Nov. 13, 2014  





Provincial Council

Nov. 13 - 15

Retreat Assembly Committee
St. Louis

Nov. 15 - 16

Office Directors Meeting*

Nov. 16 - 18
St. Louis
*meeting of directors of Province offices such as NACMS, JPIC, Development, etc.

From Bro. Joe Kamis

Bro. Joe Kamis
Dear Brothers:




Bro. Steve O'Neil has accepted an assignment to the District of India. He will leave the United States on Nov. 20 for Bangalore, where he will live. Although specific duties are under discussion, they are likely to include teaching in the University of Dayton program, performing accounting work and teaching English to aspirants. The Provincial Council thanks Steve for his openness to serve in India and offers him our prayers and good wishes in this new assignment. 




From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers:


Formation weekend   


This past weekend our younger sisters and brothers gathered at the Kellenberg Marianist Community in Uniondale, N.Y., for their annual formation weekend.   

Participants included members of our Province, the Sector of Mexico, Bro. Tim Driscoll and Fr. Tom Cardone from the Province of Meribah, and Sr. Nicole Trahan and candidates from the Daughters of Mary -- a gathered community of 25, with 11 cultures represented! Meals and socializing with the Kellenberg and Chaminade communities were enjoyed by all.   


We are grateful to Bro. Tim for his creative and excellent presentations on the "Focus and Foundation" of the Spirit of Saragossa Retreat. Many thanks to our brothers of the Province of Meribah for their gracious hospitality.


Rest in peace 


Yesterday, (Wednesday) Fr. Dan Doyle was laid to rest in our Marianist plot in the Cemetery of the Holy Rood. Fr. Paul Landolfi presided at the interment. Once again we are grateful to our Long Island brothers who hosted a reception for family and friends at the Chaminade Marianist Community in Mineola after the burial.


With fraternal affection,



From the Office of Development   


This report is from Allison Hewitt, executive director

Dear Brothers:

This past week the development team met in St. Louis for a retreat in preparation for the Join Her Mission campaign. Watch the campaign video. 


The goal of the campaign is to raise $20 million in endowment over the next three years by honoring our past (healthcare for senior brothers), preparing for the future (sponsorship initiative) and partnering with the poor in India and Eastern Africa. Below is a photo of our team. Thank you for your strong support! 


Front, Allison Hewitt, executive director of development; Mike O'Leary, development officer, West Coast; and Deanna Snyder, development assistant; back, Kathy Cooper, donor relations; Kevin Manley, development officer, Ohio/Northeast; and Jenee Gonzales, development officer, South





From the Office of JPIC    


This report is from Brian Reavey, director


Dear Brothers:

Marianists International, our NGO at the United Nations, was invited to attend a briefing on the 2014 Trafficking in Persons Report from the U.S. State Department last Tuesday in New York City. Alison K. Friedman, principal deputy director of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (see photo), and Peggy Kerry, NGO liaison to the U.S. Mission at the UN, updated us on their tireless work this past year, and provided us with increased solutions and results for prevention and identification of survivors of trafficking. This modern day slavery continues in 188 countries. More than 20 million people are currently enslaved in labor and/or sex trafficking around the world.  



JPIC feedback from brothers


We received several notes this past week acknowledging the collaborative work of our JPIC Office. Thanks for your continued engagement, and continue to let me know how we can better serve you, your community, and/or your ministry.


From Bro. Jack Somerville . . . 


"First time I've ever called the White House. It was easy (once the volunteer operator answered). Thanks for your efforts to get the word out concerning immigration."


From Bro. Jesse O'Neil . . . 


"I'm in the computer room at school (Mother Seton Academy in Baltimore), writing letters with 20 students and parents to our Representatives and Senators, asking them to support S 2421, the Food for Peace Reform Act. This was the letter offering sponsored by Bread for the World. Thanks for helping make this happen."








From the General Administration 






From the Office of Communications   


This report is from Diane Guerra, director


Dear Brothers:

We have extra copies of the Personnel and the new issue of ALIVE magazine. If you need additional copies, contact Ann Mueller.


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