Nov. 20, 2014  





Presentation of Mary

Nov. 21


Nov. 27
Office closed
Nov. 27-28


From Fr. Marty Solma



Dear Brothers:


Office Directors Meeting      


Thanks to Bro. Ed Brink, Carol Ramey and Brian Reavey who organized a fine meeting of 21 directors of Province offices and programs from Sunday through Tuesday this past week. We met at the St. Louis Airport Marriott for presentations, discussion, sharing and networking. The program included a morning session on the "Principal Characteristics of Marianist Administration" with Dr. Steve Neiheisel, UD professor and chair of the Province Sponsorship Commission; a morning with Don Eggleston, former chair of the board of St. John Vianney High School and currently vice president for mission with SSM Health; and a sharing with three members of the Provincial Council: Fr. Bill Meyer, Bro. Ed Brink and me. Our hope was to increase our working relationship for the wider mission of the Province.


First Office Directors Meeting, November 2014 in St. Louis  



Fr. Michael Barber 


It was with sadness that we learned this week of the death of Fr. Mike Barber. Mike suffered extensively due to the accident he sustained in Mexico in 2009. Despite this, he was a mission-driven Marianist until the end, praying with everyone who came to visit him, 

celebrating Eucharist daily and offering 

comfort and wisdom to those who sought his help. We have another saint 
in heaven!

Fr. Quentin Hakenewerth
will preside at Fr. Mike's funeral on Monday in San Antonio. At 6 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 23, there will be a visitation in the chapel at the Marianist Residence, followed by a rosary at 7 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial is scheduled for 4 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 24, also in the chapel. It will be followed by a social and dinner at the residence.


A memorial Mass for Fr. Barber will be held in St. Louis at a date to be determined.


St. Louis


As many of you are aware, the grand jury decision in the Michael Brown shooting is expected any day. There is fear and concern on the part of many here in St. Louis. The governor has called in the National Guard, a grim portent. Please pray for peace and stability in this city and across the country as we continue to work towards racial and economic justice for everyone. Thanks to Brian Reavey for his frequent entries to Notes, keeping us informed about these events.





On behalf of the Provincial Council, I wish you and your communities a blessed Thanksgiving. We have much to be thankful for, especially our faith and Marianist vocations. Let's remember to pray for one another.






From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers:


Year of Consecrated Life   


Fr. Andr� F�tis, assistant general for religious life, has written an issue of "SM Three Offices" entitled "A Year to Celebrate Consecrated Life (Nov. 20, 2014 - Feb. 2, 2016)."   




An easy way to begin our preparation is to follow Bro. Tom Wendorf's practical suggestions given to the community directors at their annual meeting:


Plan to attend as a community at least one archdiocesan gathering related to the Year of Consecrated Life.


Encourage the brothers in your community to commit individually to at least one or more of these archdiocesan gatherings.


Be VISIBLE -- wear your SM symbols and clothes.


Identify people you know who might make good Marianist sisters or brothers/priests.


Make an explicit invitation or intercession for these men and women -- help them recognize their gifts and potential.


Above all, during this season of thanks let us be grateful to our gracious God who has given us the grace of a vocation to Marianist consecrated life.


A blessed Thanksgiving!

With fraternal affection,



From the Office of JPIC    


This report is from Brian Reavey, director


Dear Brothers:

Let us continue to keep Ferguson, Mo., and all communities experiencing racial tension in our prayers. A special thanks to Bro. Bob Wiethorn and Fr. Marty Solma for forwarding the letters (below) and offering timely reminders of what's happening and how local people are responding in Christian peace and understanding.


Letter from Archbishop Robert Carlson of St. Louis 


Letter from Sr. Helena Monahan on behalf of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word (CCVI) in St. Louis 




As a Province, let us join in prayer for Ferguson

(from the Australian Catholic Social Justice Council):


You are the source of human dignity, and it is in your image that we are created. Pour out on us the spirit of love and compassion.


Enable us to reverence each person, to reach out to anyone in need, to value 

and appreciate those who differ from us, to share the resources of our nation, and to receive the gifts offered to us by people from other cultures.


Grant that we may always promote the justice and acceptance
that ensures lasting peace and racial harmony. Help us to remember that we are one world and one family.




In justice and peace,  





There will be no issue of "Notes from the  Provincial Council"
next Thursday. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!


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