Feb. 12, 2015






Provincial Council Meeting  


Feb. 13 - 15
San Antonio

Ash Wednesday

Feb. 18

From Fr. Marty Solma


Dear Brothers:


Important Update on the Cause of Blessed Father Chaminade  


Brothers, please read Fr. Bill Meyer's update below.





Bro. Michael Cochran


It was with deep sadness that we learned of the death of Bro. Michael Cochran in Nairobi last Saturday afternoon. As usual, Mike was on his way to visit sick children at Kenyatta National Hospital when he was hit by a car, sustaining serious head injuries. Fr. Gabriel Kirangah, regional superior for Eastern Africa, sent a good description of the events of the day. Read his commentary. The funeral is planned for this Saturday, Feb. 14, in Nairobi.


Bros. Carmine Annunziata and Michael Cochran in the Mukuru slum, Nairobi 

A memorial Mass will be held in Dayton at Queen of Apostles chapel on Saturday, March 28, at 10:30 a.m. Mike was a kind, generous person. His gentle touch and simple presence will be greatly missed, especially at Kenyatta Hospital and Our Lady of Nazareth Primary School.



GA Three Offices


The general assistant for temporalities has published a circular titled "The Common Life and Our Vow of Poverty." It addresses concerns that have arisen during visits of the General Administration to the various units of the Society of Mary. I suggest this circular be read and discussed at a community meeting during the season of Lent. The General Administration challenges us to live our vow of poverty and our commitment to the common life in a more vibrant and evident manner. 




Provincial Council Consultation


If you have not done so already, please send your consultation for Provincial Council appointments to the Province office no later than Feb. 22. I'm grateful for your attention to this important Province request. The consultations may be sent by email to [email protected]; by confidentlal fax to 314.783.0417; or by regular mail to Fr. Martin Solma, Marianist Province of the United States, 4425 West Pine Blvd., St. Louis MO 63108-2301.



Provincial Council Meeting


Because several Council members will be attending the board meeting at St. Mary's University, the Council will hold its February meeting in San Antonio from Friday through Sunday of this week. As always, we are grateful for your prayers and support. Be assured of our prayers for you during this season of grace that will begin on Ash Wednesday.



Donor Mass in Florida  




Fr. Pat Tonry and Fr. Bill Meyer concelebrated the annual donor appreciation Mass recently in Naples, Fla., with more than 90 people attending. The event launched the Province Join Her Mission endowment campaign in Florida. Please contact Allison Hewitt to find out more about the campaign and how you can help.



Lalanne House, Los Angeles 

Members of the Lalanne community with guests: front row, Fr. Ken Templin and Bros. Norm Capinpin and Dave Murphy; back row, right, Fr. Jim Heft 


Monthly over the past year, USC graduate students and young professionals have visited the new Lalanne community in Los Angeles for a potluck dinner, discussion and prayer. On this evening, the group explored how to prepare personally for Lent. The community also asked the students how the Lalanne community could let its "light shine," given the Year of Consecrated Life. A rich discussion ensued with suggestions that included letting students live for a while with the community, continuing hospitality for meals and discussion, and holding an open house.






From Bro. Joe Kamis

Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers: 

Materials for the Provincial Chapter March 5 - 9 are now available on the Marianist PORTAL for your reflection as you prepare for your area gatherings.   

Many thanks to the Provincial Council members and to all who submitted materials for the Chapter. These documents will give the membership a fuller picture of the current and future activity in the Province. Please remember the upcoming Chapter in your prayers.





From Fr. Bill Meyer


My Dear Brothers: 

Important Update on the Cause of Blessed Father Chaminade



Brothers, the following information is given in the current edition of Via Latina 22 (see below). 




"The Medical Commission of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints met this past January 15 to evaluate the case of the cure of Rachel Baumgartner Lozano, through the intercession of Blessed Chaminade. This was a critical step in the process, as the commission needed to rule that the cure occurred without medical explanation.


"The commission, composed of experts in these cases, studied the enormous volume of medical records and testimonies of Rachel's medical team. After much discussion, they unanimously agreed that it cannot be definitively concluded that the cure occurred without the aid of medical science, and for this reason, they did not give their assent to this case moving forward to the next phase.


"We continue to rejoice that Rachel has been cured of her very serious recurring cancer. And we are edified by her faith and the faith of those who accompanied her in prayer to Fr. Chaminade. Yet, we are disappointed that there is not enough evidence to move this case forward on behalf of the Case of Blessed Chaminade.


"Let us continue to invoke our Founder's intercession and pray for his eventual canonization."


Brothers, although we are disappointed, this is not a time to be discouraged. It is important that we continue to pray and invoke the intercession of Blessed Father Chaminade in our life together, our mission, and in the lives and needs of all whom we accompany.



Lenten reflection 


I invite you to read my Lenten reflection for 2015. Also note the Lenten resources listed below. 




Lenten e-resources:

  • Daily Reflections Throughout Lent by Fr. Robert Barron. Sign up free.


Vow consultation


Bro. Brandon Alana-Maugaotega has requested perpetual vows in the Society of Mary with a clerical orientation. All perpetually professed members of the Society who have lived with Brandon in the last three years are being formally consulted. Perpetually professed Province members may offer feedback to the consultation process. Please email your consultation to me by March 6. 





With fraternal affection,  



From Bro. Ed Brink

Dear Brothers: 

The Provincial Council has reappointed Bro. Francisco Gonz�lez as director/ president of Colegio San Jos for a three-year term (July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2018). The Council is very grateful for Francisco's work, ministry and leadership at Colegio San Jos�. Under his leadership, the school has maintained a sound financial footing, facilities have been added and improved, and the academic reputation of the school has been enhanced. Above all, he has led the continued integration of our Marianist charism into the everyday life of the students, faculty and staff. We thank Francisco for his 24 years of leadership and his willingness to continue to serve.   



From the General Administration


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