Aug. 22, 2014  






The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Aug. 22


From Fr. Marty Solma
Dear Brothers:

St. Mary's University  


This Saturday, Aug. 23, St. Mary's President Tom Mengler and Board Chair Ed Speed will host an appreciation dinner for the Marianists in San Antonio "to express gratitude for their leadership, guidance and faithful devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and to the mission of St. Mary's University." Recognizing the invaluable contributions of many Marianists since the founding of the university, gratitude is also expressed for the ongoing support for Marianist-related initiatives at St. Mary's provided by the Marianist Trust. I will be present to celebrate this wonderful legacy.


Fr. Paul Marshall Scholarship 


The University of Dayton and our Office of Development have initiated a scholarship fund in honor of Fr. Paul Marshall. This scholarship will allow African-American students from Cleveland to attend the University of Dayton, two ministry locations important to Paul. The Province has pledged $25,000 in matching funds. Anyone interested in doing something in Paul's name or contributing to the scholarship should contact Allison Hewitt in Development.


Directors of Province Offices  


From Nov. 16-18, directors of major Province offices and programs will gather in St. Louis for sharing, formation and support. Details to come.


General Administration Visit 


As you know, we are preparing for the GA visitation of the Province. The four members of the General Council will arrive in St. Louis on Sunday, Sept. 14. After meeting with the Provincial Council, they will visit the Province, beginning with Hawai'i. Pat Stephens has done a marvelous job coordinating their travel.  


If there are expectations for ministry visits, presentations or other events, contact your area coordinator immediately to get it on the calendar. Please pray that this visit is a blessing to members of the General Administration and the Province.


Many brothers made first vows on the feast of the Queenship of Mary. Let's pray for them and for our own growth in our Marianist vocation.





From Bro. Joe Kamis


Bro. Joe Kamis Dear Brothers:


The collaborators with the Marianists in East Saint Louis celebrated a Mass of thanksgiving on Tuesday evening, Aug. 19, recognizing the services provided by the Marianists in Illinois and especially in East St. Louis. The Marianists are departing East St. Louis at the end of August.  


Special recognition was given to Bro. John Laudenbach and Bro. Norbert Karpfinger for their many years of service to the Catholic Day Care Center and other ministries in East St. Louis. Fr. Marty celebrated the Mass of Thanksgiving and Bros. Ed Brink, Jos� Ramirez, Joe Markel and I attended the celebration and dinner.


Read an article about Bro. Norb and his fundraising efforts from

The New York Times. 


Bros. Norb Karpfinger and John Laudenbach 


John and Norb will move to the Maryland Avenue Community in St. Louis in early September.




From Fr. Bill Meyer


My Dear Brothers:


Let me call to your attention two excellent webinars offered through Saint Luke Institute's 2014 "Bridge to Christ" webinar series. Most of these 60-minute webinars are broadcast live on Thursdays from 1-2 p.m. EDT. A $25 registration fee gives you access to an on-demand recording. These webinars are excellent tools for effective ministry and personal and spiritual development, and are appropriate for community discussions and retreats. Browse the offerings.   


The two offerings highlighted this month are:


"Depression 101: Practical Tips for Treatment & Support." Dr. Emily Cash (a great presenter) explores current research on treatment for depression and offers practical tips for proactive support.


"Discernment: Recognizing God's Voice Within." Sr. Carol Marozzi, SSJ, an experienced spiritual director and presenter known to many brothers who have ministered in Baltimore, offers ways to discern God's will in everyday life and strengthen our commitment to spiritual growth.   


Blessings as we begin the new ministerial year!


With fraternal affection, 




From the Office of Temporalities

Dear Brothers:


The Faith Forum on Middle East Policy, which works with the Conference of Major Superiors of Men, has issued a letter about U.S. peacekeeping efforts in Iraq. If any brother would like to sign on to endorse these efforts, email Eli McCarthy, director of justice and peace at CMSM, no later than 5 p.m. EDT this Monday, Aug. 25.


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