Feb. 20, 2014  






Province Assembly Committee

St. Louis


Feb. 21 - 23



Spiritual Renewal Workshop



Feb. 28  


March 1 



From Bro. Ed Brink 
Dear Brothers:


With Ash Wednesday just around the corner, you may wish to visit the North American Center for Marianist Studies to obtain resources for your Lenten spiritual reading.

NACMS offers a free 30-day trial that provides access to all its resources. Sign up for the trial membership, and you'll have access to publications such as these:

Bro. Steve Glodek shares his insights on the beatification of Blessed William Joseph Chaminade. He states that our founder reminds us that "who we are is Christ -- broken, crucified, and risen. We are to be that face and love of God for all God's people."
The late Bro. Donald Boccardi, known for his musical ability, turned to song lyrics to probe spirituality in the modern era. In particular, he refers to "Into the Woods," by Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine.
Fr. Marty Solma uses images from the wedding feast of Cana, explores "being sent," as well as God's superabundance of love found in water and wine. He places particular emphasis on Mary's example as a model for religious discernment.


In January, Bro. Brian Halderman began a new ministry as associate director for service learning at the University of Texas at San Antonio. He continues as an adjunct faculty member at St. Mary's University. Our best wishes to Brian.

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