July 2, 2015




Independence Day
Happy 4th! 

July 4


From Fr. Marty Solma


Dear Brothers:


Province Retreat Assembly


Thanks to everyone who attended the Province Retreat Assembly. What a wonderfully fraternal and stimulating four days we had. The committee of Bro. Jesse O'Neill and Fr. Oscar Vasquez, Bros. Dennis Schmitz and

Jos� Juli�n Matos, Frs. Tim Kenney, Tim Eden and Joe Kozar, Pat Stephens, Diane Guerra and David Brinker served us very well.
Thank you, thank you! Now, after the jars were filled and the wine was made, the servants, who knew where the wine came from, had to serve the guests. Let's hope we can do the same.


Provincial Council, 2015 - 2018 

Bro. Jesse and Fr. Oscar advise that in the coming weeks, information about how to obtain various resources from the assembly will be shared.


Read a lovely tribute about the assembly from Fr. Steve Tutas.



Save the date: Cleveland Mass of Thanksgiving


St. Joseph High School, now
Villa Angela-St. Joseph High School

Bishop Richard Lennon of Cleveland will preside at a Mass of Thanksgiving on Sunday, Sept. 13, when we mark many years of Marianist service in Cleveland. The celebration will begin at 3 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. John, followed by a reception at the Galleria.  


Cathedral Latin School 

A notice is being prepared for the alumni of Cathedral Latin School, St. Joseph High School and Villa Angela-St. Joseph High School. Members of St. Aloysius parish also will be invited. Individual invitations will be sent to all Province members who have come from Cleveland or who have served in Cleveland. This invitation will include information about hotel accommodations which will be provided by the Province, along with a special reception on Saturday evening. Transportation is individually arranged with the local community.   


The Marianist spirit will continue in Cleveland through the Province sponsorship of VASJ and through the many Lay Marianists with whom we have partnered over the years.


On July 9, a "plea" will be entered for Bro. Bernie Hartman
in Melbourne. A sentence will be handed down about a week later. We may see media coverage after July 9. Please pray for all concerned.



Fr. D'Cruz Nicholas has petitioned the superior general for a year of exclaustration from the Society of Mary. Fr. Manuel Cort�s has granted this request, effective July 1, 2015, and ending June 30, 2016. During this year, Fr. D'Cruz will continue serving in the Diocese of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Please pray for Nicky as he seeks to clarify his future and his ministerial life.



Sponsorship Commission


With Steve Neiheisel accepting the position of director of the Association of Marianist Universities (AMU), he will continue as a member of the Sponsorship Commission, but not as chair. Following a discussion by members of the Provincial Chapter and the reflections from the General Administration concerning reporting relationships, the Provincial Council has determined that the chair of the commission going forward will be the Provincial assistant for education. Bro. Tom Giardino has assumed this responsibility, effective July 1. Other members of the Sponsorship Commission will continue to serve: Steve Neiheisel, Marge Cavanaugh, Tim Fallon, Bro. Ed Brink and Dan Donnelly. The Provincial Council is grateful to these dedicated partners in our educational mission. 




Bro. Joe Kamis and I leave tomorrow to attend the General Leadership Assembly in Rome. Thanks, again, to everyone who attended and participated so heartily in the Retreat Assembly. May our hearts be more deeply centered on Christ and may we be filled with zeal for Mary's mission.




From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers: 

During the Provincial Council meetings of June 18-19, the Council appointed the following as directors.





Ohio area coordinator


Fr. Marty Solma, after consulting with the Ohio area and the Provincial Council, has appointed Bro. Charlie Johnson as the new area coordinator for Ohio, effective July 1, 2015. The Provincial Council appreciates Charlie's openness to serve in this capacity along with his other duties as assistant director of novices and Provincial Council member.     


The Provincial Council also thanks Bro. Tom Giardino for his many years of service as the Ohio area coordinator. We are confident the directors of the Ohio communities will continue to give Charlie the support he needs to serve them.  





From Bro. Ron Overman

Dear Brothers: 
The Provincial Council has appointed
Fr. Jack McGrath director of Mount Saint John and chair of the Mount Saint John Campus Council.

The Provincial Council is grateful that Fr. Jack is available to coordinate the activities of the Marianist ministries at Mount Saint John, developing the spirit of Marianist charism among the many ministries on the property.  





From Office of JPIC

Dear Brothers: 

Climate change survey    

On behalf of our JPIC Office and MEEC, we are grateful for the wonderful response of 170 brothers to the climate change survey mailed to every community. There were 157 SMs from 30 communities who signed the Global Catholic Climate Covenant, and 13 respectfully declined. 


Thank you for your responses and request for further information. We will process your petition sign-ons and follow-up in the next several weeks. If you weren't able to submit your response, it's not too late to sign the petition.   

Pope Francis encyclical - Laudato Si'       


Pope Francis' encyclical on the environment, Laudato Si' - On Care for our Common Home - was released on June 18. He calls the church and world to address with urgency our environmental challenges and to join him in shaping our common future on a new hope-filled path.  


It is up to us to reflect on our moral duty and take action for the sake of present and future generations, and particularly because of the impact on the global poor. MEEC is partnering with the Catholic Climate Covenant and the Institute for Pastoral Initiatives' Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation to develop educational resources and promoting actions. Click here for more information and links to various encyclical-related resources.


Action on the encyclical will be a way to express our commitments. Please share your reflections with us, and we will make opportunities available. Let us know your interest by emailing [email protected] or [email protected]. There will be a conversation in person at MEEC in Dayton or by conferencing (Google hangout) on Thursday, July 9, from 7:30 - 9 p.m., EDT.

In justice and peace,   



A pair of prescription glasses were found at the Retreat Assembly. Please contact Pat Stephens for information.


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