June 5, 2014  







Province Retreat  



June 1 - 7


Most Sacred Heart of



June 7


Province Jubilee  Cupertino


June 7


  Immaculate Heart of Mary


June 8 




From Bro. Joe Kamis
Dear Brothers:
Bro. Joe Kamis

The following personnel assignment has been made by the Provincial Council. Best wishes to Pat. 


The Provincial Council has assigned Fr. Pat McDaid (Woodlawn Community) to the Hale Malia Community, with ministry at Saint Louis School and across the Kalaepohaku campus, effective in August. 


Also, please pray for Bro. Howie Lohrey as he continues his fight with cancer. The doctors have told him that there is nothing more they can do. The Moeller Community is providing the support he requires. Please also remember in your prayers Howie's mother and sister. 






From Fr. Bill Meyer

My Dear Brothers:


Please pray for the temporary professed of the Province (Mexico and the United States) who will be on the Stella Maris program from June 19 - 30 in Quer�taro, Mexico. The name of the program is "Hijos de Maria ... Brothers in Mission." The program will run from June 19 - 23 followed by the retreat from June 25 - 30. The brothers will go on pilgrimage to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe on June 24.  


Temporary Professed, Mexico 

Juan Manuel Azamar

Juan Pablo Espinoza Ch�vez

Rigoberto Mart�nez Hern�ndez    

Jos� Luis Gonz�lez Molina 


Temporary Professed, United States

Brandon Alana Maugaotega 

Norman Capinpin

Michael Chiuri 

Jean Dossous 

Jos� Juli�n Matos-Auffant  

Mark Motz 

Brandon Paluch 



Quentin Hakenewerth (retreat director)

Ed Longbottom 

William Meyer 

Douglas Roper (program director)

Oscar Vasquez


Quer�taro Community Members

Raymundo Dom�nguez Gonz�lez  

Esteban Reyes Dur�n

Gobi Torres Nazario 




Join Marianists around the world and pray ONE MINUTE With Pope Francis for peace.


Let us join with Marianists around the world, responding to a proposal made by Lay Marianists of Argentina, to PRAY ONE MINUTE at 1 p.m. (your time) tomorrow, Friday, June 6, for Pope Francis as he prepares to meet with President Shimon Peres of Israel and President Mahmound Abbas of Palestine this Pentecost Sunday, June 8.


With fraternal affection,  




From Fr. Paul Marshall
Dear Brothers:




Today, June 5, is an important day for everyone in our global village, but especially for those committed to living the Good News of justice, peace and integrity of creation. World Environment Day was established by the UN General Assembly in 1972 and has been commemorated in a different city each year with an international exposition through the week of June 5.  




This year's theme is: "Planet Earth is our Shared Island, Let Us Join Forces to Protect It." The aim is to raise awareness of the importance of the Small Island Development States and the urgency of the dangers threatening them due to climate change. Read more.


You are invited to join the prayer service for this day. It was developed by members of the USG/UISG Commission for Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation in Rome, and is available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.





Our Province signed an important letter in response to the release of a new Environmental Protection Agency standard to limit carbon pollution from existing power plants. There were 128 companies and 49 investors, managing $800 billion in assets, that sent letters of support to the White House administration, Senate, and House majority and minority leaders. The letters were coordinated by the nonprofit sustainability advocacy organization, Ceres.  

"As businesses concerned about the immediate and long-term implications of climate change, we, the undersigned strongly support the principles behind the draft Carbon Pollution Standard for existing power plants released today," says the company letter. "The Environmental Protection Agency's  proposed Carbon Pollution Standard for existing power plants represents a critical step in moving our country towards a clean energy economy." Read the full letter and view our Province's signature.




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