Sept. 11, 2014  






Most Holy Name of Mary

Sept. 12

Death of Marie Th�r�se 1836

Sept. 14

Provincial Council

Sept. 14 - 16

Our Lady of Sorrows

Sept. 15


From Fr. Marty Solma



Dear Brothers:


General Administration 


The members of the General Administration will arrive in St. Louis on Sunday evening. They will join the West Pine staff for prayer on Monday morning, followed by a meeting with the Provincial Council. On Tuesday, they will begin their Province visitation with the communities and ministries in Hawai'i. The first part of their visit will conclude on Nov. 1 when they return to Rome for a month. They return to the Province for the first three weeks of December, ending their visit with a meeting with the Provincial Council on Dec. 19.


The General Council: Fr. Andr Ftis, Bro. Michael McAward, Fr. Manuel Cort�s and Bro. Max Magnan  
Thanks to the area coordinators who have organized visits to communities and ministries, and to the community directors who have accommodated visitation times. The GA will get a panoramic view of the life and ministries of the Province. Because they will visit each Province member, the Provincial Council will not make regular visits to communities this year. If there are any concerns about the schedule, please contact Pat Stephens.


Let's pray that their visit is a moment of grace for our Province.



I will be in Quer�taro, Mexico, for the feast of the Holy Name of Mary to install Fr. Raymundo Dom�nguez Gonz�lez as superior for the Sector of Mexico. Thanks to Fr. Raymundo for his willingness to accept this new responsibility and to Bro. Ed Longbottom who has served as superior for the past six years. Fr. Manolo Cort�s and Bro. Max Magnan will visit the Sector of Mexico as part of their Province visitation.


Antonio De Jesus Mariano and Jorge Fiscal Cota, pre-novices for the Sector of Mexico.  
In more news from Mexico, Bro. Ed Longbottom
will supervise the prenovitiate program of
Antonio De Jesus Mariano, 25, and
Jorge Fiscal Cota,
27, who took promises of the prenovitiate on Aug. 15 at the Marianist community in Amanecer Balvanera, Quer�taro. Both men are from Veracruz. The program began in August and includes 18 months of classes and workshops on many topics, including the sacraments, English, sociology, Marianist studies and the Bible. Welcome to Antonio and Jorge!

Wishing you a blessed celebration of our patronal feast on Friday, the feast of the Holy Name of Mary.





Office of Temporalities


From Brian Reavey, director of the Office of JPIC:


Bro. Jim Facette will represent our Province at the People's Climate March on Sunday, Sept. 21, in New York City. Jim is a member of the Province JPIC Advisory Committee and is very passionate about the care of our earth.


He invites us to watch a timely, compelling video on climate change called Disruption. When you have 52 minutes to spare, we recommend viewing it.   


In addition, we invite all communities to share in the Marianist
integrity of creation prayer prepared by MEEC on or around Sept. 21, the same day as the world's largest climate rally.  

Learn more about local opportunities and other Climate March
resources from GreenFaith.

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