Feb. 26, 2015






Provincial Chapter

  St. Louis   


March 5 - 9

From Fr. Marty Solma


Dear Brothers:


Provincial Council consultation


I want to thank the many Province members who responded to the consultation for Provincial Council membership. Your recommendations and comments were much appreciated. In the next two weeks, Joe and I will discern these important positions and will request members to serve in various capacities. After the Council members have been approved by the General Administration, I will make a formal announcement to the Province. Thank you, again, for this fraternal support.




Some of you have asked about Bro. Steve Glodek. I had an encouraging talk with Steve last week. He is making daily progress as he continues with therapy three times a week. By doctor's orders, Steve will be unable to attend the Provincial Chapter. We hope for a full recovery and will miss his presence and always-thoughtful contributions this year at the Chapter. I've assured him of our prayers and he promises us the same.   


Let us pray for one another as we continue living this holy season of Lent.





From Bro. Joe Kamis

Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers: 

Provincial Chapter


The Chapter documents on the Marianist PORTAL have been updated to include a proposal on parishes, an updated list of committee assignments, and suggested changes to the Manual of Procedures.





From Fr. Bill Meyer


My Dear Brothers: 

In his Ash Wednesday message, Pope Francis urged us not to "be tempted by indifference." He was referring to news reports which are flooded with overwhelming images of human suffering and violence, leaving us feeling that we are incapable of doing anything.


The pope asks us to counter such indifference with prayer and charity and by embracing Jesus' spirit of humility and selflessness.


Our mission as a Church this Lent, Francis says, is to bear patient witness to the One who desires to draw all creation and every man and woman to the Father. So brothers, our mission is to bring to all a love that cannot remain silent. In our communities, in our ministries and with our ministerial associates, we must see a brother or sister for whom Christ died and rose again. What we ourselves have received, we have received for them, as well.


Brothers, may these Lenten days be an island of mercy in a sea of indifference toward the poor and broken, a lifeboat of compassion and support for someone drowning in a sea of greed and selfishness. Let us pray for each other that in the kindness we extend, in the support we are able to provide, that we may be able to respond to Pope Francis' call to be the means for our brothers and sisters to know the risen Christ in their lives.





The Provincial Council has affirmed Novice Allen Pacquing's request for first profession of vows in the Society of Mary. The vow ceremony is scheduled for Saturday, May 23 at Queen of Apostles Chapel in Dayton. Our prayers and best wishes to Allen in this preparatory time. 




Bro. Brandon Alana has requested perpetual vows in the Society of Mary with a clerical orientation. The consultation is due next Friday, March 6. Brothers who have lived with Brandon the past three years have already received consultation forms. However, any brother with perpetual vows may submit a consultation. Please email your thoughts and recommendations





The novitiate commitment ceremony for Sung Hyuck "Joo" Choi was held during Mass on Feb. 22. Shown, Fr. Chris Wittmann, novice director, Novices Justin Quiroz, Joo and Allen Pacquing, and Bro. Charles Johnson, assistant novice director     

Save the date

This is a long way off, but put this on your calendar: a Province
workshop on "Healthy Celibate Living: Where Spirituality and Sexuality Meet." There will be two sessions in 2016: July 16-19 at the Vallombrosa Center in Menlo Park, Calif., and Aug. 1-5 at the Marianist Retreat & Conference Center in Eureka, Mo. Presenter is Dr. Kevin McClone, director of the Institute for Sexuality Studies in Chicago. 
With fraternal affection,  




From the National Religious Retirement Office 



Note the article about Bro. Stephen Glodek.


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