Jan. 8, 2015   






Death of Venerable Ad�le de Batz de Trenquell�on, 1828


Jan. 10

From Fr. Marty Solma



Dear Brothers:


District of India


I returned to St. Louis last weekend after a long journey from India. I spent eight days with the brothers in Bangalore, attending the District Assembly, installing the new District leadership, and receiving the perpetual vows of three Indian Marianists. It was a rich, exhausting and hopeful time.


The members of the District gathered for their assembly, which began on Dec. 28 and concluded New Year's Eve. On the first day, there was a frank discussion about current District issues, ending with rituals of brotherhood, reconciliation and unity. That afternoon, the gathering heard a presentation on "Charism and Mission" by
Bro. Erick Otiende, director of the Marianist Scholasticate in Nairobi. The afternoon ended with a talk on "Mission of the Church in India" by Fr. Emmanuel of the Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales. 
Lay Marianist Savio Franco, a graduate student at the University of Dayton, served as the facilitator throughout the assembly. He worked with the District Council to plan the event, and his facilitation skills were greatly appreciated. He also wrote eight songs for the assembly, reflecting Marianist themes.


The second day was devoted to presentations on all the District communities and ministries with an opportunity for the brothers to ask questions and share reflections. The afternoon was spent in dialogue with the outgoing District Council. Each District community took responsibility to organize the liturgical celebrations.


I made a presentation on "Marianist Life and Mission in the District of India" on the morning of the final day, and the afternoon was spent in theme-based group discussions: vocations, formation, religious renewal, MLC, ministry of formal schools, development and informal education, and financial sustainability. Each group made recommendations for the new District Council, the communities, and individual religious. After a Prayer of Unity which ended just before midnight, the brothers celebrated the beginning of the New Year with dancing and the burning of "The Old Man."


The assembly was an excellent expression of Marianist life: focused on gratitude for the last 34 years, a realistic assessment of present challenges and issues, and hope for the future.



New District Council     


The new council: Bro. Arokia Doss Ambrose, councilor; Bro. Paulus Lakra, asst. for temporalities; Fr. Varghese Manooparampil; asst. for religious life; Bro. Augustus Surin, district superior; Fr. Sudhir Kujur, asst. district superior; Fr. Bhaskar Galleli; asst. for education; and Bro. Marianus Bilung, councilor. 

During the celebration of the Eucharist on Jan. 1, Feast of Mary Mother of God, new District leadership was installed. The new leaders received a blessing from the District community directors and were presented with the recommendations from the discussions of the previous day. These recommendations will be prioritized as the Council begins its work. The members of the previous Council symbolically "passed on the torch" to the new leaders and, at the end of the Eucharist, the new Council gave a hearty expression of gratitude and appreciation for all that the previous Councils had accomplished.



Perpetual Vows  


Bros. Peter Paul K., George Hans and Balaswamy A. professed perpetual vows on Jan. 2.

On Jan. 2, three Indian Marianists, in the presence of assembly members and their families, professed perpetual vows of chastity, poverty, obedience and stability. The gathering space had been transformed overnight to a beautiful liturgical space by members of the scholasticate community and others. Fr. Jack McGrath
was the main celebrant, novices led the music, and Fr. Ignatius Arulappen gave a fine homily.

Bro. Augustus Surin
and I witnessed the profession. The three brothers - Balaswamy, George Hans, and Peter Paul - were well prepared, participating in a month-long renewal of Marianist spirituality and studies with Fr. Jack, and spending November in the Spirit of Saragossa retreat at the novitiate in Ranchi. The District and the entire Society of Mary are blessed with these shining examples of lifelong commitment and religious spirit. 


I returned to the Province both tired and hopeful. There are significant challenges that exist - personnel, formation, and finances - but I was heartened by the sincere and evident religious commitment and desire to see the gift of the Marianist charism flourish in India. I ask you to pray for this District and all its members.




Fr. Rich Wosman, president of Central Catholic High School in San Antonio, has decided he will not return to his position at Central next year to pursue other ministerial endeavors. Fr. Rich will complete the school year assisted by Paul Garro, principal/provost, and Ed Ybarra, vice president-student development.


"Fr. Richard's tireless service and significant contributions have positioned Central Catholic for continued success," said
Mike Keeffe, chairman of the board of directors. "We thank him for assembling an experienced, highly qualified management team and wish him well in all his future endeavors."


Our Province and the board of directors are engaged in a search for a successor. Please pray for Rich during this time of transition, and for the Central school community. 



Provincial Chapter Convocation 

I am happy to announce the convocation of the twenty-fourth session of the Provincial Chapter of the Province of the United States. This session of the Chapter will be held from March 5 - 9, 2015, at the Marianist Retreat and Conference Center in Eureka, Mo.


Propositions for the twenty-fourth session of the Provincial Chapter are due at the Office of the Assistant Provincial by Wednesday, Feb. 4, 2015. READ MORE.



Priestly Ordination  


Deacons Arul Raj Maria Francis and Jinu Muthukattil will be ordained on Jan. 22

Two Indian Marianists will be ordained priests on Jan. 22 in Bangalore through prayer and the imposition of hands of the Archbishop of Bangalore, Most Rev. Bernard Moras. Deacons Arul Raj Maria Francis and Jinu Muthukatti completed their seminary formation in June and have been serving in the District since then: Arul in Austin Town/Bangalore, and Jinu in Andra Pradesh at the Jacob Gapp School. Both will have celebrations in their home parishes in the weeks following the ordination. Please join me in praying for these men and for a fruitful priestly ministry in the Society of Mary.


Chapter Elections  


With the acceptance by Fr. Manuel Cort�s of Brian Halderman's request for exclaustration, a vacancy occurs among the elected members of the Provincial Chapter. According to our Rule of Life 7.80, the replacement for an elected member is the religious next highest on the list of nominees in the same category. Bro. Ed Violett is the religious in the lay category next in line and
he has accepted the responsibility of completing the vacant term to March 2017. The Council and Province thank Ed for his willingness to take on the responsibilities of membership on the Provincial Chapter.


By his election, Brian fulfilled two requirements of Chapter composition: He was from Texas and under 50. The Manual of Procedures states that we need to have two representatives from Texas and two members under 50. Since Bro. Ed Violett fulfills neither of these, we will begin a balloting process to meet these requirements. Bro. Joe Kamis will initiate this election in the near future.

Consultation - Assistant Provincial

A reminder to send, email or fax your consultation form for assistant provincial to the General Administration no later than Jan. 20



As we begin a new year, let's remember to pray for one another, for brothers who are ill, and for the many people who are generous to us.






From Fr. Bill Meyer


My Dear Brothers:

As we prepare to celebrate the baptism of the Lord, it is important to recall our own baptism. In this Year of Consecrated Life, we also recall the profession of our Marianist vows as a time when we are embraced in the Spirit of life and love. Because of this, we become the voice of God who speaks compassion and peace to human hearts.  


As we live our life in this Year of Grace 2015, also a time of great civil unrest and racial woundedness, we take on the hard work of revealing God's love in our midst. We pick up the prophetic mantle of John the Baptizer to create a highway for God to enter our hearts, our community and our ministries. The feast of Jesus' baptism calls us to recommit ourselves to our own baptisms: to "unlock" hope in imprisoned hearts, to give voice to love that struggles to be heard, and to mend broken hearts and spirits so God can be found within.


Ordination to the Diaconate


Bros. Bob Jones and Daniel Odero 


This Saturday, Bros. Robert Jones and Daniel Odero (EA) will be ordained to the Order of Deacon in Rome. Bro. Charles Johnson will represent the Provincial Council and Province. We congratulate Bob and Daniel and promise our fraternal best wishes and prayerful support as they receive ordination and continue their priestly formation. 


Rachel Baumgartner Lozano Update 


I have received many inquiries regarding the health of Rachel Lozano, whose healing from a cancerous tumor in 2004 is being considered the second miracle attributed to Blessed Chaminade. A recent surgery was successfully performed on Nov. 17. However, we have just learned that Rachel needs additional surgery. It is important for us to offer prayers of thanksgiving and continue our prayer for her healing.




This is a critical moment in the canonization process as the Medical Council of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints is examining the 727-page summary of medical and personal testimony (above), and deciding whether there is a medical explanation for Rachel's cure from the tumor in 2004.   



Chaminade Day 2015


It is not too early to begin planning for Chaminade Day 2015. I would suggest all communities organize a novena of prayer, or at least a daily remembrance at community prayer ending on Jan. 22. Because of the critical moment in the canonization process, and the Year of Consecrated Life, we have much to celebrate and pray about.


A happy and grace-filled New Year!


With fraternal affection,  



From the Office of JPIC


Dear Brothers:



More than 46 million Americans  

live in poverty.     


PovertyUSA is the domestic anti-poverty program of the U.S. Catholic Bishops. An initiative of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), PovertyUSA seeks to educate and promote understanding about poverty and its root causes. Read more  


Since January is Poverty Awareness Month, consider downloading this simple, user-friendly one-page daily reminder calendar. Take a minute or two each day to reflect on poverty and the dignity of all people, especially the poor and hungry. 


Read how we're doing our part to help eradicate global poverty with our "Partnering with the Poor" program in Africa and India.


In justice and peace,




Brian Reavey, Director   


From the General Administration




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