March 19, 2015




St. Joseph

March 19

Annunciation of the Lord

March 25

Provincial Council Meetings

March 25 - 27

From Fr. Marty Solma

    Feast of St. Joseph

Dear Brothers:


Honoring the Marianists' presence in Cleveland for 160 years   


On Sunday, June 21, 2015, the faith community of St. Al's parish in Cleveland will gather to say "thank you" and farewell to the Marianist community which has served the parish so faithfully over many years. Invitations will be sent to Province members who have served at the parish.


Bro. John Baptist Stintzi, SM, first Marianist director in 1856 of St. Patrick's Grade School in Cleveland  


At 3 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 13, 2015, there will be a celebration of the Eucharist at the Cathedral of Saint John the Evangelist with Bishop Richard Lennon to mark the end of Marianist religious presence in the Diocese of Cleveland after almost 160 years. More information about this event is forthcoming, but please mark your calendars.  


All Province members are welcome to attend, especially those who are from Cleveland or who have served there. Despite the closing of the last Province community, the Marianist spirit will continue in Cleveland through the many Lay Marianists and the continued sponsorship by the Province of Villa Angela-St. Joseph High School and its MUSP program.


Patronal feast of the Marianist Family 

In November 2014, the World Council of the Marianist Family designated March 25, Feast of the Annunciation, as the patronal feast of the Marianist Family. Let us be grateful for the gift of our charism and its various expressions within the Marianist Family. Let us continue to pray for one another. Read an article about this new initiative in the Marianist Family. 






From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers:

Bro. Brian Zampier (Maryland Avenue) is leaving St. Louis this week to take up his new ministry with the Marianist Archives in San Antonio. He has been assigned to the Casa Maria Community.  


The Province thanks Brian for his ministry in St. Louis, especially assisting Bro. Mel Meyer in his later years and taking care of Mel's studio following his death. We wish Brian many blessings in his new community and ministry.





From Fr. Bill Meyer

My Dear Brothers: 


In Tuesday's readings we were presented with the great Lenten symbol of water in Ezekiel's vision of the river flowing from the temple (Ezekiel 47:1-9, 12); and the theme of healing/new life in John's curing of the sick man by the Sheep Pool called Bethesda (John 5:1-16).


The prophet Ezekiel has a vision of an angel who uncovers a great spring under the temple. The spring soon becomes a great river, irrigating the land and nurturing every kind of life form. In the Gospel, Jesus cures the sick man by one of the pools of the temple -- perhaps formed by the spring marked off by Ezekiel's angel? 

While there is no spring of water or river flowing under our communities or churches, we are called to be a place of healing, and even more so, persons who heal. We are called to be brothers who lift up the stumbling, brothers who welcome the lost, brothers, who like Jesus, nurture and sustain life.


photo by Bro. John Lemker, SM 


So, today, be water for someone who is thirsty for acceptance; be water that nurtures hope for the brokenhearted; be water that cleans away the dirt that mars and divides a relationship; be water that springs up to refresh and heal. Together, as brothers, let us be the river of God!


Loving God, may this Lenten season be a time for renewing and recreating our lives. May the waters that first purified us at baptism continue to flow within us and through us, to bring the healing presence of your Christ to our wounded world.  Amen.


Mary conference 


The Mariological Society of America has announced its 66th Annual Program May 19-22, 2015, at the Catholic Conference Center, Hickory, N.C. - "Mary and Holy Families Living Today." Marianist Frs. Johann Roten and Tom Thompson will present. Contact the Mariological Society of America (937.229.4294 or email [email protected]).


A webinar worth considering


"Prayer in Times of Suffering," a free webinar sponsored by the Religious Formation Conference, is scheduled for Monday, March 30, at 3 p.m. EDT. The presenter is Robin Ryan, CP, Ph.D. More information.



A book worth reading


The Preaching of Pope Francis Missionary: Missionary Discipleship and the Ministry of the Word by Gregory Heile, OP. A great read (only 84 pages) not only for liturgical preachers but for anyone who desires to witness to Jesus in the manner of Pope Francis.  (Liturgical Press/$12.95)


With fraternal affection,  



From the Office of JPIC


Dear Brothers: 

Liberating girls and women from ISIS  


Please sign this petition that was created by one of our Catholic NGO United Nations colleagues. We are encouraging member states and countries to promote the dignity of all people, especially the many girls and women captured by ISIS.


Help stop human trafficking - buy fair trade chocolate


Here's a friendly reminder to buy fair trade chocolate this Easter. Our NGO Subcommittee to Stop Human Trafficking created this resource to help educate and advocate on behalf of the 20+ million people currently enslaved by human traffickers.



In justice and peace,



Brian Reavey
, director

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