Jan. 29, 2015






Presentation of the Lord   


Feb. 2

Ash Wednesday

Feb. 18


From Fr. Marty Solma


Dear Brothers:


Wonderful news


I am excited to announce a new Province pilot program called Marianist PULSE (Partners in Urban Leadership, Service and Education), a two-year, postgraduate servant leadership program. Due to available placements and current resources and infrastructure, the pilot program will be in Dayton. PULSE involves service in urban areas, living in community, and rich Marianist formation. It will be a fertile training ground for Marianist leaders who will animate the Marianist Family in the future. Target candidates are graduates of Marianist universities. 


PULSE was originally championed by Bro. Brandon Paluch and Fr. Paul Marshall. After Paul's death, Bro. Charlie Johnson became the Council's champion. He has been assisted by a coordinating committee of Bros. Ray Fitz, Brandon Paluch and Tom Pieper. A search committee led by Bro. Charlie is in the process of recruiting the first coordinator of PULSE.  


Read my letter to the Province. 


Read about PULSE program details on the PORTAL.


Please pray for this exciting new program, which evolved from Goal D of Vision 2020, "networking within the Marianist Family."  





From Bro. Joe Kamis

Bro. Joe Kamis
Dear Brothers: 



The Provincial Council has made the following personnel assignments. We send our prayers and best wishes to these brothers in their transitions.



Bro. Bob Dzubinski (Cleveland) will move to the DeSales Crossings Marianist Community in Cincinnati this July, with music ministry at St. Francis de Sales parish and music education on the elementary level.


Bro. Paul Hoffman (Cleveland) will move to the DeSales Crossings Marianist Community in Cincinnati in July. This will be his home community during his sabbatical year from 2015-2016.


Fr. David Paul (St. Louis) will move to the Vianney Marianist Community in St. Louis this June.   

Bro. Dan Stupka (Dayton) will move to the Marianist Residence Community in San Antonio, effective Feb. 13. 




From Fr. Bill Meyer


My Dear Brothers: 



Province members who are considering a professional or spiritual sabbatical during the 2015-2016 year should contact the appropriate provincial assistant no later than Feb. 22, 2015. Those seeking a professional or educational sabbatical should contact Bro. Ed Brink, and those seeking a spiritual renewal sabbatical should contact me. You'll then receive the procedure for submitting sabbatical applications.  


Marianist causes


As part of the "Year of Consecrated Life," every Province brother will soon receive a booklet titled "Anniversary Mass for our Servants of God and Venerables" produced by the General Administration. The booklet will help remind brothers about the causes of these Marianists.    


Annual Prayer Octave  


The "Annual Prayer Octave for Church Unity and Consecrated Life" began last Sunday. Pope Francis has asked us to contact, honor and pray for consecrated life among our Orthodox brothers and sisters as well as those in similar forms of life in the reformed churches.

With fraternal affection,  



From the Office of JPIC

Dear Brothers:


During a recent "Marianist Call to Advance Justice" workshop in Hollywood, Fla., one brother asked an intriguing question: "Where does education fit in our Marianist call to advance justice? Is it as important as works of charity and advocacy?"   


That question led to an interesting and enlightening discussion, and I responded by saying that I think education is equally important to charity and advocacy. Blessed Chaminade's mission and vision included all three (advocacy, charity and education), with special attention early on in the foundation to education and formation.  


Members of the Hollywood, Fla., community: Bros. Michael Kraszewski,
Kevin Whelan, John Collins, Peter Pontolillo and Fr. Joe Tedesco


I was reminded of this unique working relationship a few days ago while guest speaking at the St. Mary's High School (St. Louis) junior retreat before the students left to do service in the local community. As one of our Characteristics of Marianist Education clearly communicates, we "educate for service, justice and peace."   

In a special way this Catholic Schools Week, let us continue to support and pray for our brothers and collaborators involved with education. They are essential missionaries promoting the common good and advancing justice in our institutions, communities and world.


In justice and peace,


Brian Reavey, Director    

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