July 3, 2014  







Province Retreat


San Antonio


June 29 -  

July 5  


St. Benedict, Abbott


July 11 



From Fr. Marty Solma

Dear Brothers:

Novice approvals   


The following 10 aspirants in the District of India have been approved for acceptance into the novitiate:



Dilip Roshan Kandulna, George Soreng, Issac Minj, Jeevan Bage, Kuldeep Kujur, Livens Peter Xalxo, Mathew Mullungi, Naiman Kerketta, Sylvester Lugun and Victor Xaxa.        


These novices will be under the direction of Fr. David Fleming, assisted by Fr. Chinnaiah Polishety, Bro. Del Jorn and the novitiate staff. Many thanks to those who have accompanied these new novices during the past year and for the dedication and commitment of the novitiate staff. Please keep these brothers and all members of the District in your prayers. 



Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies


On May 20, the University of Southern California hosted a gala dinner in honor of the 10th anniversary of the Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies (IACS). This unique research institute, directed by Fr. Jim Heft, is gaining in recognition among Catholic scholars and others. It was clear that the leadership at USC and the more than 150 guests appreciated the work of the institute and Jim's leadership.


Watch a video to get a better sense of the institute and its goals.



Leadership in the Sector of Mexico


At the beginning of the assembly for the Sector of Mexico this week, I announced the appointment of Fr. Raymundo Dom�nguez Gonz�lez as the new sector leader, effective Sept. 12. Fr. Raymundo will follow Bro. Ed Longbottom who has served generously in this capacity for the past six years. We owe Ed a debt of gratitude for his commitment and dedication.  


With the appointment of Fr. Raymundo, a new stage is being set for the development of Marianist life in Mexico. This week, members of the Sector are focusing on three goals: Marianist community life, vocation and formation ministry, and the development of a common mission and ministry. The Provincial Council is grateful to Fr. Raymundo for accepting this invitation to leadership and service among the Marianists in Mexico. Also thanks to Bro. Tom Giardino for the preparation and direction of this important meeting of the Marianists in Mexico.


Contact person


Because the Provincial Council will be out of the country from early July until around July 20, Bro. Joe Markel will be the contact for any Province business. Even though I will be in India, I will have phone and email contact with the St. Louis office.


We offer our prayers and condolences to Bro. Will Halloway on the death of his mother. Let's pray for Will and his family and the brothers in our healthcare communities.





From Bro. Joe Kamis
Bro. Joe Kamis Dear Brothers:


The Provincial Council has appointed the following as community directors. The Council appreciates their willingness to serve in this leadership capacity.


Fr. George Cerniglia as acting director for the 2014-2015 community year at the Hale Malia Community in Honolulu.


Bro. Hugh Bihl to a first term of three years as director of the Maui Marianist Community in Maui, Hawai'i. 






From Fr. Bill Meyer

My Dear Brothers:

?No estoy yo aqui que soy tu Madre?   

Am I not here who am your Mother?






After a three-hour car ride from Quer�taro, walking through the great doors of the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe with our young brothers, I looked up to see the famous words of Our Lady spoken to Juan Diego. The atmosphere was electric and palpable. Bro. Steve Glodek once wrote in a wonderful reflection about Guadalupe, that it's not about roses in mid-December, or a miraculous image on a tilma; it's really about love. And that is what makes the experience of Guadalupe so special. Every visitor has a personal experience of the love of God.


Fr. Raymundo Dom�nguez Gonz�lez arranged to celebrate the Eucharist in one of the side chapels. Afterward, we had time for prayer and an opportunity to view the tilma. This was a special opportunity to experience the loving God who calls us in our vocation to be an instrument of hope and love to our brothers and sisters. Be assured that you were remembered in our prayer, both private and at the Eucharist.


Back in Quer�taro, we continued for the next five days on retreat directed by Fr. Quentin Hakenewerth, culminating in the renewal of vows on the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul. Conferences and sharing again were bilingual.


Our heartfelt thanks to Fr. Oscar Vasquez, director of temporary professed, and Bro. Ed Longbottom for the arrangements, and to the brothers of the Mexican Sector for their warm hospitality. A special thank you to the brothers in our healthcare communities in Dayton, San Antonio and Cupertino, who accompanied us every day in their private and community prayer.


With fraternal affection,  




From Fr. Paul Marshall
Dear Brothers:


I remind community treasurers about the fiscal reports needed as soon as possible by the Office of Temporalities: the assessment calculator for the community and the community budget for fiscal year 2015. I thank those who have sent these documents.  


The year-end budget report is due in the office by July 15, 2014. This gives everyone time to reconcile their June bank statement. When that report is complete, please send a copy of the June bank statement and the June reconciliation report with the full year-end budget report.  


Your cooperation in meeting these deadlines is appreciated.  






From the Office of Communications
Dear Brothers:


Portal security 


Due to security concerns and hacking, the PORTAL is being moved to a new secure environment in the next few weeks.


In the interim, if you have information you need from the PORTAL but can't access (some brothers will be able to), please contact Ann Mueller.


In the next few weeks, you will receive a link to set up a new username and password for this secure environment.   



Notes from the Provincial Council


Due to the international travel of the Provincial Council, there will be no issues of "Notes" on July 10 or July 17.  


Thank you.     


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