Nov. 6, 2014  





Blessed Miguel Libar, Sabino Ayastuy, Florencio Arniz and Joaquin Ochoa, martyrs

Nov. 6

Provincial Council

Nov. 13 - 15

Assembly Committee
St. Louis

Nov. 14 - 16

From Fr. Marty Solma



Dear Brothers:


Mexico profession    


Last weekend, I was happy to be with the brothers in Quer�taro, Mexico, to celebrate the perpetual profession of Bro. Rigoberto Mart�nez Hern�ndez. About 250 people gathered for the celebration in the chapel near the community where Fr. Raymundo Dom�nguez Gonz�lez and the brothers lead a vibrant Christian community. Fr. Raymundo, sector superior, was the main celebrant for the Eucharist and Fr. Quentin Hakenewerth was the homilist. Fr. Raymundo and I witnessed the profession.


Bro. Rigoberto (center) with his family and Fr. Marty and Fr. Quentin  


The family of Bro. Rigoberto was present, along with Lay Marianists and members of the local Christian community. It was a happy day for all who attended, and a happy day for the Society of Mary.


Bro. Francisco Gonz�lez will visit the Sector of Mexico in early December as the brothers in Mexico pursue a new educational project, strengthening community life and a sense of mission.





Last week, we received word that Fr. Fran�ois Rossier, executive director of the Marian Library and the International Marian Research Institute (IMRI), has been reappointed to another five-year term by the Pontifical Congregation of Catholic Education. This is a fine testimony and an affirmation of the work that Fr. Fran�ois has done and a good encouragement for future developments. Congratulations, Fr. Fran�ois.






On Nov. 21, Fr. Gerry Hammel will return to Lusaka, Zambia, where he has served for the last three years. We are grateful to Gerry for his availability and hope his time in the Province will energize him for the years ahead. Thanks, Gerry!







This week, Bro. Joe Kamis and I are in San Antonio for a meeting of the Board of Trustees of St. Mary's University. Bro. Ed Brink also is in San Antonio to move the archives project forward with Mary Kenney, Province archivist, and Becky Day, vice president for finance at St. Mary's University. Fr. Bill Meyer and Fr. Oscar Vasquez are in New York for the formation weekend with the temporary professed of the Province, including four brothers from Mexico.  


Fr. Bill will represent the Provincial Council at the funeral of Fr. Dan Doyle on Nov. 8 in Hollywood, and Bro. Dennis Schmitz will be present for the funeral of Bro. Pat McMahon on Nov. 13 in Cupertino. The Provincial Council is scheduled to meet next week in St. Louis, as is the Retreat Assembly Committee, chaired by Fr. Oscar and Bro. Jesse O'Neill.



Praying for our brothers


During the last month, we have lost three of our brothers: Fr. Joe Priestley, Fr. Dan Doyle and Bro. Pat McMahon. As we remember the faithful departed during November, we commend these faithful religious to the Lord and to the care of Our Blessed Mother. Please continue to pray for all brothers who are ill and suffering. They model for us patience, perseverance and faith.






From Bro. Joe Kamis

Bro. Joe Kamis
Dear Brothers:




Bro. Bill Schlosser, on sabbatical at the Marist International Spirituality Centre in Manziana, Italy, has been assigned to the Marianist Community at Governor's Island in Huntsville, Ohio.  


The Council thanks Bill for his willingness to take up this new ministry when his sabbatical is completed. 





From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers:


Formation weekend   


As you read this, our young sisters and brothers are gathering for their annual Formation Weekend. This year the event is being hosted by the Province of Meribah at the Kellenberg Marianist Community in Uniondale, N.Y. Bro. Timothy Driscoll is presenting "Nurturing the Marianist Imagination through the Spirit of Saragossa." The Spirit of Saragossa is a set of spiritual exercises developed by the International Center for Marianist Formation under the direction of Bro. Tom Giardino. 


Please keep the intention of this important gathering in your prayers throughout the weekend. Many thanks!




From Bro. Ed Brink


Dear Brothers:




Lisa Roebel, director of the Marianist Urban Students Program (MUSP) at Purcell Marian High School in Cincinnati, has taken another position, effective Nov. 14. We are thankful to Lisa for her work and wish her the best as she begins her new job. 


We have posted the position on the Province website and with the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Please read the job posting and forward it to anyone you think would make a contribution to this important program.  






From the Office of Development   


This report is from Allison Hewitt, executive director


Dear Brothers:

Please join me in congratulating Bro. Joe Barrett (Marianist Residence, San Antonio) for his amazing service to the "Ministry of Gratitude," which involves brothers calling donors to thank them for their gifts to the Marianists.  



He is retiring from his ministry; when he finally hangs up the phone, he will have called 8,000 donors! What a gift to the Province. Fr. Richard Loehrlein, who has watched his progress with this ministry, calls Bro. Joe a "national Marianist treasure." We agree!


Thank you, Bro. Joe.  






From the Office of JPIC  


This report is from Brian Reavey, director

Dear Brothers:


Since President Obama took office in 2008, over 2.2 million immigrants have been deported from the United States, separating children from their parents and breaking up families. In the spring of 2014, many waited for Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform. However, the legislation was stalled in Congress.


From Nov. 5 - 11, join the U.S. Catholic Bishops' Justice for Immigrants in calling on President Obama to exercise executive action and keep families united! 

Please call the toll-free White House number: 855.589.5698 with the message: "President Obama, protect as many immigrants and their families from deportation." 


In justice and peace,





From the Office of Communications   


This report is from Diane Guerra, director


Dear Brothers:

The fall/winter issue of ALIVE is on its way to a mailbox near you! You'll enjoy reading profiles of Bro. Tom Wendorf and Fr. Paul Landolfi; great school stories from Chaminade Julienne Catholic High School and Chaminade College Prep in St. Louis; and the cover story on the India "immersion" of students from the University of Dayton. If you need additional copies, contact Ann Mueller.




Amy George Rush is no longer the editor of FamilyOnline. If you have contributions, please contact Carol Dexter or Diane Guerra.




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