Oct. 23, 2014  





Marianist Administrators Conference
St. Louis

Oct. 26 - 28


From Fr. Bill Meyer

My Dear Brothers:


Sabbatical/spiritual renewal   


Brothers often ask me questions about sabbaticals/spiritual renewal programs, ranging from "What should I look for in a program?" to more personal questions regarding sabbatical as a time of personal and ministerial transition.


Sometimes I suggest Marva Dawn's book, "Keeping the Sabbath Wholly: Ceasing, Resting, Embracing and Feasting." Any type of sabbatical/renewal program needs to facilitate these four behaviors of the Judeo-Christian Sabbath: 


Ceasing. You must stop to give yourself and God a chance. It's about paying attention to the subtleties.
Resting. You must attend to levels of exhaustion that go beyond the external surface, levels of deep weariness that have not had a chance to rest and recover.
Embracing. Sabbath/renewal is a time of reconciliation and forgiveness of self and others. It's a time of true healing.
Feasting. Being truly grateful is to experience a new intimacy with God, the giver of life.


When these four behaviors are practiced, a new self-confidence emerges so you can give the gift of self at this time and place in the spiritual journey.


Over the past few years we have given many brothers the opportunity of sabbatical. Let's remember those who are presently marking this sacred time:


Fr. Jerry Chinchar (Manziana)

Fr. John Klobuka (Ministry to Ministers)

Fr. Jim Mueller (Ministry to Ministers)

Fr. Mike Nartker (Ministry to Ministers)

Bro. Tom Payne (Ministry to Ministers)

Bro. Bill Schlosser (Manziana)

Fr. Ralph Siefert (Hessburgh Sabbatial) 

Fr. John Thompson (private)

Fr. Rich Villa (chaplain at Manziana)

Bro. Ed Violett (private)

Bro. Brian Zampier (Mercy Center)


Whether on sabbatical or not, all of us can practice the four behaviors of Sabbath weekly in observing the Lord's Day.


Marianist Family brochure




Bro. Tom Wendorf and the Office of Communications have produced an updated version of the Marianist Family brochure, a good summary of our Marianist charism. See the brochure here. Bro. Tom is sending copies to our vocation offices and ministries. If you'd like a few copies, contact Donna Tucker. If you'd like a larger quantity, contact Bro. Tom.  


With fraternal affection,



From the Office of Sponsorship 


This report is from Dan Donnelly, director


Dear Brothers:


I wanted to remind you that the Marianist Administrators Conference will begin in St. Louis this Sunday, Oct. 26, and end on Oct. 28. We will focus on the "Principal Characteristics of Marianist Administration." For the first time, our attendees will include not only administrators of our secondary schools, but also our universities and retreat centers. We'll have more than 50 participants! 


Our administrators will deepen their understanding of what it means to live and articulate the Marianist charism as a leader of a Marianist-sponsored institution. The conference will be a great time for them to network.


Also attending: The General Administration from Rome, the Provincial Council and our Sponsorship Commission. Please keep us in your prayers.



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