May 8, 2014  






Provincial Council Meeting


May 8 - 10


Mary, Mother of Graces & Mediatrix 


May 12



From Fr. Marty Solma
Dear Brothers:  




I've been in Rome this week, attending the Extended General Council meeting.  The presidents of the five zonal conferences met with the General Administration for three days.

Our task was to address the General Chapter's request to restructure the zones and to review the operations of the zonal conferences.

The GA conducted an initial consultation about this late last year, and we reviewed all of that material. The resulting proposal will be sent now to the zonal conferences and to the unit administrations for a second round of consultation. The hope is to have a final proposal prepared next year for consideration by the General Leadership Assembly.

Although the meetings were long and intense, I think the outcome is very positive and may open up options for growth in the Society of Mary.

At the end of the meetings, I enjoyed the largest portion of gelato I could find!

Bro. Max Magnan and Fr. Andr� F�tis will be visiting the Marianist community in Dublin over the next few days. Bro. Mike McAward will make a similar visit at the end of the month.  




Welcome to Jim Ford, the new executive director of the Marianist Retreat & Conference Center in Eureka, Mo. Jim has a long history of Catholic ministry, serving most recently as principal of Holy Rosary School in Warrenton, Mo.

Jim has served in educational leadership and campus ministry roles for more than 35 years, and recently received the 2014 "St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Principal Award" from the Archdiocese of St. Louis.   

Jim comes to this position with a deep respect for the strong foundation of this retreat ministry and brings a sense of vision and ministry for future programming. Jim succeeds Sr. Paulette Patritti, OP, who is retiring after 25 years at the Marianist Retreat & Conference Center.  




From Bro. Ed Brink

Dear Brothers:


Richard Gudel has been named the new principal at Mother Seton Academy in Baltimore, effective July 1, 2014. Sr. Peggy Juskelis, SSND, president of Mother Seton Academy, made the announcement last week. Richard has a strong background in curriculum development and supervision and has served in Baltimore County schools. He was educated by the Marianists at Chaminade High School in Mineola, N.Y.  

We welcome Richard as he prepares for his new responsibilities. Mother Seton Academy is co-sponsored by six religious orders, including the Marianists, and is a member of the NativityMiguel network of schools. 






From Fr. Paul Marshall
Dear Brothers:

"As we pause one year later to memorialize the 1,138 victims of the collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh, we are reminded of the human rights risks inherent in outsourcing apparel manufacturing to factories with inadequate safeguards to protect workers.  

"We, the undersigned investors, renew our appeal to apparel brands and retailers to use the full measure of their influence to respect and protect the human rights of workers throughout their global supply chains, and to provide remedies when those rights have been violated."  



These are words that begin a statement prepared by the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) published two weeks ago on the one-year anniversary (April 24) of the Rana Plaza building collapse. We as a Province, together with 133 other investors holding a combined $4.1 trillon in Assets Under Management, signed the statement supporting the dignity of every human person, just laws and wages, and peaceful systemic change.    


We as a Province continue to engage companies regarding issues of social responsibility, integrity of creation, the human right to water, and human trafficking. Read the full statement.  





Our representation at the United Nations via our Marianists International NGO continues under the leadership of Brian Reavey. We remain active in important discussions and subcommittees involving social development, integrity of creation, eradication of poverty and human trafficking. We invite you to join an important NGO-led effort know as "Social Protection for All."  


Social protection is a set of policies and programs that provide social security on a broad basis. It is recognized by international labor standards and by the United Nations as a basic human right. The four basic guarantees are access to essential health care, income security for children, assistance for unemployed, underemployed and people living in poverty, and income security for the elderly and disabled.


Sign the international Social Protection petition, and read the informational flier for ways to get involved.



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