CMSM Resolution: Cherish All Creation. The JPIC office and advisory committee will suggest practical applications of the resolution for communities.  

Survey results show that members are very supportive of the resolution: 100 brothers participated, and 95 percent supported CMSM's proposed resolution. This response is similar to the results of the Global Catholic Climate Movement petition: 157 brothers signed "yes" and 13 respectfully declined.


Read the comments from our brothers in response to the CMSM Resolution Survey.



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