Aug. 7, 2014  






Dayton Jubilee

Aug. 9

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Aug. 15

The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Aug. 22


From Fr. Marty Solma
Dear Brothers:

I've spoken with Fr. Manolo Cort�s concerning the vacancy on the Council due to the death of Fr. Paul Marshall. Since there will be a consultation for Province leadership in the next few months, we've agreed to keep the composition of the Council until the consultation is completed.     


The responsibilities that Paul held, especially the oversight of our healthcare facilities, new construction and JPIC, will be shared among Council members. Financial issues should be directed to Bro. Joe Markel. Click here to view how these responsibilities are being divided up. 



Marcella Road, Cleveland


This past week, the sale of the Marcella Road house was completed. Thanks to Bro. Will Halloway and Fr. Jim Bartlett who helped bring this to completion.


Archbishop Pilarczyk


On Aug. 15, Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk will mark his 80th birthday. He lives at the home of the Little Sisters of the Poor in Cincinnati. The archbishop was very supportive of the Society of Mary during his tenure as Archbishop of Cincinnati. Please remember him in your prayers.


East St. Louis Community 


On Tuesday, Aug. 19, there will be a farewell/appreciation Mass and dinner as we close the community in East St. Louis. Bro. Joe Kamis and I will be present. The date of closing is Sept. 1, after which Bros. John Laudenbach and Norb Karpfinger will join the community on Maryland Avenue in St. Louis.  




Fr. John Thompson will follow a sabbatical program this year, composed of a variety of elements. He will live at the Chaminade Community in St. Louis.


Bro. Joe Hartzler has moved to a new facility, and Bro. Tom Redmond is talking to the facility staff about the possibility of hospice care. This does not indicate an immediate concern for Joe's life, but for the needed assistance with the activities of daily living. In the last seven months, Joe has lost 70 pounds due to his erratic eating habits and constant walking, all manifestations of his disease. Please continue to remember Joe and all our brothers who are ill.


For more than 20 years, Bro. Frank O'Donnell has served on the board of the P. Francis Murphy Initiative for Peace and Justice in Baltimore. The board for this advocacy group is being reorganized and Bro. Tom Trager has accepted our invitation to serve as our board representative. Special thanks to Frank for many years of commitment and service in the area of justice and peace.


I want to again thank Bro. Augustus Surin and the brothers in India, especially in Ranchi, for their fraternal support during the time of Fr. Paul Marshall's death. Their care and ability to "navigate the system" made the process of getting legal papers signed and the body returned to the United States less difficult than it could have been. Many thanks, brothers!


As we celebrate the feasts of the Assumption and the Queenship of Mary, both important vow dates for many of our members, let us be grateful for our jubilarians and pray for one another.






From Fr. Bill Meyer

My Dear Brothers:


Our Province formation team (Frs. Oscar Vasquez and Chris Wittmann and Bros. Charlie Johnson, Dennis Bautista, Tom Wendorf and me) attended an international formation meeting July 7 - 16 for English-speaking Marianists at our General Administration in Rome. We were joined by Bro. Ed Brink, assistant for education. Also in attendance were brothers from Eastern Africa, India, Korea, Japan and Meribah - a wonderfully diverse mix of confreres!



At Via Latina, Bro. Erick Otiende, Fr. Tom Cardone, Bros. Oscar Kerketta, Charlie Johnson, and Soko Dingiswayo

We reviewed policies from our international "Guide for Marianist Formation" and shared best practices. Participants gave presentations on their areas of expertise, including Fr. Manolo 

Cort�s (himself an experienced formator), Fr. Andr� F�tis, Sr. Susanna, assistant general for religious life of the Daughters of Mary, and Fr. Mathew Vattamattam, prefect of formation for the Claretian Missionaries, who gave an excellent presentation on holistic formation.


Fr. Chris Wittmann and Bros. Les Kaehler and Dennis Bautista


Also part of the presentations was the important topic of lifelong, ongoing formation as highlighted in our most recent General Chapter document. It was good to reflect on our significant Province efforts in renewal, sabbaticals, Lectio Divina and "Marianist Life Plans" as important parts of our lifelong formation.


While the days were long, we were blessed with unseasonably cool days for Rome in July. The rewards of a long day's work were leisurely late evening suppers (cena) on the rooftop terrace of Via Latina. We also were treated to an outing (gita) to Orvieto, a beautiful medieval mountaintop town about three hours north of Rome.


With fraternal affection,



From Bro. Ed Brink


Dear Brothers:

In last week's edition of "Notes," I reported that Fr. S�bastien Abalodo, who will be joining the faculty at IMRI, studied at the Marianum in Rome. Fr. S�bastien actually studied at the Gregorium. My apologies to Fr. S�bastien.   

Also, we are reprinting an article about Bro. Steve Glodek, because there was missing information in last week's "Notes."


Congratulations to Bro. Steve Glodek, who has been asked by the National Religious Retirement Office to direct the development of educational opportunities and resources in effective property management and utilization for those leading religious institutes. This initiative by NRRO is being funded through a three-year grant from the Hilton Foundation.  


Recognizing Bro. Steve's national status and networking, the Provincial Council supported this involvement as a contribution to religious communities in the United States. His engagement with NRRO will be extensive but not full time. Bro. Steve will continue to be involved in the Office of Formation for Mission.    


From the General Administration


New ALIVE magazine!

The new issue of ALIVE magazine is on its way to your mailbox! This issue includes the 2013 Annual Report. If you'd like more copies, contact Ann Mueller.


The Portal


The Office of Communications is working to update and improve the PORTAL. Please take a few minutes to respond to a very short survey (even if you never use the PORTAL). Thank you!

NOTE: If you've already taken the survey, we have your responses and you do not need to respond again.

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